Prayer Guide for GRN Thailand August 2024

இந்த பக்கம் தமிழில் கிடைக்கவில்லை.

Dear Prayer Partners,

"God tells us to rejoice when good things happen to us and when we experience troubles," said Pastor Ithipon. He suffered from a stroke last year and has paralysis down one side in his arm and leg. One of our MGT brothers, Sombat met him in the hospital last year and has been wanting to visit him in his village. Lot, Boy and I picked up Sombat a few days ago, and together we traveled in our GRNT truck 4 hrs to Pastor Ithipon's home in the mountains. We were the ones blessed to witness his attitude of acceptance of his difficult situation and how he is doing what he can to improve by prayer, helping others and being faithful to do therapy in his own home. "Thank you for coming," Pastor Ithipon said as we left.

Please rejoice with us in the good and the difficult as you lift our prayer requests to God through the month of August. We are so thankful for your partnership.

Jon Rulison

Prayer Guide for GRN Thailand August 2024

1) (Thur) Pray for Pastor Ithipon, to increase in strength where he is paralyzed.

2) (Fri) Nyah Kur and Isaan Groups: Please pray for the following: 1) B's relatives in Ireland to want to trust in Jesus, 2) A good visit as G's daughter (Wendy) and grand-daughter (Megan) visit B on the 2nd of August, 3) Thep to fear God and be a good example to his wife, and 4) Wisdom and strength for all of the pastors and church leaders as they follow up new believers, and good health for all.

3) (Sat) Please pray for Lot and Boy to complete the editing and processing of the Moken New Testament recordings and for God's guidance and blessing for the distribution of the recordings in October to Moken in South Thailand.

4) (Sun) Thai Song Dam (from Suphanburi Province) and other groups: Please pray for the following: 1) The children who come to the Good News clubs on Saturdays to consistently listen and learn, and to grow in the Lord, 2) Wisdom for Pastor Chalao and Ploy as they care for the new believers and do visitation, 3) Good health for the church members, especially the elderly, 4) Many mothers in the community to hear and understand the Gospel at the evangelistic Mother's Day event on 11 August, 5) God's blessing on Kwan and Nam Phet as they will be baptized on 4 August, and 6) Good health and strength for Ploy, in the process of getting braces as she will have jaw surgery.

5) (Mon) Phu Thai and other groups in Sakhon Nakhon and Mukdahan Provinces: Please pray for the following: 1) Wisdom and grace for the team who follows up new believers, 2) The goal of the evangelism ministry to be achieved, namely the salvation of 70 people, 3) Strength and safety for Pastor Wichai who currently travels a lot in his ministry to various locations, and 4) Wisdom and good health for Pastor Meesak and his family as they serve God.

6) (Tue) Lawa in Pae Village: Please pray for the following: 1) Strength, good health and encouragement for Dough and his mother as they work in their fields and gardens, 2) Good health for Chat, See and baby Esther, and for See to be a good example as she walks with the Lord, 3) Unity and good health for all of the church members, and 4) Healing for Bua Rueng, a handicapped lady who has leg pain.

7) (Wed) Please pray for Jaew to have strength and good health. Also continue to pray that the documents for the continuation of board members of SOLF will be approved soon by the government office.

8) (Thur) Vietnamese Thai prayers requests: Praise the Lord that the Korean friends' visit to Thailand went well, and that Pastor Tam's mother-in-law is healthy again. He and his wife had a blessed time in other countries. Please pray for wisdom and safety traveling to Northeast Thailand to encourage people there, for their son Joshua's future ministry, and for all the leaders and elders to continue to be healthy both physically and spiritually.

9) (Fri) From Dan and Na Tisdale in the USA: ''Please pray that all four of us will know Jesus more than ever before... Ephesians 3:16-19 "I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord's holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge-that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God."

10) (Sat) Getting good expression from language helpers in the recording process is not easy! We want to help our recordists with this, since they already have so much to do setting up a local studio and operating the recording equipment. So we (Jon & Clair) will go along with our recordists, Lot & Boy during the first week of September to help them get best expression from our Nyeu language helper, Po. She will be explaining the meaning in stories coming from the 40 picture series we call the Good New Audio Visual. Pray for Po as she thinks through the content for each picture and prepares for that week of work together.

11) (Sun) From Boy's family: Please pray for the following: 1) Strength and wisdom for Boy and Aom as they serve the Lord and good health for their family, 2) Boy and Aom to consistently abide in Christ and to be good examples to their children and neighbors, and 3) The provision of finances to continue building the house for Boy's family.

12) (Mon) Thank God for the opportunity MGT had to visit a Karen pastor named Ithipon in a rural area, who has suffered from a stroke. The MGT team was encouraged by him when he shared how God has used his affliction to teach him things, such as to spend more time with God than in ministry. Pray for MGT and all of us to apply this truth as well.

13) (Tue) Isaan and other Groups: Please pray for the following: 1) Strength, good health and wisdom for Pastor Supote and his wife as they serve God, and good income as they sell sweets, 2) Good health and strength for June and her family and good income from selling sweets, 3) A church to be planted in Nawang district in Nong Bua-lam-phu Province, 4) Wisdom, good health and sufficient finances for Pastor Prasit and his family and good income from selling sweets, 5) Good health for Bee and safety in travel as she goes to her monthly health checkup, and 6) The church members to grow and seek the Lord more.

14) (Wed) So Thavung Group: Thank the Lord that Pastor Lek and Pastor Aphisit's family have encouraged Grandma Khin's family often. Please pray for the following: 1) Good health for Grandma Khin, Grandma Khun, Khan and all of the elderly villagers, 2) God to encourage Khan who lost her yucca crop due to too much water from the neighbor's land, 3) Strength, wisdom and fruitfulness for Pastor Lek as he serves God in various ministries and as he follows up the new believers in the So Thavung village, and 4) Finances to repair the church building.

15) (Thur) Ugong Group: Please pray for the following: 1) Good health for everyone in the village, 2) All of the villagers who have heard the Gospel to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior, and 3) Pastor Chalao and her team to have time to visit and follow up the Ugong people.

16) (Fri) Yoy and other groups: Please pray for the following: 1) Wisdom for Da and her husband as they take a Bible test on 17 August, 2) Safety and God's blessing in taking church members to revival meetings at Song Dao Church on 18 August, and 3) Good health and strengthened faith for the church members.

17) (Sat) Phu Thai Renu and other groups: Please pray for the following: 1) The churches to be able to make helpful products they can sell for income, 2) The believers to evangelize and make disciples first among their relatives, and on to people in every district, 3) The proclamation of the Gospel to have enduring fruit in every district, and 4) Good health for all of the church members.

18) (Sun) From Lot's family: Please pray for the following: 1) Wisdom for Lot and Muang as they serve the Lord, 2) Good health for their three children and for them to walk closely with the Lord, and 3) Healing and effectiveness from treatment for Rappon as she receives artificial sunlight treatment twice a week for chronic sores on her hands and feet from a skin infection.

19) (Mon) Phu Thai Nakae and other groups in Nakhon Phanom: Please pray for God's help and blessing on the following: 1) Meetings of the Provincial Protestant Church Coordinating Committee for all of Nakhon Phanom Province with 22 churches attending, 2) The "Art hour activity" as ministry to the youth and children, 3) The restaurant ministry to help the community, 4) Planting a new church in Wang Yang District, 5) Planting churches in every subdistrict, 6) Wisdom and grace to follow up interested people and new believers, 7) The youth group studying English with Pastor David, 8) The "One leads two" ministry, and 9) Good health for all of the leaders.

20) (Tue) Nyaw Group: In late August GRNT plans to visit the 4 Christian Nyaw in Northeast Thailand. Please pray for GRNT to be able to encourage them in their walk with the Lord.

21) (Wed) From Joshua and Gloria: Please pray for the following: 1) Both of them to be strengthened physically and spiritually, 2) The Holy Spirit to shape and guide the W3 youth ministry and the Love Touch Ministry, 3) The construction of Esther Center to be completed and for the center to be used for the glory of God, 4) God to send youth who can be trained at the center, and 5) Paul and Kwang to be led by the Holy Spirit so their newlywed life is happy and according to God's will.

22) (Thur) GRNT's ministry partner who helped reach out to the Mpi people, Pastor Piek is having to relocate his church and ministry center to a different building in Chiangkham district town. Please pray for financial provision for monthly rent and other needs and for God's blessing on him in his ministry to people in that area.

23) (Fri) The recording team of ministry partners (not GRN staff) in a nearby country: Praise God that the team finished recording in the SD language. Please pray for the following: 1) Wisdom and accuracy to edit and process the SD recordings, 2) The distribution of these recordings in the future, 3) The Gospel Listening team leaders as they train local leaders to use MP3 players in the central part of the country this month, and 4) Wisdom and good health for all their team

24) (Sat) Please pray for wisdom, strength, good health and a deeper understanding and confidence in Christ's love for Anabel's handicapped contacts: 1) Oat, 24 years old, doing university studies at home where he helps in the local elementary school library, 2) Nueng, 28 years old, graduated university in 2021, currently living at home and working online, 3) Kaewfah, 29, renting a small house in Nan province, studying her last subject from home to complete her Bible school studies and sharing God's word when she has opportunity, and 4) Njua, 50 years old, lives in her Hmong village, has a bed sore and arm that hurts.

25) (Sun) Thai Song Dam Group in Kanchanaburi Province: Please pray for the following: 1) Sufficient finances to build the "House of blessing" and safety for the construction workers, 2) The children to grow in their faith in the Lord, and 3) Good health and strength for Pastor Song.

26) (Mon) We want to be aware of media work that is being done by other media ministries in the same languages we are working in. That way, we can avoid duplicating effort, and we can help the people who speak those languages to know about all the materials that are available to them, not only the ones GRN creates. Pray that we'll be able to learn about the work of others, and organize the information in a way that's helpful to many people. 

27) (Tue) At the end of June and during July, Jon and Clair have met online with most of the GRN teams throughout Asia which will be participating in the training we'll hold in Chiang Mai next February. Many good ideas emerged as we talked with them. Pray that God will guide us to the most useful topics to focus on during the 9 days that we all concentrate on Language Research, Culture Research and Content Development, and to dynamic ways to approach these topics together. 

28) (Wed) Pray for sufficient finances to have a Christian camp for Urak Lawoi children in October this year in partnership with the Urak Lawoi believers. Pray also for improved health and strength for Urak Lawoi Pastor Ahlin.

29) (Thur) In the past GRN has trained recordists to carry out many steps in order to make audio recordings of the Gospel. Realizing that a "recording team" may carry out those steps with greater quality, we are looking to other staff to be trained in how to do some of those steps. Pray for our GRNT team as we consider how to carry out this change.

30) (Fri) From the GRNT IT Team: Please pray for wisdom for GRNT staff in checking the office equipment and making needed repairs so that everything runs well with no problems.

31) (Sat) Kerry & Von are in the USA for home assignment and plan to return to Thailand in December 2024. Pray for good health, wisdom and safety as they continue to visit prayer partners and supporters in the USA.

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