How to Worship God

How to Worship God

Đề cương: Emphasis on trusting and obeying God, and not praying to anyone but God (Jesus). Mentions saints and images. Ends with brief mention of Christ's death, resurrection, ascension, and invitationto come to Him. Needs revision to have more logical sequence.

Số kịch bản: 156

ngôn ngữ: English

Chủ đề: Sin and Satan (Sin, disobedience); Christ (Saviour of Sinful Men); Character of God (Love of God, Nature, character of God); Living as a Christian (Prayer, petition, Worship, Second Birth, No other gods, idols, Leaving old way, begin new way, Forgiveness); Bible timeline (Creation)

Khán giả: Animist; Catholic; General

Kiểu dáng: Monolog

Thể loại: Exhortation

Mục đích: Evangelism

Trích dẫn Kinh Thánh: Minimal

Trạng thái: Approved

Bản văn này là một hướng dẫn cơ bản cho dịch và thu âm trong các ngôn ngữ khác. Nó phải được thích nghi với nền văn hóa và ngôn ngữ để làm cho nó phù hợp với từng khu vực, nơi nó được sử dụng khác nhau. Một số thuật ngữ và khái niệm được sử dụng có thể cần một lời giải thích đầy đủ hơn hoặc thậm chí bị bỏ qua trong các nền văn hóa khác nhau.

Kịch bản

God made everyone and everything. He can hear you talk when you talk to Him. He can help you. The Father and Jesus Christ are God.

God loves you. He wants you to love Him. If you love God, you will not want to do wrong things. God is sorry when you do bad things. It makes you feel sad when you do wrong. God says, "Come out from all evil sins and customs and habits. Leave them behind. Don't have anything to do with them and I will receive you. I will be a Father to you and you will be my sons and daughters."

Those who become God's children are new people. The evil things they loved before, they do not love any more. Jesus said, "Verily, verily I say unto you, you must be born again." When we receive Jesus, we are born anew. We are born of God. We have God's life in us. That is why we wish to please God and obey Him.

Ask Jesus to save you from sin. Sin means to lie, to steal, to say bad words, to think bad thoughts. It is sin to worship any other God. We must only pray to God, in the name of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the door. He is the way to Heaven. You must never worship or kneel to anyone but God. Our God is the Father, the Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Remember never to name on your lips any other God in prayer.

Only God can forgive sins. Jesus Christ shed His blood for us on the cross so that our sins could be forgiven. Without the shedding of the blood of Christ, we could not be saved.

You can pray to God yourself. Jesus and the Holy Spirit take your prayers direct to God. No one else can do that. Never pray to saints or pictures or images. They cannot help you. They cannot even talk or walk. God is the only One Who can help you. There is only this one name by which we can be saved. That name is Jesus Christ. Call upon the name of Jesus and you will be saved.

Turn away from your sins. Tell God you are sorry you have been bad. Thank Him for sending Jesus to this earth to suffer and die for you. Jesus Christ rose up from the grave and talked to His friends, then they saw Him rise into the air and go up to heaven. He is alive in heaven with God now. He is praying there for you. He understands you. He says "Come to Me, and I will not push you away." Say, "Jesus, I come to you, make me your child. I believe."

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