Tshabela Pholosong [Flight To Freedom] - Sotho, Northern
รหัสรายการ: 66432
ความยาวของรายการ: 49:09
ชื่อภาษา: Sotho, Northern
Tshabela Pholosong
For Jack and Thabo crime is a way to make a living while poverty previals and opportunities are few. They’re involved with drug dealing and armed robbery. One day Jack shoots a security guard. He persists in his ways, while Thabo eventually starts to show signs of doubt: Does crime pay in the long run ... The local primary school teacher plays a big role to help Thabo make an important decision in his life. This would effect the lives of his whole family and many more for the better. This video is distributed by GRN with the permission from Mema Media.
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