Good News, Short Version

Good News, Short Version

சுருக்கமான வருணனை: Short Bible stories from Genesis through the ascension. How to become a follower of Jesus. 40 sections.

உரையின் எண்: 395

மொழி: English

கருப்பொருள்: Sin and Satan (Temptation, Deliverance, Light/Darkness, Sin, disobedience, Satan (the devil)); Christ (Jesus, Our Substitute, Resurrection of Jesus, Son of God, Saviour of Sinful Men, Birth of Christ, Ascension, Sacrifice / Atonement, Death of Christ, Life of Christ); Eternal life (Salvation, Eternal / everlasting life, Broad & Narrow Ways); Character of God (Love of God, Holy Spirit, Grace and Mercy, Nature, character of God, Word of God (the Bible), Power of God / Jesus); Living as a Christian (Fruit of the Spirit, Prayer, petition, New Nature, Worship, Witnessing, Church, Christianity, Second Birth, Obedience, No other gods, idols, Peace with God, Leaving old way, begin new way, Forgiveness, Faith, trust, believe in Jesus, Peace (between men), Children of God, Family, relationships, Spiritual Life, Christian values); Life event (Death); Bible timeline (Creation, Law of God, End Time, Second Coming, Gospel, Good News, People of God); Problems (Materialism, Evil Spirits, demons, Fear, Problems, troubles, worries)

சபையினர்: General

பாணி: Monolog

பகுப்பு: Bible Stories & Teac

செயல்நோக்கம்: Evangelism

வேதாகம மேற்கோள்: Extensive

நிலை: Obsolete

உரையின் எழுத்து வடிவம்

Good News, Short Version 1991.
Language Recordings Inc.

Hello friends. (Local cultural greeting.)
Come and listen to this Good News.
Look at the picture book and listen carefully.
Remember, when you hear this sound (beep, music, etc.) look at the next picture (Signal)

Picture 1. In the Beginning. (Genesis 1:1-4; Psalm 90:2)
In the beginning of time, only God existed and everything else was dark.
God is good and rules over everything.
As you see in this first picture,
God made the world and commanded the light to shine.
He made the sun to rule the day and the moon to rule the night. (Signal)

Picture 2. The Word of God. (Isaiah 45:18-19; Hebrews 4:12)
The Book in this picture is called the Bible.
It is the Word of God and it tells us about God and His ways.
God loves all people.
We are separated from God
but the Bible reveals the only way for us to be reconciled to Him.
These (true) stories are all from the Bible. (Signal)

Picture 3. Creation. (Genesis 1:1-25)
God made everything by His Word. He made everything good.
He formed the land and the mountains, the sea and the rivers.
Then He created all living things, the fish in the water,
birds in the air and all the animals.
God was pleased with everything He had made, for it was all good.

Picture 4. Adam and Eve. (Genesis 1:26-31, 2:7-3:24)
Then God made the first man and the first woman.
He called them Adam and Eve.
He gave them authority (control) over all He had made.
They were God’s friends and they spoke with Him in the garden where they lived.
God gave them permission to eat any of the fruit except the fruit from one tree.
In the (left) picture, you see them disobeying God by eating the fruit which was forbidden.
They sinned and broke their fellowship (friendship) with God.
In the (right) picture, see how God punished Adam and Eve
by sending them out of the garden.
Since that time, all people have had to work hard to obtain food to eat.
They have also experienced pain, sickness and death. (Signal)

Picture 5. Cain and Abel. (Genesis 4:1-16; Romans 3:23)
Adam and Eve had 2 sons, named Cain and Abel.
Cain was jealous of Abel and one day killed him.
God punished Cain for his sin as He punished Adam and Eve.
We are descendents (children) of Adam and Eve and we have all sinned, too.
Sin separates from God. We deserve punishment for our sin. (Signal)

Picture 6. Noah’s Ark. (Genesis 6:1-22; 2 Peter 3:9)
Many generations (years) went by and there were many descendants of Adam.
These people also sinned and disobeyed God.
The sin of the people became so great
that God decided to destroy them by a great flood.
There was only one man who loved and obeyed God. His name was Noah.
God told Noah to build a big ship.
God was going to save Noah and his family in this ship.
Noah preached about God’s righteousness all the years he was building the ship.
The people would not believe Noah’s warnings.
They would not turn from their evil ways and be saved from the flood.

Picture 7. The Flood. (Genesis 7:1-24)
When God told him, Noah put animals and birds of every kind into the ship.
Noah and his wife, their 3 sons and their wives also entered the ship.
Then God shut the door.
He sent very heavy rain, and water from under the ground,
and flooded the earth.
It was too late for anyone else to be saved.
Noah and his family inside the ship were safe,
but all those outside were drowned.
Noah was saved because he believed in God and obeyed Him. (Signal)

Picture 8. Abraham, Sarah and Isaac. (Genesis 9:7-19, 12:1-7, 17:1-8,
18:1-15, 21:1-7).
Many generations (years) passed and the descendants of Noah became many tribes.
Abraham was a man who loved and obeyed God.
God promised Abraham that his descendants would become a great people.
Abraham and his wife, Sarah, did not have children
but they believed God’s promise.
This picture shows they had a son when they were very old
and they called him Isaac.
Abraham and Isaac were ancestors of Jesus Christ,
who came to save the world. (Signal)

Picture 9. Moses and the Law of God. (Genesis 19:1-25, 34:27-32)
The descendants of Abraham became a great people called Israel.
Moses was a descendant of Abraham who also believed and obeyed God.
One day, God called Moses to a mountain
and gave him His laws to teach the people.
This picture shows Moses coming down from the mountain
with the laws of God written on stone.
God wants everyone to obey His laws (commandments). (Signal)

Picture 10. The Ten Commandments. (Exodus 20:1-17)
Here are some of the laws (commandments) God gave to Moses.
They teach us to love and obey the one true God.
Beginning (at the top left picture) we see that we must not worship idols
or images of animals or other things.
We must worship the one true (Creator) God.
(In the next picture) the father, mother and children
are worshipping God together.
All people should set aside one day each week to worship.
(Next) Children must obey and honour their parents.
(In the next picture on the bottom left)
God’s law says that we must not murder.
(Next) We must not take another man’s wife (commit adultery).
(In the last picture) we must not steal
or covet (want to steal) another person’s goods.
God commands us to keep His laws. (Signal)

Picture 11. Sacrifice for Sin. (Leviticus 4:27-28, 32-35; John 1:29)
In those days, when a man sinned (by breaking the laws of God)
he had to sacrifice (offer) a lamb to God.
The lamb died in place of the offender.
The lamb was a symbol (picture) of God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus was going to come and die as a sacrifice to God
for all the people in the world.
He is the “Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.”
Jesus became the sacrifice for our sin by dying on a wooden cross.
Believe in Jesus Christ, confess your sin,
repent (turn away from sin) and God will forgive you, too. (Signal)

Picture 12. A Saviour Promised. (Luke 1:26-38, Matthew 1:18-25)
Now let us hear how Jesus Christ was born.
A long time ago, God promised to send a Saviour.
(In the left picture) you can see an angel
who came from heaven to a young woman called Mary.
Mary was a virgin engaged (promised in marriage) to Joseph.
The angel told her,
“God’s Spirit will come upon you and you will become pregnant.
You will call the baby Jesus, the Son of God.”
(Leave out “Son of God” in Muslim areas.)
(As you see in the right picture)
the angel also appeared (spoke) to Joseph in a dream.
The angel said, “Joseph, don’t be afraid to take Mary as your wife.
She is pregnant through the power of the Holy Spirit of God.
The baby’s name is to be Jesus (which means Saviour).
He will save His people from their sins.”
Joseph obeyed God
(and he did not sleep with Mary until after the baby was born).
(Not necessary to state this in some cultures.) (Signal)

Picture 13. The Birth of Jesus. (Luke 2:1-20)
Joseph and Mary had to travel to a town called Bethlehem.
When they got there, there was no room for them.
Every house was full of people
so they had to stay in a stable (cattle shed).
There Mary gave birth to the baby Jesus.
That night an angel appeared to some men (shepherds)
who were watching their sheep in the field nearby.
He told them of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.
Then many angels appeared in the sky singing and praising God.
The men (shepherds) went to see the Saviour. (Signal)

Picture 14. Jesus as Teacher. (Luke 2:39-52; Mark 6:30-34)
In the picture on the left we see Jesus when He was 12 years old.
He is talking about God with the teachers and leaders of Israel
listening and asking questions.
They were surprised at His great knowledge of God.
The picture on the right shows Jesus when He grew to be a man,
teaching people about God.
Some people believed His teaching and obeyed Him.
Other people did not believe and opposed Him.
God wants us to believe and follow Jesus. (Signal)

Picture 15. Miracles of Jesus. (Mark 8:22-26; 5:21-24; 35-43; 6:45-52)
These pictures show the great power which Jesus had to perform miracles.
On the left, Jesus touched a man who had been born blind, and he could see!
The middle picture shows him raising a dead child to life again
as her father and mother watch.
Finally, we can see Jesus walking on (top of) the water.
He is going to His disciples (followers) who are out in their boat.
The Lord Jesus did many miracles like these to show he is God’s Son.
Jesus is able to help us too, by the power of His Spirit. (Signal)

Picture 16. Jesus Suffers. (Matthew 27:1-2, 11-14, 26-31)
Jesus did many wonderful things and many people followed Him.
Jesus was kind, healed the sick and taught God’s way.
He came to save lost, sinful people.
However, wicked people hated Jesus when He said that they were sinful.
The leaders of the people were jealous of Jesus.
They did not believe that Jesus was the Son of God.
They arrested Him, told lies about Him and beat Him.
They put (a crown of) thorns on His head, spat on Him and mocked Him.
He allowed evil men to hurt and kill Him.
Jesus came to die as a sacrifice to God
to take the punishment for the sins of all people. (Signal)

Picture 17. Jesus is Crucified. (Mark 15:21-39; 1 Peter 2:21-24)
Soldiers nailed (the Lord) Jesus to a wooden cross.
They stood the cross upright in the ground,
and Jesus hung there until He died.
Two criminals were also crucified (killed like this) with Jesus.
In those days, it was the custom to kill criminals in this cruel way.
But Jesus had never done anything wrong.
He became the sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people.
We all have sinned and we should die for our sins.
Jesus received the punishment which we deserved.
If we confess we are sinful and truly turn from our sins,
God can forgive us.
Believe in (follow, accept) the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.

Picture 18. The Resurrection (Luke 23:50-24:9)
The enemies of Jesus thought they had destroyed Him, but this was not so!
After Jesus died on the cross, His friends put His dead body in a cave.
They closed the entrance of the cave with a big stone.
Two days passed and on the third day Jesus rose form the dead.
When some women came to the grave
they found the stone rolled away and Jesus had gone.
Two angels were there and told them that Jesus was alive.
“He is not here. He is risen,” they said.
When Jesus rose from the dead, He proved (clearly showed that) He is God.
Jesus is still alive today and He is stronger than Satan and death.

Picture 19. Thomas Believes. (John 20:19-31)
After Jesus rose from the dead,
many of His disciples (followers) saw Him, and spoke and ate with Him.
Thomas, one of Jesus’ disciples (followers),
could not believe that Jesus was alive again.
He said, “Until I see His nail wounds and touch them, I will not believe.”
We see in the picture that Jesus came and showed Thomas His wounds.
Thomas had no more doubts. He fell down before Jesus and said,
“My Lord and my God.”
Jesus said, “Blessed are those who have not seen Me and yet believe.”

Picture 20. The Ascension. (Acts 1:1-11)
for 40 days after Jesus rose from the dead,
He appeared to people many times. Many people saw that he was alive.
Now it was time for Jesus to go back to His Father in Heaven.
He had finished the work He came to do.
Jesus told His disciples (followers)
to tell everyone everywhere this good news.
The disciples watched as Jesus left the earth and went up to Heaven.
Two angels (men in white) appeared
and told the disciples that one day Jesus would return from Heaven
in the same way He went.
Until that time comes, Jesus remains in Heaven.
He is preparing a place in Heaven for all those believe and follow him.
Now, what about you? Will you believe and follow Jesus:
Will you be ready to meet Him? (Signal)

Picture 21. The Empty Cross. (John 19:38-42; I Peter 3:18)
Why did Jesus die on the cross?
Jesus died to save sinners from the punishment of sin.
Jesus never sinned,
but He died to take away the sin that separates us from God.
The cross reminds us
that Jesus was the spotless (holy, sinless, pure) Lamb of God.
He was sacrificed for us.
When we believe in Jesus and repent (turn from sin), God forgives our sins.
Jesus makes us God’s children (friends again).
The following pictures will help you understand
what it means to be a believer (Christian, follower of Christ). (Signal)

Picture 22. The Two Roads. (Jeremiah 21:8; Matthew 7:13-14)
Jesus taught that there are 2 roads.
Everyone is on the wide road of sin that leads to destruction (fire, Hell).
We all have a sinful nature inherited from Adam.
Jesus said that we should enter the narrow road
which leads to God in Heaven.
If a person in this life believes in Jesus and follows Him,
he receives everlasting life.
He goes from the wide road to the narrow road which leads to Heaven.
There is no judgment for sin for those on the narrow way.
If you decide to follow Jesus you can speak to God (in prayer) like this:
“God, I confess that I am sinful.
I believe that Jesus died on the cross to pay for my sin.
Forgive and cleanse me (my heart) and make me one of Your family.
I want to follow Jesus’ way of life,
and after death, I want to live with You in Heaven. Thank You, God.”

Picture 23. God’s Children. (John 14:6, 3:16, 6:37-40)
In this picture you can see Jesus welcoming people
from every tribe and nation and language.
They believed in Him and now they are children of God.
They are on the narrow way which leads to Heaven.
The children of God are like a family,
all united together in the Lord Jesus. (Signal)

Picture 24. Born Again. (John 3:1-18; Romans 8:9-17)
One night, a teacher of religion, called Nicodemus,
came to Jesus to learn more about God.
Jesus told him that everyone who wants to belong to God’s family
(go to Heaven) needs a new life. It is like being born again.
We have no power to change ourselves.
The Holy spirit of God gives us a new life
when we believe and follow Jesus.
We become new people, the people of God. (Signal)

Picture 25. The Holy Spirit Comes. (Acts 2:1-21, 37-39; John 14:15-27)
These people are Jesus’ disciples (followers).
Before Jesus went back to Heaven,
He promised to send them the gift of His Holy Spirit.
Ten days after Jesus returned to Heaven,
these people (disciples) were all gathered together.
Suddenly, God’s Holy Spirit came and filled them all
as Jesus had promised.
The disciples received power to speak in different languages
to tell others about the wonderful things God had done.
God’s Spirit lives in all true believers
and gives them power to love (and obey) Jesus. (Signal)

Picture 26. Walking in the Light. (John 3:19-21, 8:12, 12:35, 36, 46)
Before a person believes in Jesus,
he is like this man walking in the dark.
He stumbles and often falls into sin because he has no light to guide him.
When we trust in the Lord Jesus,
we become like the man walking on a straight road on a sunny day!
Jesus said, “I am the Light of the world.
If a man follows Me, he will not walk in darkness.”
God gives His Holy Spirit
to (help and) teach all believers His way of life. (Signal)

Picture 27. A New Person. (Ephesians 4:22-24; Galatians 5:16-26)
A believer (Christian, follower) in Jesus Christ is a new person
and obeys the Word of God.
He is thankful that god has forgiven his sin.
A believer does not commit adultery, fight (quarrel) or steal,
or worship idols or other gods (or spirits).
The Holy Spirit gives the believer power to turn away from evil things
and to do good things. (Signal)

Picture 28. The Christian Family. (Ephesians 5:21-6:4; 1 Peter 3:1-9)
Look at this family who are walking in God’s way.
This is what the Word of God commands.
They help (encourage one another
and teach (bring up) their children to love God and obey His word.
The Christian family (believers) must pray and work together for God.

Picture 29. Love Your Enemies. (Matthew 5:43-44; Luke 10:25-37; 1 John 3:14-18)
Jesus taught His followers (disciples) to love all people,
even their enemies.
We should help anyone in need, even people of other tribes.
Jesus told a story about a man who was travelling to another town.
Robbers attacked him and beat him up.
A man from another tribe found the badly injured traveler.
He cared for (helped) the man because he was in need.
He did not ask payment.
Jesus said we are to do good things like this, too. (Signal)

Picture 30. Jesus is the Powerful One. (Matthew 6:24; Acts 19:18-20; Psalm
115:1-8; I John 4:4)
These men are burning idols and charms (fetishes).
They believed in them before they became followers of Jesus (Christians).
But Christian believers must get rid of everything
that belongs to Satan and evil spirits.
The Lord is more powerful than Satan, evil spirits,
idols or fetishes (witch doctors’ charms).
We believers do not need to fear Satan.
We must ask only God to help and protect us. (Signal)

Picture 31. Casting out Evil Spirits. (Mark 5:1-20; Acts 16:16-28)
In this picture we see a man filled with (possessed by) evil spirits.
Ropes and chains could not hold him
because the evil spirits (demons) inside him were very strong.
Jesus commanded the evil spirits (demons) to come out of the man
and they did!
This man was healed (freed)
and went to tell his friends what Jesus had done.
Jesus has much more power than evil spirits.
Satan and evil spirits must all obey Jesus.
If you are disturbed by evil spirits,
ask other believers to pray with you.
Ask the powerful Lord Jesus Christ to send them away.
If we love and obey Jesus, He lives in us.
His power protects us and Satan cannot harm us.

Picture 32. Temptation.
(Matthew 6:24; 1 Corinthians 10:1-14; 1 Timothy 6:3-12)
This picture shows a believer being tempted to stop following Jesus.
Satan wants us to forget God and always to think about things like money,
clothes, tobacco, immorality, and strong drink.
Satan says these things will make us happy,
but he is a liar and tries to deceive and destroy us.
The believer is able to resist temptation
when he looks to (trusts) Jesus and follows Him. (Signal)

Picture 33. If We Sin. (Luke 15:11-32; 1 John 1:7-9)
Jesus told this story:
“A young man left home, went far away and did many evil things.
He committed adultery, wasted all the money his father had given him
and sinned greatly.
After his money was finished, a severe famine came
and he became very poor and hungry.
He was sorry for his sin and returned to his father to ask forgiveness.
His father loved him greatly, and he received the young man back again.”
This story tells us that if we sin,
we must be truly sorry and turn from our sin.
Because God loves us so much, He can forgive our sin
and receive us back again. (Signal)

Picture 34. Sickness. (2 Kings 20:5,7; 1 Peter 5:6-10; James 5:14-16)
This man and woman are looking sad (worried)
because their relative is very ill.
What can God’s people do if they become sick?
They can pray to God and believe that he will do whatever is best.
God is able to heal the sick man if He wills
or help him find the correct medicine.
God loves us and controls all that happens to His children.
God protects the believer from Satan, so we must not be afraid of him
Jesus is with us to give peace in times of trouble. (Signal)

Picture 35. Death. (1 Thessalonians 4:13-14, 5:9-11; Revelation 14:13)
We all know that one day we will die. But what happens to us then?
The Bible (Word of God) says when a believer dies,
his spirit goes to be with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Friends should not be overcome with grief.
We must not fear death
because we know that God loves us and has saved us from sin.
Unbelievers do not have this wonderful hope of lie with God after death.
They go to the place of punishment.
Where will you go when you die? (Signal)

Picture 36. The Body of Christ. (Ephesians 4:4-16; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27)
Each part of our body has its own task.
the eye is for seeing, the ear for hearing,
and the mouth for talking and eating.
All the parts of the body work together.
If one part is sick or hurt (injured) the whole body suffers (feels it).
God says that believers are parts of one Body (called the Church).
Jesus is the Head of that Body.
God has work for every believer to do (for example: preaching, singing,
teaching, framing or cooking).
Each must work for the Lord Jesus to help the whole Body be strong.
all believers must love each other and work together
or the Body of Christ will suffer. (Signal)

Picture 37. Meeting for Worship.
(Hebrews 10:23-25; Colossians 3:15-17; 1 Corinthians 11:23-34)
All believers should meet together regularly to worship God.
We should learn from God’s Word (the Bible), sing hymns and pray.
We should also bring gifts for the work of God.
God also commands us to remember the death of the Lord Jesus.
Here we see believers (God’s people)
sharing bread and drink (local equivalent).
the bread reminds us of the body of Jesus
which was broken (on the cross) for us.
The drink reminds us of His blood
which was shed to save us from sin. (Signal)

Picture 38. Jesus Will Return. (John 14:2-3; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:4)
One day the Lord Jesus will suddenly return from Heaven,
just as He promised.
He will come to get all true believers (God’s family).
Jesus will raise up all of God’s people who have died.
Their graves will be empty.
God’s people who are still alive will go with them
We will all meet the Lord Jesus in the air and stay with Him forever.
The unbelievers will be left behind to face the judgment of God.
We do not know just when Jesus will return,
but we should be prepared (ready and waiting).
Are you ready to meet the Lord Jesus if He returns today? (Signal)

Picture 39. Bearing Fruit. (Matthew 7:15-20; John 15:1-16; Galatians 5:22-23)
As the fruit tree in this picture produces fruit,
a believer (Christian) produces the fruit of the Spirit.
Jesus said, “I am the vine (tree). You are the branches.
If you stay in Me and I am in you, you will bear much fruit.”
God’s Holy Spirit lives and works inside us to produce love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
humility and self-control in our lives.
If the branches of the tree do not bear fruit they are cut down.
They die and are burned.
The followers of Jesus are to produce much fruit
and this glorifies (honours) God, our Heavenly Father. (Signal)

Picture 40. Witnessing. (Matthew 28:16-20; Mark 16:14-20; Acts 1:8)
Jesus commanded all believers (Christians) to go
and tell others the wonderful news
that they can be saved from sin and Hell.
This picture shows a believer obeying Jesus and telling others about Him.
God’s Holy Spirit will help (empower) us to witness for Christ.
You can explain to others what you have learned from this picture book.


Copyright 1991
Gospel Recordings World Fellowship /
Language Recordings Inc.
Private Mail Bag 19, CASTLE HILL, NSW 2154

Language Recordings Int
P.O. Box 40181
Pasadena, CA 91114

Basic Bible Teaching

These bible pictures and commentary have been designed to bring the Gospel Message and basic Christian teaching to non-literate people

The Pictures are available in booklets for individual use, and flipover charts, filmstrips or slides for teaching in group situations. They are clear and brightly coloured to attract those who may not be used to visual teaching presentations. However, as the pictures are shown, one should ask questions about them to assess the comprehension of the audience. An explanation of picture content may be necessary.

The recorded commentary in the local language is designed to be played along with each picture. Stop the recording after one or after a few pictures for discussion and fuller explanations as necessary. Local pastors may wish to use the pictures and commentaries to illustrate their fuller teaching.

The Written Script is a basic guideline for translation and recording in other languages. Words and phrases shown in parentheses are alternative wordings which may be sued or omitted. The Script should be adapted to different cultures and languages to make it relevant to each area where it is used. Some terms and concepts used may need a fuller explanation (or even be omitted) in different cultures. Appropriate local stories and applications may be added to the scripts to better illustrate the basic teaching of each picture-story.

When Recording the commentary in different languages, use language helpers with clear voices, who will be recognized with respect in the local community. Local music and songs may be added between pictures. Avoid using non-Christian music which may have inappropriate associations. Leave enough pause-space after the signal or instruction to turn the page (about 4 seconds).

Non-literate language helpers may be used, and an oral translation done in small sections at a time. It is important to receive a verbal back-translation of each section following the recording, preferably by a local person other than the language helper, to ensure that the correct message has been given on the tape!

Language Recordings Inc. would appreciate comments concerning this material.

தொடர்புடைய தகவல்கள்

இலவச பதிவிறக்கங்கள் - இங்கே நீங்கள் GRN இன் முதன்மையான செய்தி உரைகளை பற்பலமொழிகளில், படங்கள் இன்னும் தொடர்புடைய உபகரணங்களையும் பதிவிறக்கம் செய்ய கிடைக்கிறது.

"நற் செய்தி" ஆடியோ- காட்சி - உலக தோற்றமுதல் கிறிஸ்து வரை வேதாகமத்தை ஒரு கண்ணோட்டமாக வைத்து 40 படங்கள் அடங்கிய ஆடியோ காட்சி தொகுப்பாக வழங்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. இதில் கிறிஸ்தவ வாழ்க்கையின் இரட்சிப்பின் செய்தியும் மற்றும் அடிப்படை போதனைகளையும் உள்ளது. மேலும் இது 1300 மேற்பட்ட மொழிகளில் கிடைக்கிறது.

ஆடியோவுடன் கூடிய காட்சி வளங்களை எப்படி பயன்படுத்துவது - 1: சுவிசேஷம் பகிர்ந்துகொள்ளுதலை எளிதாக்குதல் - இந்த பகுதி GRN இன் ஒலியுடன் கூடிய காட்சி வளங்களை எப்படி பல்வேறு வழிகளில் சிறப்பாக ஊழியத்தில் பயன்படுவது பற்றி ஒரு அறிமுகத்தை கொடுக்கிறது.

GRN கேட்பொலியுடன் கூடிய காட்சி வளங்களை பயன்படுத்துவது எப்படி - 2: ஆழமாக செல்லுதல் - இந்த கட்டுரையில் மக்கள் எப்படி கதைகள் மூலம் கற்று கொள்கிறார்கள் மேலும் ஏன் கதைகளில் நிறைய வருணனை இருப்பதில்லை என்பது பற்றியும் விளக்கம் கொடுக்கிறது.

GRN இன் ஆடியோ நூலகம் - சுவிஷேஷத்திற்கும் வேதாகம அடிப்படை போதனைகளுக்கும் தேவையான உபகரணப் பொருட்கள் மக்களின் தேவைக்கும் கலாச்சாரத்திற்கும் பாணிகளுக்கும் ஏற்ற விதத்தில் பல்வேறு வடிவமைப்புகளில் அமைந்துள்ளது.

Choosing the audio or video format to download - What audio and video file formats are available from GRN, and which one is best to use?

Copyright and Licensing - GRN shares it's audio, video and written scripts under Creative Commons

Creating DVDs using the GRN Slide show Videos - How to burn DVDs for specific people groups you are trying to reach