Opnames van hierdie skrip: TLC Lesson 10 - The Light of the World
Wys items 1 tot 10 van 10
Kikuyu; Gikuyu [Kenya] - The Living Christ - Lessons 10 - 12
Kissi, Northern: Teng [Guinea] - TLC Lesson 10 - The Light of the World
Kono [Sierra Leone, Eastern] - TLC Lesson 10 - The Light of the World
Limba, East: Northern [Guinea] - TLC Lesson 10 - The Light of the World
Limba, West-Central: Western [Sierra Leone, Northern] - TLC Lesson 10 - The Light of the World
Loko [Sierra Leone, Northern] - TLC Lesson 10 - The Light of the World
Saraiki: Multani [Pakistan, Punjab] - Gospel Messages
Singpho [India, Assam] - Jesus, the Light of the world
Swahili [Kenya] [Kenya] - The Living Christ Lessons 10 - 12
Swahili: Tanzania [Tanzania] - Words of Life 1