Achan’s Sin and the Battle of Ai

Achan’s Sin and the Battle of Ai

சுருக்கமான வருணனை: Joshua 6:17-19; 7 and 8

உரையின் எண்: 1294

மொழி: English

சபையினர்: General

செயல்நோக்கம்: Evangelism; Teaching

Features: Bible Stories; Paraphrase Scripture

நிலை: Approved

இந்த விரிவுரைக்குறிப்பு பிறமொழிகளின் மொழிபெயர்ப்பிற்கும் மற்றும் பதிவு செய்வதற்கும் அடிப்படை வழிகாட்டி ஆகும். பல்வேறு கலாச்சாரங்களுக்கும் மொழிகளுக்கும் பொருத்தமானதாக ஒவ்வொரு பகுதியும் ஏற்ற விதத்தில் இது பயன்படுத்தப்படவேண்டும்.சில விதிமுறைகளுக்கும் கோட்பாடுகளுக்கும் ஒரு விரிவான விளக்கம் தேவைப்படலாம் அல்லது வேறுபட்ட கலாச்சாரங்களில் இவை தவிர்க்கப்படலாம்.

உரையின் எழுத்து வடிவம்

Title Options:Achan’s sin causes trouble [disaster] for many people.Achan steals [things] and is condemned. God punishes sin.

When the Israelites were going to attack Jericho, Joshua said to them, “Completely destroy the town [city] as a sacrifice for the Lord!

“Do not take anything from the city as loot [treasures for yourselves], lest the Lord destroy you!

“You must set apart for the Lord everything made from silver, gold, bronze, or iron [every metal thing].

“If anyone takes something for himself, then the Lord will punish us all!”

But an Israelite soldier named Achan stole some things for himself in Jericho.

Later, Joshua sent some men to spy [look at / observe secretly] another town called Aï.

Those men came back and reported [said] to Joshua, “Aï is a little town, so you do not have to send a big army! Two or three thousand men will be able to defeat Aï!”

So Joshua sent a small army of three thousand men to attack Aï.

But the men from Aï fought against the Israelites and killed thirty-six Israelite soldiers.

When the Israelites heard that men from Aï had chased away Israelites soldiers, they were discouraged.

So Joshua and the Israelite leaders tore their clothes to show that they felt sorrow [sad] for the Israelite men who died.

They lay face down before the Lord’s Covenant Box until sundown.

Joshua prayed to God, “O Lord, it is you who led us across the Jordan River, so why have our enemies have defeated us?

“When other Canaanites hear about this, they will not honor [fear] your great name!”

The Lord replied to Joshua, “Rise up! Do not lie there with your face on the floor [ground]! This happened because some Israelites sinned against me.

“They stole some things that they were supposed to set apart for me. That is why you could not overcome your enemies.

“You will not be able to defeat your enemies, until you return to me the stolen things!”

Next morning, Joshua ordered, “All the Israelite tribes must assemble [gather] before the Lord [outside the camp]!”

The Lord then showed to Joshua that the man who had robbed [from] God came from the tribe named Judah, and from a certain clan [named Zerah].

Next the Lord showed that the man was from a certain family [named Carmi], and that the man’s name was Achan.

Joshua said to Achan, “Young man, give honor to the Lord by telling the truth about what you did Confess your sin against the Lord!

Achan replied, “It is true! I am the man! In Jericho, I saw some clothes, some silver and gold.

“I wanted [coveted] them, so I stole [took] them! I have buried them in the ground inside my tent!”

Joshua sent some men to search Achan’s tent. By digging they found the stolen items hidden in the ground, and brought them to Joshua.

Then Joshua led the Israelites and Achan to a valley. They also brought Achan’s family, his livestock and all his possessions [belongings / things].

All the people were watching and listening when Joshua said to Achan, “You caused [brought] trouble [disaster] to us Israelites, so now the Lord will cause [bring] trouble [disaster] to you!”

The people threw stones at Achan, at his family, and at his livestock, until they were all dead. Next, they burned their bodies and all their belongings.

Finally, they piled stones over their ashes, so that the people would remember what happened to Achan because of his sin.

Now, the Lord was no longer angry with [against] the Israelites, so he said to Joshua, “Lead your soldiers against Aï [again], for I will defeat its king, people, and land.

“Hide some soldiers [Set an ambush] behind Aï. After your soldiers shall have destroyed Aï, [this time] you may take [keep] their livestock and everything else that you will find there!”

During the night, Joshua sent 30,000 soldiers, saying, “Hide [in ambush] near the city!”

Next morning, Joshua led other soldiers to a place where the people in Aï could see them.

The king over Ai and his soldiers ran out from their city to attack the Israelite soldiers whom they could see.

Joshua and the soldiers with him pretended [feigned] to be afraid. From in front of Ai town, they ran away. The king over Ai and his soldiers chased after them.

All of the men ran out from [left] Aï, leaving it without help [defense].

The Lord then said to Joshua, “Point your spear towards Aï, for I am giving the city to you Israelites!” As soon as Joshua pointed his spear, the other Israelite soldiers who were hiding in ambush ran into Aï.

The Israelite soldiers quickly captured Aï, and then set it on fire [burned it]. Smoke from the fire rose into the sky.

At the same time, Joshua and the Israelite soldiers with him stopped running, turned around and attacked the men from Aï [who were outside the town] chasing Joshua’s men [soldiers]. And, the Israelite soldiers inside the town ran out and attacked the men from Aï.

Thus [that is how] Israelite soldiers captured the king from Aï and led him to Joshua.

That day, the Israelite soldiers killed about 12,000 Canaanites from Aï.

The Israelite soldiers took [kept] all the livestock and precious metals that they found in Aï. Then they burned the rest of the town, so that it became [a burned heap] ruins.

Joshua ordered some soldiers, “Hang the king by his neck from a tree. Leave his body there until sundown!”

That evening, they threw down the king’s body near the gateway to Aï, and they piled stones over the king’s dead body.

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ஜீவனுள்ள வார்த்தைகள் - இரட்சிப்பை பற்றியும் கிறிஸ்தவ ஜீவியத்தை பற்றியும் GRN ஆயிரக்கணக்கான மொழிகளில் வேதாகம செய்திகளை ஆடியோவில் சுவிஷேச செய்திகளாக கொண்டுள்ளது.

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GRN இன் ஆடியோ நூலகம் - சுவிஷேஷத்திற்கும் வேதாகம அடிப்படை போதனைகளுக்கும் தேவையான உபகரணப் பொருட்கள் மக்களின் தேவைக்கும் கலாச்சாரத்திற்கும் பாணிகளுக்கும் ஏற்ற விதத்தில் பல்வேறு வடிவமைப்புகளில் அமைந்துள்ளது.

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