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Global Recordings Network has recorded gospel messages and basic Bible teaching in more than 6600 language varieties. The recordings have been made from scripts selected from this list and other sources.
De scripts dienen als basis voor de vertaling en het maken van opnames in een andere taal. Ze moeten aangepast worden aan de verschillende talen en culturen, om ze zo begrijpelijk en relevant mogelijk te maken. Sommige termen en begrippen moeten verder uitgelegd worden of zelfs weggelaten worden binnen bepaalde culturen.
Scripts in Indonesian
Kabar Baik

(Good News ^) - Short Bible stories from Genesis through the ascension. How to become a follower of Jesus. 40 sections. It has an optional picture book to go along with the recording.
Kedatangan Kristus

(The Living Christ) - A Survey of the Life of Christ for Evangelism and Basic Bible Teaching. Comes with a 120 picture set.
Lihat, Dengar dan Hidup Buku 1: ALLAH Yang Memulai

(Look, Listen & Live 1: Beginning with GOD) - Adam, Noah, Job, Abraham. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Lihat, Dengar dan Hidup Buku 2: Anak-Anak ALLAH Yang Perkasa

(Look, Listen & Live 2: Mighty Men of GOD) - Jacob, Joseph, Moses. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Lihat, Dengar dan Hidup Buku 3: Menang Karena ALLAH

(Look, Listen & Live 3: Victory through GOD) - Joshua, Deborah, Gideon, Samson. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Lihat, Dengar dan Hidup Buku 4: Hamba-Hamba ALLAH

(Look, Listen & Live 4: Servants of GOD) - Ruth, Samuel, David, Elijah. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Lihat, Dengar dan Hidup Buku 5: Menderita Pencobaan Demi ALLAH

(Look, Listen & Live 5: On Trial for GOD) - Elisha, Daniel, Jonah, Nehemiah, Esther. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Lihat, Dengar dan Hidup Buku 6: YESUS - Sebagai Guru dan Tabib

(Look, Listen & Live 6: JESUS - Teacher & Healer) - From Matthew and Mark. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Lihat, Dengar dan Hidup Buku 7: YESUS - Tuhan dan Juruslamat

(Look, Listen & Live 7: JESUS - Lord & Saviour) - From Luke and John. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Lihat, Dengar dan Hidup Buku 8: Pekerjaan ROH KUDUS

(Look, Listen & Live 8: Acts of the HOLY SPIRIT) - The Young Church and Paul. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.