
Kaalaman tungkul sa Tsile

Region: The Americas
Capital: Santiago
Population: 19,630,000
Area (sq km): 756,626
FIPS Country Code: CI
ISO Country Code: CL
GRN Office: GRN Offices in the Americas

Map of Tsile

Map of Tsile

Mga wika at dayalekto na sinasambit sa Tsile

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Huilliche [Chile] - ISO Language [huh]

Mapudungun [Chile] - ISO Language [arn]

Spanish: Latin America [Colombia] [spa]

Lupon ng mga Tao sa Tsile

Alacaluf ▪ Americans, U.S. ▪ Arab ▪ Atacameno ▪ Aymara, Central ▪ Basque ▪ British ▪ Chilean ▪ Chinese, general ▪ Deaf ▪ French ▪ German ▪ Greek ▪ Huilliche, Southern Mapuche ▪ Italian ▪ Jew, Spanish Speaking ▪ Latin American, general ▪ Mapuche ▪ Quechua, Chilean ▪ Rapa Nui, Easter Islander ▪ Russian ▪ Serb ▪ Spaniard ▪ Turk ▪ Yamana