Ahab Covets Naboth’s Vineyard

Ahab Covets Naboth’s Vineyard

சுருக்கமான வருணனை: 1 Kings 21:1-29

உரையின் எண்: 1321

மொழி: English

சபையினர்: General

பகுப்பு: Bible Stories & Teac

செயல்நோக்கம்: Evangelism; Teaching

வேதாகம மேற்கோள்: Paraphrase

நிலை: Approved

இந்த விரிவுரைக்குறிப்பு பிறமொழிகளின் மொழிபெயர்ப்பிற்கும் மற்றும் பதிவு செய்வதற்கும் அடிப்படை வழிகாட்டி ஆகும். பல்வேறு கலாச்சாரங்களுக்கும் மொழிகளுக்கும் பொருத்தமானதாக ஒவ்வொரு பகுதியும் ஏற்ற விதத்தில் இது பயன்படுத்தப்படவேண்டும்.சில விதிமுறைகளுக்கும் கோட்பாடுகளுக்கும் ஒரு விரிவான விளக்கம் தேவைப்படலாம் அல்லது வேறுபட்ட கலாச்சாரங்களில் இவை தவிர்க்கப்படலாம்.

உரையின் எழுத்து வடிவம்

Title Ideas:Ahab wants Naboth’s garden.Consequences for coveting.Mercy in judgment for those who repent.Jezebel’s evil work.

After Israel split into two countries, Ahab became king in the northern country [called Israel]. There was near his palace a vineyard [garden] that belonged to another man, and Ahab wanted that vineyard for himself [as his own].

The other man’s name was Naboth. One day, Ahab said to Naboth, “Sell [to] me your vineyard, or let me give [to] you a better vineyard in exchange for this one!”

Naboth replied, “I must neither sell nor exchange this vineyard, for [because] it is an inheritance from my ancestors [fathers]!”

So Ahab became angry and went [back] into his palace. He was so upset [angry] that he lay down on his bed without eating his meal.

His wife Jezebel came to his chamber [room] and asked him, “Why are you so upset? Why did you not [want to] eat your meal?”

Ahab replied, “When I asked Naboth to sell [to] me his vineyard, he refused to do so!”

She asked [replied], “You are king over all Israel, so act as a king! Rise and eat! Cheer up [Be glad]! I shall obtain [seize / take / get] Naboth’s vineyard for you!”

Jezebel wrote letters to several town officials [leaders], signing them with Ahab’s name and stamping [marking] them with Ahab’s royal seal [mark].

The letters read [said], “Tell the people in this town to gather for a day of fasting [without eating]. Give Naboth an honorable place [seat]. Give two other men places near Naboth.

When the people of the town gathered, the leaders gave to Naboth an honorable place. They also gave places to two other men facing Naboth’s place.

When everyone was there, the two other men accused Naboth, saying aloud, “We are witness! We heard Naboth curse God and curse the king!”

So the leaders seized Naboth and dragged him outside the town. There they threw stones at him until he died. (That was the [legal] punishment for those who cursed God or cursed the king.)

Afterwards, the town leaders sent a messenger to Jezebel, saying, “Naboth is dead!”

Immediately, Jezebel said to King Ahab, “Naboth is dead. So go [seize / take] his vineyard for yourself [as your own]!”

The same day, the Lord spoke to the prophet Elijah, saying, “Go to Naboth’s vineyard. You will see Ahab there, for he has gone to seize the vineyard for himself!”

When Ahab saw Elijah, he shouted, “My enemy! How did you know where to find me?!”

Elijah replied, “I knew where to find you, because the Lord was watching when you did evil against Naboth!

“You murdered Naboth so you could steal his inheritance. So God will destroy your inheritance. All of your sons and their sons will die [violently, early in life]!”

“You have also made the Lord very angry with you and with your country [people], because you have begun [continued] to worship false gods [idols]!

“One day, dogs will lick your blood at the same place where they licked Naboth’s blood! And dogs will eat Jezebel’s dead body by the palace wall [near Naboth’s vineyard]!”

When Ahab heard Elijah’s words, he became sorry [sorrowful]! He showed his sorrow by tearing his clothes, by wearing sackcloth, and by not eating.

The Lord spoke to Elijah again, saying, “Ahab has repented [humbled himself], so I will not kill his wife and sons before his [own] death. I will, instead, kill them during his son’s lifetime!”

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