
ข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับ กัวเตมาลา

Region: ทวีปอเมริกา
Capital: Guatemala City
Population: 18,092,000
Area (sq km): 108,889
FIPS Country Code: GT
ISO Country Code: GT
GRN Office: GRN Offices in the Americas

Map of กัวเตมาลา

Map of กัวเตมาลา

ภาษาและสำเนียงที่ใช้ใน กัวเตมาลา

  • Other Language Options

ค้นพบ 54 ภาษา

Achi: Cubulco [Alta Verapaz] [acr]

Achi: Rabinal [Alta Verapaz] [acr]

Akateko [Huehuetenango] - ISO Language [knj]

Awakateko [Huehuetenango] - ISO Language [agu]

Cakchiquel: Oriental [Huehuetenango] [cak]

Cakchiquel: Patzun [Guatemala] [cak]

Cakchiquel: San Martin Jilotepeque [Guatemala] [cak]

Cakchiquel: Santa Maria de Jesus [Guatemala] [cak]

Cakchiquel: Solola [Guatemala] [cak]

Cakchiquel: Sur de Sacatepequez [Guatemala] [cak]

Cakchiquel: Xenacoj [Guatemala] [cak]

Cakchiquel: Yepocapa & Acatenango [Guatemala] [cak]

Ch'orti' [Guatemala] - ISO Language [caa]

Chuj [Huehuetenango] - ISO Language [cac]

Chuj: San Sebastian Coatan [Huehuetenango] [cac]

Ixil [Guatemala] - ISO Language [ixl]

Ixil: Chajul [Quiche] [ixl]

Ixil: Cotzal [Quiche] [ixl]

Ixil: Nebaj [Quiche] [ixl]

Jakalteko: Eastern [Huehuetenango] [jac]

Kakchikel: Chimaltenango [Guatemala] [cak]

Kanjobal: San Juan Ixcoy [Huehuetenango] [kjb]

Kaqchikel [Guatemala] - ISO Language [cak]

K'iche' [Guatemala] - ISO Language [quc]

Kiche: Cunen [Guatemala] [quc]

K'iche': West Central [Guatemala] [quc]

Lacandon: Lacanja [Mexico, Chiapas] [lac]

Mam [Huehuetenango] - ISO Language [mam]

Mam: Comitancillo [Huehuetenango] [mam]

Mam de Tacaneco [Huehuetenango] [mam]

Mam: Northern [Huehuetenango] [mam]

Mam: Ostuncalco [Huehuetenango] [mam]

Mam: Tajumulco [Huehuetenango] [mam]

Mam: Todos Santos Cuchumatán [Huehuetenango] [mam]

Poqomam: Central [Chiquimula] [poc]

Poqomam: Oriental [Chiquimula] [poc]

Poqomam: Sureno [Chiquimula] [poc]

Poqomchi' [Alta Verapaz] - ISO Language [poh]

Poqomchi': Occidental [Alta Verapaz] [poh]

Poqomchi': Oriental [Alta Verapaz] [poh]

Q'anjob'al [Huehuetenango] - ISO Language [kjb]

Q'eqchi' [Alta Verapaz] - ISO Language [kek]

Quiche: Chichicastenango [Guatemala] [quc]

Quiche: Chiquimula & Momostenango [Guatemala] [quc]

Quiche: Joyabaj [Guatemala] [quc]

Quiche: San Andres Sajacabaja [Guatemala] [quc]

Sakapulteko [Quiche] - ISO Language [quv]

Sipakapense [San Marcos] - ISO Language [qum]

Spanish: Latin America [Colombia] [spa]

Tectitec [Huehuetenango] - ISO Language [ttc]

Tz'utujil [Solola] - ISO Language [tzj]

Tz'utujil: Eastern [Solola] [tzj]

Tzutujil: Western [Solola] [tzj]

Uspanteco [Quiche] - ISO Language [usp]

กลุ่มคนใน กัวเตมาลา

Achi, Cubulco ▪ Achi, Rabinal ▪ Aguacatec ▪ Americans, U.S. ▪ Arab, Palestinian ▪ Black Carib ▪ Cakchiquel, Central ▪ Cakchiquel, Eastern ▪ Cakchiquel, Northern ▪ Cakchiquel-Quiche, Mixed Language Speaking ▪ Cakchiquel, Santa Maria de Jesus ▪ Cakchiquel, Santo Domingo Xenacoj ▪ Cakchiquel, South Central ▪ Cakchiquel, Southern ▪ Cakchiquel, Southwestern, Acatenango ▪ Cakchiquel, Southwestern Yepocapa ▪ Cakchiquel, Western ▪ Chicomuceltec ▪ Chorti ▪ Chuj, San Mateo Ixtatan ▪ Chuj, San Sebastian Coatan ▪ Deaf ▪ Guatemalan White ▪ Han Chinese, Cantonese ▪ Ixil, Chajul ▪ Ixil, Nebaj ▪ Ixil, San Juan Cotzal ▪ Jacalteco ▪ Jew, Spanish Speaking ▪ Kanjobal, Eastern ▪ Kanjobal, Western ▪ Kekchi ▪ Kiche, Central ▪ Kiche, Cunen ▪ Kiche, Eastern Chichicastenango ▪ Kiche, Joyabaj ▪ Mam, Central ▪ Mam, Northern ▪ Mam, Sacatepequez ▪ Mam, Southern ▪ Mam, Tajumulco ▪ Mam, Todos Santos Cuchumatan ▪ Maya, Mopan ▪ Maya-Tektitek ▪ Pocomam, Central ▪ Pocomam, Eastern ▪ Pocomam, Southern ▪ Pocomchi, Eastern ▪ Pocomchi, Western ▪ Quiche, Sacapulteco ▪ Quiche, San Andres ▪ Quiche, Sipacapa ▪ Quiche, West Central ▪ Sipacapeno ▪ Tacaneco ▪ Tzutujil ▪ Tzutujil, Western ▪ Uspantec

ข่าวเกี่ยวกับ กัวเตมาลา

Guatemala: GRN recordings got there first! - Personal account from missionaries: ". . .before the missionaries were able to get the language written down, Gospel Recordings had been there. People were hearing the Word from the recordings!"