Light on our Way

Light on our Way

சுருக்கமான வருணனை: Conversation of a father with his family, giving appropriate Scripture to each: a son, a small child, himself, a grandmother, and a mother.

உரையின் எண்: 079

மொழி: English

கருப்பொருள்: Character of God (Word of God (the Bible)); Living as a Christian (Obedience, Spiritual Growth, Victory, Joy, happiness, rejoicing, Family, relationships); Sin and Satan (Heart, soul of man)

சபையினர்: General

பாணி: Multiple voices

பகுப்பு: Messages and Fiction

செயல்நோக்கம்: Teaching

வேதாகம மேற்கோள்: Extensive

நிலை: Approved

இந்த விரிவுரைக்குறிப்பு பிறமொழிகளின் மொழிபெயர்ப்பிற்கும் மற்றும் பதிவு செய்வதற்கும் அடிப்படை வழிகாட்டி ஆகும். பல்வேறு கலாச்சாரங்களுக்கும் மொழிகளுக்கும் பொருத்தமானதாக ஒவ்வொரு பகுதியும் ஏற்ற விதத்தில் இது பயன்படுத்தப்படவேண்டும்.சில விதிமுறைகளுக்கும் கோட்பாடுகளுக்கும் ஒரு விரிவான விளக்கம் தேவைப்படலாம் அல்லது வேறுபட்ட கலாச்சாரங்களில் இவை தவிர்க்கப்படலாம்.

உரையின் எழுத்து வடிவம்

Father - 1. "Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my pathway." (Ps.111:105)

Son - 2. That word is from the Bible, is it not, Father?

1. Yes, my son. And the Bible is the Word of God to show us His way. It has a message for each one in our family.

2. Does it really? I am a young man - what does it say to me?

1. Here are words especially for you, my eldest son. "How shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to Thy Word." Ps. 119:9. And His Word shows us the path of righteousness. It is the only way for a Christian. It is the one way that leads a man to happiness in this life, and to a home in heaven. Hear these words - they are very strong. The Lord Jesus said, "Out of the heart come forth evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, false witness, railings. These are things which defile the man." (Matt. 15:19, 20a) "Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, which you have from God; and you are not your own, for you are bought with a price; glorify God therefore, in your body." (I Cor. 6:l9, 20)

2. Yes, indeed these are words that show the way.

Child - 3. And Father, what message does God have for small children?

1. For you also, my youngest son, God's Word has a message. Hear these words. Jesus said, "Allow the little children to come unto Me." (Mark 10:14) "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honour your father and your mother, that it may be well with you." (Eph. 6:1-3) And there are many other words that even the very young may follow.

3. I am happy to hear these words.

1. And to fathers, God's Word says, "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." (Prov. 22:6) "Teach My words to your children, talking to them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way." (Deut. 11:9)

Grandmother - 4. I am hearing words that show the way for me in this home. I must have God's strength in order to follow them.

1. That is true. God's Word is full of light for each one of us. And there are many words that are for all of us alike. As for instance these words: "Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake has forgiven you." (Eph. 4:32)

Mother - 5. That is a good message for us all, my husband. Just this morning I was teaching it to our younger son.

2. And I was thinking, Father, about this verse which we may all consider together. "Your Word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against You." (Ps. 119:11) How happy we are to have a Saviour Who talks with us through His holy Word, and Who walks with each one of us, so that we may be enabled to truly follow His way. We may not be a wealthy family, but we have great happiness and true riches because we have the Lord Jesus Christ in our midst. His joy fills our hearts with singing.

தொடர்புடைய தகவல்கள்

ஜீவனுள்ள வார்த்தைகள் - இரட்சிப்பை பற்றியும் கிறிஸ்தவ ஜீவியத்தை பற்றியும் GRN ஆயிரக்கணக்கான மொழிகளில் வேதாகம செய்திகளை ஆடியோவில் சுவிஷேச செய்திகளாக கொண்டுள்ளது.

இலவச பதிவிறக்கங்கள் - இங்கே நீங்கள் GRN இன் முதன்மையான செய்தி உரைகளை பற்பலமொழிகளில், படங்கள் இன்னும் தொடர்புடைய உபகரணங்களையும் பதிவிறக்கம் செய்ய கிடைக்கிறது.

GRN இன் ஆடியோ நூலகம் - சுவிஷேஷத்திற்கும் வேதாகம அடிப்படை போதனைகளுக்கும் தேவையான உபகரணப் பொருட்கள் மக்களின் தேவைக்கும் கலாச்சாரத்திற்கும் பாணிகளுக்கும் ஏற்ற விதத்தில் பல்வேறு வடிவமைப்புகளில் அமைந்துள்ளது.

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