unfoldingWord 32 - Etilib Yesu Tihoni lowon ho Meniaŋa ojo hito noŋorwo noloŋwai

unfoldingWord 32 - Etilib Yesu Tihoni lowon ho Meniaŋa ojo hito noŋorwo noloŋwai

Raamwerk: Matthew 8:28-34; 9:20-22; Mark 5; Luke 8:26-48

Skripnommer: 1232

Taal: Lopit

Gehoor: General

Genre: Bible Stories & Teac

Doel: Evangelism; Teaching

Bybelaanhaling: Paraphrase

Status: Approved

Skrips is basiese riglyne vir vertaling en opname in ander tale. Hulle moet so nodig aangepas word dat hulle verstaanbaar en relevant is vir elke verskillende kultuur en taal. Sommige terme en konsepte wat gebruik word, het moontlik meer verduideliking nodig of selfs heeltemal vervang of weggelaat word.


Nabo far ifa eno Yesu ho hejufutak illohonyie ahotwai togoli alaŋ hari amai nobo no amanyari huwo illo Gerasene.

Nafa eba isieja to oger no hari, ette tihoni ille owuon wan ho sitani ahosiere ho Yesu.

Ogol ifa tihoni lia no lobe lobo tihoni eremik hitik inyeja. Efitak huwo has innohonye ho hejek inno honyie to aririk, hati ofut inyeja daŋ.

Amanya ifa tihoni lia to hiji ho illumioho eremik tihoni lia hiluluo far daŋ ho harie daŋ, obe ifa inyeja ecefita boŋojin ojo hitofe oŋut wan nohonye to moru.

Nafa awoŋ tihoni lia to Yesu, origoŋo inyeja to huŋuta inno honye to hosiere ho Yesu. Ojo Yesu to sitani, “Woŋ ade tere tihoni lia!"

Oyo tihoni lafa owuon ho sitani to hutuk no lokwatie, "Ewak iye nyo ho naŋ, Yesu, lonyi Hollum lettok? Baŋa etigiama naŋ!” Hati efi Yesu sitan ”ŋai fure no hoi?” Ette inyeja hitiraŋ, “Fure nanaŋ ligion, nyo emunya iyohoi." ("Legion" ara ifa inyeja iluluŋ no gala hisihai tomon 1000 to gala illo Ruman.)

Olia sitan to Yesu, ”Hijo iye baŋa efuhak iyohoi adde to toŋe te inna!” Owuon ifa borre no bataha huno etteha to toŋe lobo le eliaha. Sitan olia to Yesu, "Hijo iye ifahak iyohoi to bataha hati obe!” Ojo Yesu, “Ifetti!”

Awoŋ sitan ade tere tihoni lia ette ajiŋak to bataha. Ofuhe bataha innia ahotwai ha hari ette ayek de owuon ifa bataha hisihai arik 2,000 to bore.

Nafa egonyu huwo illafa eriria whatik bataha hijo nyo lowuon, ette isieja efuhe abore ho gala ojo hitofe elimak huwo bidaŋ hijo arrumek issie hirro inna fa egiem Yesu. Afanu huwo to ito owuon to bore ho gala egonyu tihoni lafa owuon ho sitan. Etto le ifa inyeja lo anyalam, ecefita boŋojin ojo hidofe owuon iya tihoni ille lowuon bolioŋ.

Abaŋ ifa huwo ojo hitofe efia Yesu heino tere hosie, hati ajiŋak Yesu atogoli ehuhumari inyeja hijo anyau inyeja. Ette tihoni lafa owuon ho sitan lia hijo ahu iso inyeja ho Yesu.

Hati ojo Yesu to honyie, "Obe, awak naŋ iye heinnohosie ahaŋ ojo hitofe euu elimak motiarak ho ojo hirro bi daŋ innafa egiem Hollum to hoi ho jai owuon inyeja ho hitilwaha nia tere hoi.”

Ette tihoni lia ino elimak hirro innafa egiem Yesu to honyie, huwo bi daŋ illafa etiru kwaite hiyebita inno honyie owuon ifa ho hilliliha ojo mune.

Acohini Yesu oger hahari. Nafa eba inyeja de, owuon if iluluŋ no huwo to oger honye ojo hidofe oto ŋita to hiji he iluluŋ owuon ifa nabo tihoni no oŋwai ho yaf-yaf ho ŋasi tomon harik. Adumak inyeja arobia inno honyie to hetulwahani lo huwo to jifitelia hati etuluak isieja inyeja, hati oye inyeja.

Etiru inyeja hijo etulwak Yesu haŋwak arriai ojo hitofe egigil, “Ayen naŋ hijo letir naŋ boŋojin innohosie Yesu, hati alibo iso naŋ, hitofe!” Awoŋ inyeja to halu ho Yesu ette hitir boŋojin innohosie honyie, iya nafa etir inyeja isio kwak, oweta hoto nafa lowo!

Kwak aheru Yesu hijo eno golon tere honyie. Hati oyite ette hifi, ”ŋai lotir naŋ?” Ette hejufutani hitiraŋ inyeja hijo, "Obolo iluluŋ no huwo aŋati hoi ojo hidofe ellulumo ifa iye. Nyo ebe iyeita efiye ŋai lotir naŋ?”

Ette tihoni lia rigoŋo to huŋuta inno honyie to hosiere ho Yesu, okikiro, ojo hitofe abaŋ. Hati elimak inyeja to honyie hirro innafa egiem inyeja, ojo hijo etulwahini ifa inyeja, ojo Yesu to honyie "Etulwak hirruk no hoi iye. Inno to himwara.”

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