Mga Video mula sa Global Recordings Network sa ibat ibang panig ng mundo.
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The Plan
What was God thinking?
Bible-based Bridge Materials
Audio-visual bridge materials help to create a visual frame of reference
Recording Adventure: Gunbalanya NT
GRN has been recording in Gunbalanya since 1954 - here's the latest project
We Are GRN
We live to bring them in, bring them to the one, every nation, every tribe, every tongue
Download 5fish!
5fish is an essential cross-cultural tool to help you share the Gospel
5fish - Not just for Evangelism
Vivian tells of her unique story of using the 5fish app at a hospital
- Their heart was opened - a 5fish testimonial - Korean missionaries using 5fish to overcome the language problem
- 5fish at a Wedding - Six different nationalities seated on a table, but only one phone app needed.
- GRN Australia June 2022 Update - Tumi Tiger learning to minister to Ukrainian kids * Recording and training in an African country we can't name
- GRN Australia May 2022 Update - Church planting in Timor-Leste * Year of 5fish celebration dinner
- GRN Australia April 2022 Update - Cagayan Valley, Philippines * Script Translation * Churches born * Studio plans
- 5fish Guide for Evangelists - Learn how you can use the 5fish app to share the story of Jesus with someone in their heart language.
- 5fish Guide for Listeners (Android version) - An Android user guide in video form for the 5fish app
- 5fish Guide for Listeners (iPhone version) - An iPhone user guide in video form for the 5fish app
- GRN Australia March 2022 Update - Remastering * Recording Arabic and Aboriginal English * Training videos * 5fish update * UI translation * File Server * Sharing the workload
- What's had the biggest impact on your Christian growth? - We benefit from more resources than we could possibly use in our lifetime
- GRN Australia February 2022 Update - Recordings for the Vision Impaired * International Leadership Team meeting * The Bible in 'Click' languages
- Songwriters Workshops - GRN in the Outback - Noel Bachelor tells the story of GRN songwriters workshops held in Darwin for many years
- GRN Australia January 2022 Update - Culiacan Outreach in Mexico * Covid-19 Impact * Outreach and Recording in a sensitive location
- Gospel Recordings in America, 1960s - How records were used to spread the gospel from the earliest days of Gospel Recordings (GRN)
- Merry Christmas from GRN Australia - What's been going on in 2021?
- GRN Australia December 2021 Update - 5fish in Liverpool church * Recent recordings * GRN on Mindoro Island
- GRN Australia November 2021 Update - Margaret Shares 5fish * 2022: The Year of 5fish * Picture Books Get Shipped
- GRN Australia October 2021 Update - Thai Trip in the New Ute * Happenings in the Australian office * Tumi Tigers in South Africa
- GRN Australia September 2021 Update - Patricia spreads 5fish in PNG * Ready for our AGM in Australia * Strife and Outreach in Nigeria
- GRN Medical Outreach in Nigeria 2021 - A booster for the work of GRN in Nigeria
- Pray with us online - Information about the monthly online prayer meeting for GRN in Australia and around the world
- Silent Night in 7 Languages - Seasons greetings from GRN Australia
- GRN Medical Outreach in Nigeria 2020 - Featuring Dr Joshua Gyede Giyan Ndom
- Meet Lulu - Lulu comes from a small village with no Christians. She speaks a minor language, and has no Bible in her language. How will Lulu find out about Jesus?
- GRN COVID-19 Update - See what's happening at GRN during the pandemic
- Recording in Colombia - See what our Recordists do in this video of a recent Gospel recording trip to Boro Boro in the Choco region of Colombia
- Telling the Story of the Story Tellers - A short video with Kenny explaining the history and work of GRN.
- Why record the gospel in every language? - There are over 12,000 languages in the world - Geoff explains the importance of GRN's mission to record them
- Aboriginal Recording Projects - Recording in Australian Aboriginal languages
- Joy Ridderhof Interview (historic) - "I've seen tinned soup, tinned beans, but not till now have I seen tinned missionary." - one of the first people to hear the gospel on record
- Timorese Tetun Dili speakers hear GRN recordings - Amy shares a story about Timorese Tetun Dili speakers hearing the Good News in their own language in Northern Ireland.
- Andrew Kanu (GRN Sierra Leone) - Andrew Kanu - GRN Sierra Leone talks about the passion one man has for his people who are yet to accept Jesus
- Recording an Unreached Language - Chucho from GRN Mexico, speaks about the challenges and joys of recording a language for an unreached people group.
- Video: Western Arrarnta Recordings - Simon speaks about the recordings done in Western Arrarnta language.
- Andy Chapman - Musicianary - Musicianary Andy Chapman testifies to the role GRN recordings play in breaking thorugh barriers of illiteracy.
- Compare the Pair - Compare the effectiveness of two Christians on short term mission. One with GRN's resources and one without.
- Wildlife Storytellers Video - Unique spiritual tools to help you and your ministry partners share the Gospel and comfort children across the globe
- About GRN - International Director Graydon Colville - Graydon shares on GRN's goal to see the good news of Jesus in every language variety on earth.
- Meet Gary - Gary could be you or I. He's a Christian who wants to make a difference but isn't sure how. Then he finds out about Global Recordings Network.
- GRN USA - 75 years of God's Faithfulness - An overview of the ministry of Global Recordings Network, celebrating 75 years of taking words of life to over 6000 language varieties throughout the world.
- About GRN - Animation - GRN has made recordings of the Gospel in thousands of language varieties that don't have the Bible translated or where there are many who don't read.
- Malawi - Lucy and Anton Speak About Using GRN's Materials - Anton and Lucy Meyer interview about using GRN materials in Malawi, and their first impressions on joining GRN.
- Storytelling - Why does GRN use it? - Telling stories is a powerful way to stir hearts and imaginations and to pass on key information from one generation to another.
- Your Invitation to Serve - GRN exists to help share the story of Jesus with those who are still to hear it. View this video on how you can serve with GRN.
- Be Trained as a GRN Recordist - Interested in being a GRN recordist? Watch to learn more.
- Brief History of GRN - Since 1939 GRN has been working to reach the smallest language groups with the Good News of Jesus Christ in their own language through audio recordings.
- What We Do at Global Recordings Network - GR who? Global Recordings Network has played a strategic role in providing many unreached with access to the gospel in audio form. Watch this brief summary of what we are all about.
- Tungkul sa GRN - maikli - Ang buod ng pangitain at misyon ng Global Recordings Network para abutin ang mga hindi pa naaabot
- Uu's Story - A personal report of GRN's impact on a small Thai people group.
- Do you know about me? - Two thirds of the world can't, don't or won't read. GRN enables them to hear the good news of Jesus in their own language.
- Bible Pictures from GRN - Global Recordings Network has hundreds of large Bible pictures in full colour and in black & white outline.
- A first glimpse of the Saber player (historic) - The Saber player is a hand wind MP3 player currently in development by GRN. This video shows some of the prototypes in action.
- Proyecto Culiacan - Trabajo en Culiacan Sinaloa Mexico en el 2007
- GravacoesBrasil - God's story told in the language of the people of Brazil.