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Global Recordings Network has recorded gospel messages and basic Bible teaching in more than 6600 language varieties. The recordings have been made from scripts selected from this list and other sources.
Gli script sono linee guida di base per la traduzione e la registrazione in altre lingue. Dovrebbero essere adattati come necessario per renderli comprensibili e pertinenti per ogni diversa cultura e lingua. Alcuni termini e concetti utilizzati potrebbero richiedere ulteriori spiegazioni o addirittura essere sostituiti o omessi completamente.
Scripts in English
Abraham - God’s Call and Covenant

(Story Producer 105 - Abraham Covenant) - Genesis 11:10-13:18; 15:1-18:16
Adam's Sin and God's Forgiveness (formerly "Attributes of God" Part 2)

Story of Adam and Eve. By the sacrifice of God's Son, people don't have to go to Satan's place, if they choose Jesus.
After Believing

On recognising the enemy and resisting him. Need of living by God's Word, avoiding evil, confessing sin and walking in obedience. Materialism a danger. Trials and suffering allowed to strengthen us.
After Death, What?

God says...everyone must stand before God to be judged. God does not want man to go to "the fire" and has made a way for us to come back to Him and have our sins forgiven. Explanation of Christ's atonement, death and resurrection. Man can accept or reject. Only one way. Ask Jesus to save you. Sinner's prayer. Invitation. Illustration involving canoe and mountain.
After the Earthquake

Four Bible stories to help sufferers of natural disasters to find hope for the future even in the midst of suffering. Presents the sufferings of Jesus on our behalf.
After This, the Judgement

Intro of s.e. of local beer drinking party recognized as evil. Discussion of God's judgment on sin. Discussion of the sin of witchcraft and worshipping spirits, and of commandments of God. The only way to escape God's judgment is through Christ.
After War

Four Bible stories to help sufferers of war to find hope for the future even in the midst of suffering. Presents the sufferings of Jesus on our behalf. This script is designed for use with refugees from war and is based on 'After the Earthquake' - a script written for victims of the Nepali earthquake.
AIDS, Before and After

Dialogue. Description of AIDS, how someone gets AIDS, results of AIDS, how to avoid getting AIDS. How to receive Christ. About 30 minutes long.
All About Jesus

Creation, Jesus' birth, ministry, death and resurrection, promise to return. Very basic, a lot in one script.
All Have Sinned

Everyone has sinned, and only Christ is able to cleanse us from our sins. If you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, you will be saved.
Angels Are God's Servants

The role of angels in the Bible. This script has been approved for use with Yazidis.
Are You Afraid?

Introduction is on local fears. Questions directed to listener. Explains freedom from fear through Jesus. Mentions His miracles, power, willingness to help and save, deliver and protect. His power is greater than demons, witchdoctors, curses. Jesus overcame Satan and death. When He arose from the dead He received from God all power. Therefore He will give eternal life to all who believe in Him and they will be free.
Are You Going to Heaven?

Three ways to be sure: Be on the right road--Jesus, the only way (no saint or priest needed). Evidence of a changed life because Christ makes one new. Inner knowledge -- witness of the Spirit which gives a sense of belonging and peace. Sums up the message by direct questions to listener.
Are You Happy?

A merchant is cheating customers in the market. A Christian customer witnesses to him. Jesus wants you to accept the gift of salvation.
Are You Happy? (Nepal adaptation)

A merchant is cheating customers in the market. Scene before he leaves home and after he returns home. A Christian customer tells him about Jesus and he is changed when he returns home.
The Armor of God

Conversation between a young man and his grandfather, both Christians. Questions answered about evil omens and the Christian's lack of fear. The importance of faith and spiritual courage, standing against temptation. Christ's resurrection power is ours for spiritual strength. Quotes Eph. 6:10-18.
Attributes of God

God is the Creator of everything. Who God is. God is not evil. God is always good. God is great, alive, all power, God can see and hear everything, He knows everything. God loves everyone.
Attributes of God (adapted for combined script)

God is the Creator of everything. Who God is. God is not evil. God is always good. God is great, alive, and has all power. God can see and hear everything; He knows everything. God loves everyone. Adapted for an integrated-script program.
Attributes of God with Invitation

This states in short sentences, the facts about God: His eternal existence, omnipotence, omnipresence, goodness, hatred of sin, love for all people, provision for redemption and eternal life through Christ.
Baba Chipo

The narrator walks with the funeral procession of Baba Chipo and tells the story of Baba Chipo and the choices he had to make. A conflicting situation between Baba Chipo and his wife, Amai Chipo, shows his bombasm, arrogance and recklessness. The pastor comes to visit Baba Chipo who complains that he is wasting his time. The dramatic end of the story leaves the viewer with a very important choice to make.
Bartimaeus and Zacchaeus

(Story Producer 238 - Bartimaus and Zakias) - Mark 10:46-52, Luke 18:35-43, 19:1-10
Basic Principles

Directed to or about the new Christian. Comparison with human family. Born into God's family - receives parental care: assurance of love, etc. Infant needs to breath: prayer. Needs food: Word of God. Needs exercise: obedience and witnessing. Remedy for failure and sin: cleansing. Confesion, forgiveness, restoration.
Be Careful

Compares Satan's tactics with a lion going about "seeking to devour." First, we need to come to Jesus for salvation in order to have His protection. Explains Christ's atonement and victory over Satan. Satan's tactics: frightening us to make us go to the wrong place for help; pretending to be harmless (angel of light); hiding--pretending there is no evil, no hell or judgment. Conclusion: necessity of faith and obedience.
Becoming a Friend of God

(Becoming a Friend of God (Integrated Script Series)) - Eight scripts in chronological order. #1 Creation Story, 426. #2 Man Falls, 427. #3 Noah, 428. #4 The Birth of Jesus, 429. #5 Jesus Heals and Forgives, 430. #6 The Gadarene, 431. #7 Christ's Death and Resurrection, 432. #8 The Challenge (dialogue), 433.
Becoming a Friend of God

(Integrated Program - Baha Series) - 8 Scripts arranged chronologically with bridges to each other: Creation Story, Man Falls, Noah, Birth of Jesus, Gadarene, Jesus Heals and Forgives, Christ's Death and Resurrection, Challenge.
Becoming God's Child (Gourma)

People follow their fathers. Whose child are you? Who do you follow, God or Satan? Repent and believe the Gospel, and receive a changed nature and new life. Prayer.
Behold Jesus

Tells of Jesus' birth, life, miracles, trial, death, the meaning of His death, His resurrection, His power - power for the believer and hope of heaven.
Behold the Lamb of God

Tells the story of Abraham and the sacrifice of Isaac. Carries the meaning to the prophet John who said, "Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world." Tells of Christ's death as an atonement for sin; His resurrection and power to save "to the uttermost."
Believe in the True God

The true God commands not to worship idols, spirits etc. Do away with other gods and turn to Him. His love; Christ's atonement; sin will separate us forever from God, bringing punishment. Turn to Jesus and be free from fear of the spirits, etc.
Believe on the Lord and Be Saved

There are several things to know in order to believe and be saved. Quotes several verses to encourage belief in Christ for salvation.
Birth of Christ from Good News

Pictures 12 and 13 from the Good News^ script. Angelic announcements to Mary and to Joseph; trip to Bethlehem; birth in a stable; angelic announcement to shepherds; they find the Baby and tell the people.
The Birth of Jesus

Tells of Mary, the angel coming to her and also to Joseph. They both believed and accepted the message. Jesus was born, grew up, went about teaching and healing. His power, love, death and resurrection. Invitation.
The Birth of Jesus (adapted for combined script)

Tells of Mary, the angel coming to her and also to Joseph. They both believed and accepted the message. Jesus was born, grew up, went about teaching and healing. His power, love, death and resurrection. Invitation.Adapted for an integrated-script program.
Blood of Jesus Cleanses from Sin

Jesus Christ shed His blood in order to save us, and we can be saved by no other. There is no one before Him or after Him. God did not give an angel or a righteous man to cleanse us from sin.
The Books of Works and the Book of Life

Dialogue. A man pays a debt he owes to the store. Funeral procession goes by. God will call every person to account. God won't accept us for the good things we have done. We will have our name written in the Book of Salvation if we believe that Jesus' blood paid the debt we owe.
Brazil Chronological Series, version 1

God made all things and He wants us to know Him very personally. What God's Book says. The creation. The fall of man. Cain and Abel. Noah. The Ten Commandments. God's judgement of sin. Introduction to Jesus. The ministry of Jesus. The death of Jesus. The resurrection. The two roads. How to become a Christian.
Brazil Chronological Series, version 2

The attributes of God. God knows everything and He wants us to know Him personally. The creation. The fall of man. Cain and Abel. Noah. The Ten Commandments. Our hearts are sinful. The judgement of God. Introduction to Jesus. The miracles of Jesus. The death and resurrection. The two roads. How to become a Christian.

Refers to local custom of carrying burdens on the head. Leads into the burden of sin that all people carry. Discusses the various burdens of sin that Satan puts upon us, and that the burden is heavier than ever because of God's anger against sin. The way of escape from God's anger; freedom from burdens and Satan; Christ's atonement.
Cain and Abel

Account of the two offerings made by Cain and Abel and the subsequent events. Application. Needs revision to be meaningful to those with insufficient background.
Can God Forgive Me?

A 5 minute version of the Good News. Genesis through the ascension. How to become a follower of Jesus. 13 sections. Designed to be created into video for use on Facebook and other social media.
Can God Forgive Sin?

Conversation regarding God's forgiveness. Brings out that it is not "easy forgiveness," but that justice cannot be ignored by God. Someone must pay the penalty for sin. Christ's death on the cross was the payment for our sins. Confession and turning from sin, believing on Jesus and His atonement-- these bring forgiveness and new life.
Can God Forgive Sin? (monolog)

Justice cannot be ignored by God. Someone must pay the penalty for sin. Christ's death on the cross was the payment for our sins. Confession and turning from sin, believing on Jesus and His atonement-- these bring forgiveness and new life. Then we must forgive others. Parable of unforgiving servant.
Can We Escape?

God did not give man a sinful nature, but our first parents chose to disobey, and sin came into the world. Christ died for us while we were yet sinners. Believe in Him and escape the fate of judgement.
Can You Find God?

It is impossible to find God by our own efforts. Comparison with the sun--its light shows the dust we don't notice. God manifests Himself though we can't seek Him out. Jesus's teachings, which are holy, bring light, revealing good and bad. Peace comes from Christ-- and eternal life. This avoids most expressions offensive to Muslims. Refers to the prophet Job they are familiar with.
The centurion’s Faith

(Story Producer 212 - The Centurion's Faith) - Matthew 8:5-6, 11-13, Luke 7:2-10
Choosing the Right Road

Illustration of man and oxcart going in the dark, coming to crossroads and not knowing which way. Compares with journey of life. Only one road leads to God. Refutes idea of all roads leading to God. Jesus the only one who can lead us. All others lead to hell.
The Christian and Temptation

Starts with illustrations of fishing, hunting, and trapping animals, and compares them to things that come into our lives to trap us. Temptation through the eyes to steal and story of man who was caught. God's warning to flee temptation. Satan is the tempter, but he must flee if rebuked and if you stay away from temptation.
The Christian Family

Practical advice from the Bible. Men, seek Christian wives to love and help and talk and pray with. Wife is challenged to diligence, teaching children, obedience, faithfulness, not gossiping, and helping the helpless. Parents are to dedicate children to God, teach them to follow God, discipline them and teach them obedience.
The Christian Life

Allegory type of presentation. Dramatized. Life is like a crowded road - all carry heavy burdens - load of sin. One hears the call to come for rest and responds amid jeers of crowd. His load disappears, and Jesus walks beside him.
The Christian Life (adapted for combined script)

Allegory type of presentation. Dramatized. Life is like a crowded road - all carry heavy burdens - load of sin. One hears the call to come for rest and responds amid jeers of crowd. His load disappears, and Jesus walks beside him. Adapted for an integrated-script program.
The Christian's Testimony

Conversation between two Christians commenting on quarreling women in the village and their testimony as Christians. Man confesses he was the same; then found his problem was "self." He found peace when he stopped being a slave to self-will and allowed Jesus to be his master.
Christ in You

Conversation between two Christians reading Scripture and discussing the high standards set by God. Discovering the solution of "abiding in the Vine." Adaptable to local needs by changing the Scripture quotes to apply to problems among them.
Christ Is Our High Priest

In old times there was a High Priest. Now Jesus is our High Priest and our mediator between God and man.

The Christmas story told simply---the shepherds, angels' announcement, shepherds visit to the manger. Followed by explanation of who Jesus is and why He came to earth. His death and resurrection. Man's need and Christ's power and love. Sound effects optional.
Christmas Festival

Explanation of Christmas and the purpose of Christ's coming to earth; prophecies foretold all about Christ; His advent and rejection. Application.
Christ Our Mediator

Emphasizes that Christ has taken the place of the O.T. priests. Christ was God's provision for bridging the gap between sinful men and a holy God. Jesus' sacrifice was once for all. Death, resurrection, ascension. He became our mediator--our High Priest. Necessary to trust Him only. Two versions of this -- for Catholics; for tribal beliefs.
Christ Our Substitute

Story of a man who was condemned to die. His friend took his place - he was freed. Application shows parallel of the love and sacrifice of Jesus.
Christ Our Victory

First paragraph gives clearly and concisely the important beliefs applied personally which are necessary to be a real Christian. Rest of script explains why some Christians are not victorious and have no assurance. Sin reigns instead of Christ. Letting Christ reign results in victory, love, peace etc. Christ living in us is the answer.
Chronological Series with Basic Christian Teaching

Attributes of God. Creation. Adam and Eve. Noah. Abraham. Moses and Ten Commandments. Sacrifice for sin. The birth of Christ. His life and ministry. The death of Christ. The resurrection. The ascension. Call to commitment. The coming of the Holy Spirit. How Christians should live. Confession of sin. Prayer. Heaven and hell. Witnessing. The return of Christ. Are you ready if Christ should come today?
The Claims of Christ

Inquiring person asks about Jesus Christ. Answer is He lived on earth 2000 years ago, healed all types of sickness etc. His teachings have never been improved on. Quotes from Scripture: His claims; basic truths of sin, salvation, hell, eternal life. Invitation given. Conclusion: if you believe He is true, you are faced with a decision. Mostly Scripture.
A Clean Heart

Refers to man's fear of death because of the fear of judgment. Man followed Satan and now it is his nature to sin. Refers to Muslims' concept of "good deeds," but points out that even a trip to Mecca does not change the person. Remedy: Christ, who is God, became man and became the sacrifice for sin. Believing and receiving forgiveness results in "good works." Fear of death leaves because sins are forgiven and heaven is certain.
Colin the Companion Cub - chats

Alzheimer counselling chats - to be used with therapeutic tool. There are two dimensions: 1) Empowering the patient (client) with Alzheimer Syndrome (ASP), and 2) Guidance to the family in coping with the situation of AS.
Comfort for the Heart
A felt need script to help refugees to understand some basics of Christianity and be open to more Christian information.
Coming Home

Directed to believers away from home in a work situation. Discusses temptations, lack of fellowship and need of it. Scripture quotes on adultery, temptation, repentance, cleansing.
Confusion of this World

Questioner asks how to reconcile the claim of God's love with the facts of constant trouble, confusion, death, destruction. Answer tells of man's rebellion from God's plan; God's rejection of man's efforts, works, and merit to attain salvation. Summarizes prophecies and fulfillment re Christ's birth, life, death, resurrection, atonement. Emphasizes faith in Christ alone, not good works for salvation.
The Cordial Invitation of Christ

The invitation is for everyone and it is from God Himself. Jesus gives peace and freedom from the burdens of sin and difficulties, when we come to Him at the cross.
Covenant, golden calf ten commands combined

(Story Producer 121-3 - Covenant, Calf and Ten Commandments) - Exodus 16-34
Covid-19 pandemic
A dialogue to help people understand health issues during the covid-19 pandemic and to understand that sin is an even greater danger.

Uses the six days of creation to urge sinner to accept the Lord or the backslider to throw off old unfruitful works of darkness. Presupposes some knowledge of Christ.
The Creation and Fall (adapted for combined script)

Story of Creation and Fall, in simple language. Adapted for an integrated-script program.
Creation and Redemption (dialogue)

Introduces local belief of origin of man by a question. Biblical account of creation, fall and redemption follows. S.E. introduced as creation is mentioned. Simple invitation concludes. Adaptable to local beliefs. Easily made into monologue by deleting second person's comments. Virtually the same content as the monologue # 19. "Creation and Redemption of Man."
Creation and Redemption of Man

Introduces local belief of origin of man by a question. Biblical account of creation, fall and redemption follows. S.E. introduced as creation is mentioned. Simple invitation concludes.
Creation to Christ

Five Book AV. [Tree - 16 Pictures] Creation; wickedness of man; Noah and the flood; God's laws broken by all; Christ's birth and life; Christ's death and resurrection; His preparing a place for His followers.
The Cruel Master

A special script used where drunkenness is an outstanding problem. Describes liquor as a cruel master who makes people do terrible things, robs them of their possessions, etc. Freedom comes only through Christ. Tells of Christ's atonement and victory over Satan and evil spirits. Invitation.
The Cry of Darkness

Begins with sound effect of Satan worship - death dance, wailing etc. Speaker refers to it and talks about where it leads, then tells about Jesus, and His atonement; His resurrection and power over Satan. God's hatred of witchcraft, idolatry etc. Scripture quoted on these subjects. Presupposes some knowledge about God.
David and Goliath (Part One)/Joybells Victory

David and Goliath story for children. Part 1 tells about David being a shepherd, and that the Lord is our shepherd. Joybells Victory is a separate script about Joy Ridderhof accepting Christ as a girl.
David and Goliath (Part Two)

A young boy with only a sling brings down the giant Goliath, because he trusted in God. You can trust in God, too, and be saved from something worse than the sword of Goliath: sin, and the devil. Jesus died to save you, so trust in Him.
David and the Giant

The American English version for American children. Virtually the same as "David and Goliath'
David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem

(Story Producer 151 - God' s Covenant to David) - 2 Sam. 5-7; 1 Chron. 11-17

Is there life after death? People in many cultures believe there is an afterlife. The Bible speaks of 3 kinds of death - physical, spiritual and eternal.
Death and Resurrection

The major part of the script deals with the details of the crucifixion, burial, empty tomb and angel's declaration. It includes briefly the appearance of Jesus to His followers; His command to go into all the world; His going back to heaven to prepare a place for believers; unbelievers will go to the place of suffering.
The Death of Christ

Because different Muslim sects have different views about the death of Christ, this script uses a question about it as an opener. Quotes Isaiah in answer and then tells why He died - as atonement, and the facts of His death. His resurrection and ascension described. Fulfillment of prophecy. Christ's return will be to judge the world. Urges listener to repent while there is opportunity. Although focused for Muslims, can be used where there is some background knowledge of Christian and Jewish Scripture.
The Death of Christ (adapted for combined script)

Because different Muslim sects have different views about the death of Christ, this script uses a question about it as an opener. Quotes Isaiah in answer and then tells why He died--- as atonement, and the facts of His death. His resurrection and ascension described. Fulfillment of prophecy. Christ's return will be to judge the world. Urges listener to repent while there is opportunity. Although focused for Muslims, this can be used where there is some background knowledge of Christian and Jewish Scripture. Adapted for an integrated-script program.

(Story Producer 137 - Deborah leads Israel (eng)) - Joshua 24:14-27 Numbers 33:51-53 Judges 2:10-13; 4 & 5
The Debt is Paid

Uses illustration of the man in debt put in prison; king's son asks that he might pay the debt and free the man. Applies the spiritual parallel. Intended for Muslims, but useful in other situations.
The Degree of Sin

Everyone has sinned, if we miss a target by an inch, we have still failed completely. We must be forgiven.
Deliverance from Demons

Very simple discussion showing that Jesus is more powerful than demons, and will protect those who trust Him. He can free them from demon power. Prayer of repentance given.
A Demon-possessed Man

(Story Producer 220 - Demonized Man Freed) - Matthew 8:28-34; Mark 5:1-20; Luke 8:26-39
The Dilemma

This is a sophisticated message directed toward student level -- What is wrong with the world? etc. Intended for use on the "ditto" record -- English on one side: same message in vernacular on the other. Intended to interest those who want to improve their English knowledge and pronunciation.
Do Not Be Afraid

Questions directed to listener about his fears. Tells of Jesus who can take away fears; His leaving heaven, coming to earth; dying as atonement. believe, be cleansed, receive new life from Jesus. He can help and protect. Talk to Him and follow and obey. Heaven and happiness assured. Sinner's prayer.
Do Not Welcome Evil in Your Heart

Story of a hyena who killed a man who helped him. God sees the evil in our heart.
Don't Be Afraid

Very similar to "Are You Afraid" #256. Questions re a person's fears. Jesus came to free us from fear and sin, died on the cross, was buried, rose again. Jesus broke the power of Satan and we should not fear Satan, death, sickness, bird calls, dreams, or natural signs.
Do You have Fear?

Forest people fear many things, but God will always be our Companion if we follow Him. The evil spirits are afraid of God. God is with us when we die. Sinner's prayer.
Do You have Joy?

On the source of happiness -- God. His love through Christ. Nothing will satisfy us in His place. Forgiveness and cleansing. Invitation.
Do You Have Time?

Paul stood before Felix, who didn't have time to listen then. Encourages the listener to make time to think about important subjects.
Do You Have Worries?
We must trust Jesus to help in trouble and hardships. God cares for us. Bring our problems to Jesus. Promises from the Bible.
Do You Know God?

Compares local beliefs and sacrifices with the truth. Simple question and answer discussion of worshipping local gods or spirits; Christ's coming to save us; sinful things that God hates; punishment for sin; joy of believing; freedom from other gods through the power of Christ. Adapts easily to local customs and beliefs. For those with no background of the Gospel.
Easter Story from The Living Christ

The Easter story told using images from the Life of Christ for Evangelism and Basic Bible Teaching.
Elomue 4x (scripts, translation)

1. Jesus takes away fear and gives forgivenss of sin and eternal life. 2. Songs 3. An undecided hyena splits in half; choose life or death. 4. Accept God's free gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ.
Escaping Judgement

Dialogue between two pygmy hunters, on the danger of Satan's path, illustrated with s.e. re the dangers of the path they are following in hunting.
Escaping Our Fears

Mentions fears people have: ghosts, spirits, war, sickness, loneliness, old age, death, judgment. Questions who can help us---not the prophets because they are dead. Christ was sent to help us. His love, atonement, power to cast out fear.
ESL 6 Lesson Pilot Script
A modified version of the Good News script to be used with GRN ESL lessons 1 to 6 pilot testing.
The Eternal Jesus

Dialogue between man and lady. Jesus lived as the eternal Creator before He was born on earth 2,000 years ago. Come to Jesus.
The Eternal Son

One who lived before He was born - Jesus. His miraculous birth; purpose of His coming to earth - to save man. Invitation.
Everyone must Stand Before God

Focuses on the sinfulness of man and the holiness of God; His perfect holiness, mercy, justice. The day of judgment; escape from eternal death through Christ.
False Gods

We forgot the one true God and made idols, which can't speak, see, hear, breathe, feel, or walk. We sinned. But the living God sent His own Son to pay for our sins. He saves us and provides everything we need. We ought to come to know Him and go to be with Him forever.
A Family Visit

Talk is directed to different ones, telling what God's commands are for children, mothers, fathers, family, etc. Scripture is quoted extensively.
The Father of Lies

First person testimony of a converted Central American witchdoctor; some of his customs and power in practice; his dialogue with Satan who tells him lies to keep him from becoming a Christian, Very culture-specific, but sample of a powerfully effective testimony. Concludes with Christ's teaching about Satan as deceiver and murderer. Follow Christ, the Way, Truth and Life.
Fear and Power

(Fear and Power (monolog)) - Jesus has more power than things that bring fear to your heart. 8 sections with Bible stories. Prayer to receive the Lord and instructions for dealing with evil spirits.
Fear and Power
(Fear and Power (dramatized)) - Jesus has more power than things that bring fear to your heart. 8 sections with Bible stories. Prayer to receive the Lord and instructions for dealing with evil spirits.
Fear God

Begins with reference to local custom of sacrifice. Appeasing spirits because child is ill. Explains there is one "Good Spirit" who has all power, made everything, etc. Others are evil spirits.Those who trust God need not fear them. God is not far away, as believed. Christ's atonement explained. God's anger against sin; judgment. Sins listed. Invitation.
Fear Not

Directs questions to listener about his fears. Fear of death, future, spirits, other. Those trusting Jesus (who has all power) need not fear these things. Invitation.
The Fear of Death

Discussion of fetishes and customs used because of fears. Satan the author of all such. His deceptions of various kinds are causing us to sin etc. This will lead ultimately to death and suffering in hell. Follow the words of God; believe on Jesus; receive forgiveness and help. Ultimate end will be heaven and happiness.
Fear of Evil Spirits

Five Book AV. [Fish - 8 Pictures] The powers of witchdoctors and people filled with Satan's evil spirits; Power of Jesus to remove evil spirits and how Jesus will change people's lives if they accept Him and become part of His family
The Fear of God

Dialogue between father and son. Fears discussed. Two kinds of fear---of God and of Satan. Fear of Satan and related fears blind people to the truth. Proper fear of God brings light. We should fear to turn from God and walk the path of Satan. The way to leave Satan's path is to call upon Jesus and be freed from Satan's power. Following Jesus brings joy and assurance of heaven. Written for Africa originally.
The Fiery Furnace

Story of three Hebrew children and the furnace, with application. May not be recommended for use now because of political implications.
Five Loaves and Two Fish

(Story Producer 224 - Feeding 5000) - Matthew 14:13-20; Mark 6:30-44; Luke 9:2, 10-17; John 6:1-15
Following Jesus' Way

Dialogue between 2 men about the good and bad roads, then changes to the importance of showing others the dangers of following the wrong path.
Follow Up (part 1)

A new life starts when you receive Jesus. Tell others about Him. Others will see a change in you. Be a brave witness. You might not be understood. Stay in close contact with Jesus. Pray and read the Bible.
Follow Up (part 2)

Obey God and pray. Read the Bible and let God speak to you through the Bible. Avoid bad things and bad people. We are in a spiritual battle with Satan.
Forgive My Brother?

Disciple's question about forgiveness. Jesus tells story of the servant who owed a huge debt and was forgiven, but was unforgivingof his fellow servant. Remembering Christ's love in paying for our sin will help us to forgive others. End needs strengthening.
Forgiveness and New Life

Dramatic presentation of the woman and the alabaster jar of ointment. Theme - forgiveness. Invitation.
Freedom from Fear

Questions directed to listeners re their fears. Tells of Jesus' power, His miracles, and who He is. His desire to free us from the power of Satan, witchcraft, etc. We must turn to Him, away from evil. With Jesus we are free from fears. Jesus is all powerful --- greater than Satan--- overcame death so we can have eternal life and happy future. Invitation. One of several of the same theme, but on different levels.
Freedom from Guilt

Man's "inferiority complex" toward God-- consciousness of sin. Man's attempts to be freed all fail. Remedy is Christ who gives deliverance from guilt, sin. Acceptance brings confidence, liberty, joy. Faith in Christ is the way - recognition of who He is and His provision for man's redemption. Believe and receive. (Formerly "The Sin Complex").
Freedom From Judgment

After the first death comes judgement, and the second death for those who are sinners. God, the just judge, laid the punishment for our sins on Jesus. Believe in Him and escape that second death.
From Creation to Christ

Explanation of creation; wickedness of man; Abraham, the family who obeyed God; God's laws given; God's laws broken by all; Christ's death and resurrection; His preparing a place for His followers.
From Creation to Redemption of Man

Following topics arranged together chronologically for a C-60: Creation, Fall, Cain & Abel, Noah, Moses & 10 Commandments, God Judges Sin, Birth & Ministry & Death & Resurrection of Jesus, Two Roads.
From Death to Life

When it comes to death, people think witchcraft can help them, but it can't. Adam and Eve's disobedience was the first sin. Jesus conquered Satan. Sinner's prayer.
The Gadarene

The story of Jesus healing the Gadarene demoniac. Emphasizes the power of Jesus and Satan's attempts to hurt us. We can be free from Satan's attempts to hurt us. We can be free from Satan's power if we turn to Jesus.
The Gadarene (adapted for combined script)

The story of Jesus healing the Gadarene demoniac. Emphasizes the power of Jesus and Satan's attempts to hurt us. We can be free from Satan's power if we turn to Jesus. Adapted for an integrated-script program.

Story of Gehazi. "Be sure your sins will be revealed" is the emphasis. Speaker is supposed to repeat this with dramatic emphasis whenever it comes in the story. Application underlines the fact that punishment for sin always comes, whether in this life of afterwards. God will heal the leprosy of sin for those who repent.
The Gift

Father tells story of the pearl diver's son who died after finding a huge perfect pearl. Pearl diver offers it as a gift to Christian friend. Offer of payment refused --no price could compare with son's death. Christian compares it to God's gift of salvation which cost the life of His Son.
God and Laws

God's laws compared with human laws and government. What some of God's laws are, how Jesus came to save us from the punishment of our disobedience of God's laws.
God Can Change our Nature

Points out that the sinful nature of man is obvious. We cannot change ourselves because it is our nature to sin. Illustration of the pig and cat natures. God can change our nature when we are willing to turn to Jesus. Jesus came and took our punishment for the purpose of helping us and giving us a new nature.
God Cares for Us

Jesus is not like an idol (god) that has to be cared for. Jesus cares for us. When a believer in Jesus dies, he does not need to take anything with him for Heaven. Jesus will take care of him in Heaven, too.
God Has a Plan for My Life

We can't understand what God is working in our life sometimes. God works bad things for good when we love God. God can make something beautiful of us.
God Himself Has Made Up for It

Some things people can make right themselves, but not how to get right with God. Jesus gave Himself to be the Bridge to reconcile us to God. Plan of salvation.
God is Calling You

Straightforward presentation of God's call, man's sin, God's holiness, His justice, man's lost condition (eternally). God's love, Christ's atonement. Invitation; sinner's prayer.
God is Everywhere

God is Spirit. Praise Him when we have troubles. God uses hard things to prepare us for the future.
God is Good

God is good; is greater than all, the Creator of all. God's standards for us. What sin is (listed). Christ's atonement. Necessity of belief and obedience. Resulting freedom from fear; light, happiness.
God is One

Explanation of the Trinity and of Christ as Son of God-- to offset Islam's misinterpretation of the Christian belief. Refers to Christ's appearances in the OT, then again as a baby to become man and reveal God's love and mercy. God is One. Refusal to worship Jesus is refusal to worship God. Invitation.
God is True

Starts with a riddle which leads to a discussion of God; what He is like; His love for people. Contrasts with Satan and evil spirits. God's love through Christ and the atonement. His help for those who turn to Him.
God Loves Us

Dialogue. Satan tricks us to follow other gods and idols. There is power in Jesus' blood to wash our heart and give us a home with God.
The God of Love

Dialogue. The gods/dieties don't love people. Because of Jesus, we don't have to go to hell. Jesus died for us and will forgive us and we can live with Him in Heaven.
God or Baal

The story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal and the contest. The emphasis is on God-- the all-powerful true God. Brings out Satan's desire to deceive; the atonement of Christ. Invitation.
God our Creator

Straight-forward summary of man's impotence and transience compared to God's power. Story of creation; fall; doom; coming of Christ; His miracles; crucifixion; resurrection; ascension. Believe - receive, and God will give eternal life. Very concentrated. Too much for some groups.
God Our Refuge and Strength

Everywhere in the world there is trouble. When there is a refusal to accept Christ, their punishment is everlasting. He is our refuge and can save us.
God's Answers

A new Christian asks questions about his temptation toward sinful things and his spiritual weakness. Answers are in line with God's promises and provision. Scripture can be easily paraphrased.
God scattered the people to go to all places on earth

(Story Producer 103 - Babel Languages v1) - Genesis 11
God's Commands for His Children

Explains that when a person is saved, God's Spirit comes to live in him and help him. Outlines attitudes and behavior expected of a Christian: trust God; be thankful; love and help others; obey God and learn more about Him; pray often; meet with other believers; if sin overtakes, confess it and ask forgiveness.
God's Dreaming

God’s Dreaming has always been about family from the beginning — Father, Son and Holy Spirit. My heart has always been about people knowing their identity in Christ: an intimate relationship with the Father through Jesus. This story shows us there is only one way to God; no other way.
God Sent His Son

Simple sentences about creation; God; Satan;Adam and Eve's sin; God's provision; the coming of Jesus; His life, death, resurrection. Follow Jesus if you want to be happy. Sinner's prayer.
God's Great Love

Everyone knows what love is. God loves us greatly and wants to have fellowship with us, but we are all sinners. Jesus came to save us. We should believe in Him. Now is the day of salvation.
God's Hatred of Sin

Refers to traditional tribal religious customs. "We did not know" the truth: peace from God; His words; His hatred of sin; Jesus' death in our place. Punishment great for those who refuse Jesus. Warning to Christians about going back to old ways. God does not let sin go unpunished. Good for areas where there are nominal Christians. Is both evangelistic and teaching.
God's Love for All

Very simple discussion between 2 pygmy hunters on God's creation; His love; His atonement. Discussion of sin and punishment. S.E. optional.
God's Peace Payment

Takes on Indonesian Dayak cultural method of making peace to stop head-hunting between villages and introduces God's plan for making peace with man. Very culture-specific but a good example of how to use cultural illustrations.
God's Plan of Salvation

All have sinned; God's holiness; God's provision for salvation; Christ's atonement. Eternal life. Power of Holy Spirit in our lives. Invitation.
God's Scales

Dialogue between shopkeeper and customer about uneven scales, as introduction. Then script talks about God's perfect scales. Refutes idea of "good deeds outweigh bad deeds," etc. Refutes idea of second chance by reincarnation. Application. There is a Pakistan version for women also.
God's Scales (dialogue)

Dialogue between shopkeeper and customer about uneven scales, as introduction. Then script talks about God's perfect scales. Refutes idea of "good deeds outweigh bad deeds," etc. Refutes idea of second chance by reincarnation. Application. There is a Pakistan version for women also.
God's Thought about Us is Good

We are not lovable but God does love us. God thinks well of us because Jesus died in our place. Prayer to receive Christ.
God's Village

Contrasts happiness and sorrow as introduction to talking about heaven. Explains the need of cleansing from sin in order to enterheaven.
God told the people ten strong principles/commands for living well

(Story Producer 123 - Ten Commandments) - Exodus 19:1-20; 20:1-17; 32:15-20
God Will Hear Us

When God first created man, they could talk together. When man rebelled, they lost that close communication. God has made a way that people may come back to Him, and Jesus explained how they should pray. This script goes through the Lord's Prayer as a good pattern for prayer, and if we pray in Jesus' name, God will hear and meet our needs.
The Golden Calf

(Story Producer 121-2 - Covenant at Sinai) - Exodus 20:12-17; 24:7,18; 31:18; 32:1-28; 34:1,4,28-29
Good News

Short Bible stories from Genesis through the ascension. How to become a follower of Jesus. 40 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Good News

Short Bible stories from Genesis through the ascension. How to become a follower of Jesus. 40 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Good News

Short Bible stories from Genesis through the ascension. How to become a follower of Jesus. 40 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Good News

Short Bible stories from Genesis through the ascension. How to become a follower of Jesus. 40 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Good News

(Good News Extended Version (2016)) - A 2016 revision of script 395 (Good News). Short Bible stories from Genesis through the ascension. How to become a follower of Jesus. 40 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Good News ^

Short Bible stories from Genesis through the ascension. How to become a follower of Jesus. Basic Christian teaching. 40 sections. It has an optional picture book to go along with the recording. For Muslims.
Good News for Young People

For Young People. Simplified version of the Good News script, for young people.
Good News (short, audio only)

Ultra simple. Explains about how God sent Jesus so He could make our sin payment. Tells of His death, resurrection, great commission, promises of help. Invitation.
Good News, Short Version

Short Bible stories from Genesis through the ascension. How to become a follower of Jesus. 40 sections.
The Good Road

Theme is the two roads. Treatment is similar to "The Christian Life" but has more explanation about the life of those who take the narrow road. Sinner's prayer.
The Good Shepherd

Jesus is the Good Shepherd. We can be Jesus' sheep if we repent and believe on Him. Otherwise people will not be His sheep and will be in hell. Don't wait.
The Good Spirit

Many customs are followed because of fear of spirits, sorcery, magic. There is one Good Spirit: God, who made all things, wants us to learn His good way. Explains about Jesus and salvation. Jesus gives freedom from evil spirits and new life.
Gospel of Mark

From Mark 1 mainly. Jesus calling Simon and Andrew from their fish nets, healing of Simon's mother-in-law, healing others, going away to pray at night, preaching. Application.
The Gospel Story

Straightforward message - God's love; His power, holiness, wisdom.Creator; eternal. His plan of salvation - Jesus. Jesus' birth, life, ministry, death, resurrection. Eternal life is given to those who receive Him. Concentrated.
Grace - A Testimony of Forgiveness

“This is Soweto, Johannesburg, where we live. My earliest memories are of my family, how we made music and how my husband preached and talked to the people. My husband was pastor Benjamin Dube, together we sang and preached. Our music witnessed to the people, and the message was that Jesus is the way to real freedom and that we have to repent and forgive. There were other voices too, those days. The Moderates wanted to negotiate, but angry voices were shouting for blood in the war. Many of our people were confused, as violence grew and people died. There was a great desire for peace and end of the struggle. We wanted to share our joy with the people, the joy and the deep peace that only Jesus can give. We all sang and the music was life, bread of life was scattered everywhere in the township. The people loved our music and they came and they listened to my husband preaching. “My husband was very busy and there were many places where we performed. We would go out in the streets and evangelise the gangsters. We never could guess how our lives would change soon afterwards ... “The men who killed my husband were gangsters, they were afraid because too many members of the gang came to know the Lord through Dube’s ministry. “I will always remember Dube’s words, and especially the statement that he will give his life if he has to. But there will be no compromise in presenting Jesus Christ as the total answer to our problems ... “Alfred had the guts to say he was one of the murderers. He looked his sins right in the eyes and new that he badly needed forgiveness. Do you have the guts that murderer had to confess your sins that will bring you out of the darkness into the wonderful light of the love of Jesus? Alfred, the ex-murderer is a happy man today. He knows his Maker in a personal way, so Dube’s dead saved at least one life. I am Grace Dube, and this is my story.”
Grace of God, plus Light

These are two short scripts. The grace of God in Christ provided the sacrifice for sin and saves us by His blood. Accept the free grace of God, confess your sins, and be saved. God created light, but Adam and Eve sinned and darkness entered their hearts. Every person born has a sinful nature. Jesus Christ said, "I am the light of the world." He can take the darkness from our lives. He died in the place of sinful men and women. Ask Him to give you the Light of Life.
The Great Debt

Intro with story of officer left in charge of treasury, "borrowed," then gambled hoping to pay back. In despair he figured up the debt and wrote "The debt is too great; who can pay it?" Intended to shoot himself. The King came by as he slept, saw the note and signed his name to it in answer to the question. Application.
The Great Supper

It is talking to children. Bible story of friends and neighbors who made excuses to not come to a big party that a rich man had prepared. His helpers went out and invited people who aren't nice. Come to Jesus now, as children. Jesus has prepared a home for you in Heaven, with His blood.
The Great Word of God
The script presents Jesus as the Word of God and emphasises his superiority to angels and or prophets. It invites a response.

Man's futile pursuit of happiness in wealth. Story of king (David, though not mentioned by name) who had everything: power and wealth. But no happiness because of sin. When he was repentant and confessed his sin he found happiness. Happiness comes through finding God's forgiveness.

Question asks where hardships come from and why. Answer discusses various aspects: Satan's attempts; God using them to test and train us; God's ability to turn all to good; we are strengthened through tests and faith grows. God's promise that no trials will be too great for us if we trust Him. Invitation.
Have You Heard?

Conversation about God, His love for all. Fears of people; sins. How to escape God's anger for sin and Satan's power over us making us sin. Jesus' coming to earth; atonement, resurrection. God's promise to hear us when we pray, forgiveness, hope of heaven.
The Heart

Interesting things about how our heart works. The Bible view of our heart. Jesus' blood can make our heart clean.
The Heart of Man

Refers to local market scene as introduction. Discussion about people and that no one knows what is in the heart of even one who appears to be good. But God is not deceived; knows all; sees all our sins. Sins listed. God's anger against sin. Punishment results. Only way out is to ask Jesus to save us.
The Heart of Man (dialogue)

Market scene. List of sins. God knows the evil in our heart. Jesus can cleanse us and make our heart new.
Heart to Heart Talk

Directed to young people. Appeal to leave the pleasures of the world and live to please the Lord. At His right hand are pleasures forevermore for the one who trusts and obeys Him.
Heaven and Hell (dialogue)

Intro: a man has died and there is mourning. Discussion about death: once there was no death; man sinned and now all die; two places, heaven and hell. Question about rebirth (reincarnation). Bible says no. Heaven for the righteous-- only Jesus can save us because of His death and resurrection.
Hemonioi 1 & 2

Two testimonies about Hemonioi, he was from an island in the S. Pacific, from a tribe that were cannibals. Story 1 - how Hemonioi became a Christian and led many people to Christ. Story 2 - Hemonioi led four murderers in jail to Jesus. A hardened captain became a Christian because of the changed lives of the prisoners and Hemonioi's life.
Hippo Cannot Help
(Story Producer 008 - Hippo fails to help draft) - John 14:6
His Name Shall be Wonderful

Wonderful: the birth of Jesus, predictions of His coming, Christ's sinlessness, love for sinners, power to forgive sins, miracles, teachings, poverty and humility, death, resurrection, foretelling of His return, position, influence in the world, presence with His followers today and most wonderful is that Christ is willing to dwell in our sinful hearts. Accept Jesus as your Savior.
His Name Shall Be Wonderful (revised)

Wonderful: the birth of Jesus, predictions of His coming, Christ's sinlessness, love for sinners, power to forgive sins, miracles, teachings, poverty and humility, death, resurrection, foretelling of His return, position, influence in the world, presence with His followers today and most wonderful is that Christ is willing to dwell in our sinful hearts. Accept Jesus as your Savior.
The Holy Spirit

Who He is; His care over us; His comfort, revelation of truth. Man can resist and grieve Him or yield and receive Him. Needs revision.
The Holy Spirit Brings Liberty

Story of an eagle who didn't fly after it was free, because it didn't know it was free. How to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Proof that someone is filled with the Spirit. Don't grieve the Holy Spirit.
Hope in times of disease and suffering
Four Bible stories to help sufferers of natural disasters especially disease to find hope for the future even in the midst of suffering. Presents the sufferings of Jesus on our behalf.
Hosea Shows Us Good News

The prophet Hosea married Gomer who became unfaithful to him. He loved her and bought her back. This shows us the love of God for sinners. Jesus came and paid the price to buy us back (redeem us).
The House on the Rock

The story of the foolish man and the wise man (who built a house on sand and rock). Sinful people will be punished.
House on the Rock (modified)

The story of the foolish man and the wise man (who built a house on sand and rock). Sinful people will be punished.
How Can I Know God?

How could a carpenter make himself known to us? Through his creations, his close friends, writing us personal letters, then visiting us and living with us. These are ways we can know God. Through Christ we see God's holiness, love for people and for sinners and God's life-giving power. We can know God through Christ - believe in Him.
How Can You Overcome Fear?

Reasons people in the modern western world have fears such as family problems, health problems, nuclear war possibilities, job loss, loneliness, and death. Need for a relationship with the Creator, Genesis and the fall as reason for man's fear, relationship with God to be restored through Jesus Christ and that is the answer to man's fears.
How Donkey was Foolish
(Story Producer 009 - Foolish Donkey) - 2 Cor. 6:2
How God Keeps Us from Sin

A parasite grows on other trees, it can't grow by itself. To save a beehive, the husbandman must cut down the parasite tree. We are made clean through Jesus. Jesus can cleanse us from all sin.
How God Loves Us

The Lord Jesus loved us enough to give His life for us, and He was not afraid to die for us. He can cleanse us from our sin. By believing in His Name we HAVE eternal life.
How God's Children Should Live

General explanation of Christian attitudes and behaviour standards. God's power to keep us from sin when we yield to Him. Christians should: listen to God's Word; reject old life of sin; keep their bodies holy; flee from idolatry, immorality, and lying; care for their families; show love to all, including enemies; fear not; pray often; give materially; be thankful; tell others the Good News.
How the Christian lives

Five Book AV. [Lizard - 8 Pictures] Spiritual light and darkness; how Jesus gives strength to Christians to overcome problems, temptations; Jesus death on the cross paid for all sin and provided forgiveness to all who will repent of their sins; Christian faith and love
How to Become God's Child

On the atonement of Christ; the need of believing and receiving Christ. How to pray. Faith and confession.
How to Find Peace

Brief description of creation, Adam and Eve and the fall; God's punishment and promise of a Saviour to come. In the meantime, blood sacrifice of lamb as a symbol of the future sacrifice of Christ is to be made in order to have peace with God. Fulfillment came later: Christ came, died, rose, returned to heaven--- the perfect sacrifice-- the only one God will accept now. Believe and you will have peace.
How to Know God (Central Asia Script)

Kazakh set of 2 recordings. 1. Poem by Abai. How can we get rid of our guilt? Wish for peace and joy. God created everything, He loves us very much. The fall and effects of the fall. Our sins keep us from God. Story of Mary. Jesus' life on earth. The prodigal son. Jesus took the penalty for our sins. Jesus' trial, death, resurrection and time on earth after He arose. Jesus will return. Sinner's prayer. How to know God better. Story Two - Music and Scriptures.
How to Walk Jesus' Way

Where does Jesus lead His followers? He leads them in a new way. What does Jesus want us to do? Our lives must be pure. We must let the Holy Spirit control us.
How to Walk Jesus' Way (modified)

On Christian attitudes and behavior. Refuse evil; love Jesus supremely; love others and be kind. Allow God's Spirit to control and keep from anger, jealousy, etc. Don't fear evil spirits, but trust God; pray daily; live honestly, etc. Jesus helps us.
How to Walk the Jesus Road

Simpler version of #61 "How to Walk Jesus' Way," but it mentions things that hurt the body such as betel nut, hemp, alcohol; and God's standard about having one wife.
How to Worship God

Emphasis on trusting and obeying God, and not praying to anyone but God (Jesus). Mentions saints and images. Ends with brief mention of Christ's death, resurrection, ascension, and invitationto come to Him. Needs revision to have more logical sequence.
If Anyone is Thirsty

Jesus can cleanse our inner thirst and give us joy. Then we can give others to drink. Give Jesus your heart.
I Have Decided

Compares life to a journey. Explains the two roads people take. Not a dialogue but spoken by two narrators. Is similar to The Good Road, The Two Ways, etc, but different form. Sin is a heavy burden to carry on the journey. Second part is a testimony.
The Incomparable Christ

An eloquent description of Christ -- where He came from; His remarkable birth and life and power. Uses contrasts to emphasize the uniqueness of Christ.
Integrated Script 1: Creation Story

God created all things. We should only worship God. God is greater than everything and all evil things. We should follow Him.
Integrated Script 2: Man Falls

How sin, suffering and evil things came into the world. God made a way for us to come back to Him.
Integrated Script 3: Noah

The story of Noah. God hates sin and must punish sin. There is only one Person whose blood can make payment for sin. God has provided a way of salvation. Listen and you will hear next about the way of salvation God has made for those who believe and obey Him.
Integrated Script 4: The Birth of Jesus

People continued to sin after Noah died. God gave His law and the Ten Commandments. We have all disobeyed God's law. God judges everyone who disobeys His law. God provided a way of salvation through Jesus Christ. Jesus paid the price for our sins. Story about Mary and Jesus' birth. A little about Jesus' life. Because Jesus never sinned, He could become the sacrifice for our sin.
Integrated Script 5: Jesus Heals and Forgives

Jesus healed and forgave the paralyzed man let down through the roof. We can't do good works to be forgiven. Only Jesus can heal us by forgiving us. Jesus forgives us if we truly believe Him. Jesus will forgive you now.
Integrated Script 6: The Gadarene

Jesus delivered a man controlled by evil spirits. Jesus came to free us from the power of Satan. Jesus has defeated Satan. Stay away from the ways of Satan. Ask Jesus to help you. He will never leave you.
Integrated Script 7: Christ's Death & Resurrection

Little of Jesus' life. Jesus' death and resurrection. Jesus' shed blood is the only payment God will accept. We must decide about Jesus.
Integrated Script 8: The Challenge

(Dialogue) Jesus taught His disciples after His resurrection and then went back to Heaven where He is now. He will come again. Those who don't follow Jesus will be punished forever. Testimony of what Jesus means to someone. Prayer to receive Christ. How to grow as a Christian. Don't wait to follow Jesus. (Monologue) Jesus taught His disciples, then went to Heaven. Jesus will return and take people who believe in Him to Heaven, those who don't believe in Him will be punished forever. Jesus died so we could go to Heaven. Jesus took our punishment. Follow only God, leave your sins. Decide for Christ today.
In the Hand of God

When you are in the hand of the devil, you should fear going to hell. Turn to God. (Needs additional section on Jesus).
Introduction for Buddhists

The one true God is not Buddha. You must forsake the teachings of Buddhism and follow the Bible, God's Word. Only that gives peace.
The Invitation

Come unto Me... invitation to all to come to Jesus. Only in Him is need for peace and security met.
In Whose Hand Are You?

Discussion of Satan as master of the world due to Adam's sin. Brief resume of the fall and results. Satan's deceptions, fooling people to think they are free from his power. Importance of following God's Word.
Is Man Just a Number?

With God, each person is an individual of great value. God knows everything about us and loves us in spite of everything. Jesus is the Shepherd going after the one lost sheep because He loves it. What is your answer to His call?
I Stand at the Door

Jesus wants us to open our heart door to Him. Jesus is the door of salvation. It is for everyone. Come to Jesus now and be converted. This script needs to be adapted for different tribes.
Is There a Remedy?

The remedy for the unsolved problems and sin of the world is to realize that man has and is failing and to recognize that the One who created us is the One who has the answer and the power to do something about it. Come to Jesus.
It is True and Everyone Ought to Know It (Buddhist)

Questions we may ask. God is the Creator. Very long Biblical account. Adam and Eve. Some of the Ten Commandments. Birth of Jesus. Jesus' life, miracles, death and resurrection. Prayer to receive Christ.
It is True and Everyone Ought to Know It (Muslim)

Script prepared from Scripture Union material. Covers birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. From a more sophisticated or philosophical point of view.
It is True and Everyone Ought to Know It (Orthodox)

Long account of Jesus' life, ministry and teachings. Prayer to receive Christ and the blessings of Jesus in our life.
Jairus Daughter and the Woman

(Story Producer 221 - Jairus trusts) - MATTHEW 9:18-26; MARK 5:21-43; LUKE 8:40-56
Jericho (Battle of)

Everyone who lived in Jericho perished when the walls fell down and Joshua attacked, except those behind the red cord in Rahab's window. To escape the wrath of God we need to be standing behind the red cord of Christ's blood shed for us on Calvary.
Jesus and the Fishermen

Jesus came from God to tell people about God. He lived on earth as a man. Incident of the big catch of fish. Incident of calming the storm. Mention of other miracles. Explanation of His power, atonement. Happiness and heaven is for the believer.
Jesus’ Baptism and Temptation

(Story Producer 206 - Baptized and Tempted) - Matthew 3:5-17, 4:1-11, Luke 3:22, 4:1-13
Jesus Before the Jewish Council

(Story Producer 246 - Religious Leaders Condemn Jesus) - Matt. 26:57-75, Mark 14:53-72, Luke 22:54-71, John 18:15-27
Jesus Calms the Storm

Story of Christ asleep in the boat, etc. from Matt.8. Application for the unsaved. Prayer of repentance.
Jesus Can Heal Your Soul

Stories of healing of the blind man and the 10 lepers. Christ's death, resurrection and ascension. Christ's invitation. Sinner's prayer.
Jesus Can Heal Your Soul (adapted for combined script)

Stories of healing of the blind man and the 10 lepers. Christ's death, resurrection and ascension. Christ's invitation. Sinner's prayer. Adapted for an integrated-script program.
Jesus Chooses Twelve Apostles

(Story Producer 214 - Jesus Chooses Twelve Apostles) - Mark 2:13-20; 3:13-19
Jesus Enters Jerusalem

(Story Producer 239 - Jesus Enters Jerusalem) - MATT. 21:1-14,45-46, MARK 11:1-18, LUKE 19:28-48, JOHN 12:12-13
Jesus honored a widow for her generous gift to God

(Story Producer 001 - Widow’s Gift v1) - Mark 12:35-13:23, Luke 20:1-21:33
Jesus is Alive

The reality of Jesus Christ; He is alive and near to us, His power and love; man's sin; forgiveness; eternal life. Behaviour of a true Christian; trust. God's promise of help in all situations.
Jesus Is Arrested

(Story Producer 245 - Jesus Captured) - Matt. 26:30-56, Mark 14:15-52, Luke 22:12-50
Jesus is Bigger than Spirits

Refers to local custom of protecting from spirits. Discussion of Jesus' power and willingness to protect. Sinner's prayer.
Jesus is Crucified

(Story Producer 248 - Jesus Crucified) - Matt. 27:23-56, Mark 15:10-41, Luke 23:14-49, John 19:16-35
Jesus is Taken to Pilate

(Story Producer 247 - Pilate tries Jesus) - Matt. 27:1-31, Mark 15:1-20, Luke 23:1-25, John 18:28-19:16
Jesus is the Son of God

Dialogue with a Muslim. There is only one God. God revealed Himself in 3 ways - Creator, Word and Spirit. What Jesus did. Few-sentence summary of His life. Jesus made the sacrifice for our sins.
Jesus Lives

Jesus was sent by God into the world; His ministry; death; burial; resurrection and appearing to people; His ascension to heaven; His desire that we come to Him. Sinner's prayer.
Jesus, Master of Winds and Sea

Story of Jesus walking on the water. Jesus can make us clean and we can go to Heaven. Story of a sailor who died with his damaged ship because he didn't want a pilot for the ship. Prayer to receive Christ.
Jesus, Our Master

Story of Peter and the large draught of fish. Theme is obedience and doing our work for God in His way, not ours. Importance of prayer and witnessing to others.
Jesus, Prophet or Messiah?

Dialogue. How the prophet Jesus was different from other prophets (Jesus' life and miracles). He was far more than just a prophet.
Jesus rose back to life

(Story Producer 249 - Jesus Lives Again) - Matthew 27:29-28:10, Mark 15:15-15:8, Luke 23:32-24:6
Jesus showed that God had authorized him to forgive a person’s sins

(Story Producer 213 - Paralytic healed forgiven) - Matthew 9:1-8, Mark 2:1-12, Luke 5:17-26
Jesus Stills the Storm (only Scripture)

Tells story of Jesus calming the storm, using direct Scripture.
Jesus, The Christ

Tells of Christ's coming to earth as foretold by prophets; His death and resurrection; what He taught; what He claimed; His purpose and power; atonement. Invitation.
Jesus, The Mighty One

Sinful people bound by Satan; God's concern. Jesus' life on earth, His death and resurrection; victory over Satan and evil spirits. Illustration of Jesus' power. Invitation.
Jesus, the Sacrifice

Man is sinful. Jesus made the payment for our sins by giving His life. Give Jesus your heart.
Jesus walks on water, calms a storm

(Story Producer 225 - Water Walk) - Matthew 14:22-33, Mark 6:45-50, John 6:15-20
Jesus will take away your Fears

Introduction mentions the fears people have and follows with paragraph on God's power and His desire to help people. Christ's coming; sacrificial death; resurrection. How to pray to be saved and the freedom from fear as a result; God's help, etc. Explains about prayer for all needs and God's command to leave our bad ways. Specific sins mentioned.
Jesus, Word of God

Dialogue with a Muslim. Jesus isn't another God. Jesus is the Eternal God to bring us to salvation. Put your trust in Jesus, honor Him, and receive forgiveness and peace. Prayer to receive Christ.

Dambudzo seeks advice from Mai Jane, who is well known for her wisdom. Dambudzo wants to know how she can still keep her friends while not joining them in their excessive, extravagant behavior and so-called fun. Mai Jane starts a calm conversation with Dambudzo, and while she speaks, dramatic images of her youth flash through her mind. Mai Jane explains to Dambudzo that bad choices can ruin your life.

Discussion of a case tried before the chief and elders of the tribe. Man found guilty; but a respected friend pays the heavy fine for him. Application shows this illustrates Christ's atonement for sin.
Judgement (adapted for combined script)

Discussion of a case tried before the chief and elders of the tribe. Man found guilty; but a respected friend pays the heavy fine for him. Application shows this illustrates Christ's atonement for sin. Adapted for an integrated-script program.
Judgment (children)

Achan stole property and thought nobody knew about it. But God said his sin must be punished. Confess and ask God to forgive your sin.
The Judgment Seat of Christ

Fairly detailed discussion/dialogue about the judgment seat of Christ, that every believer will be judged according to how we have lived for Him, how this judgment differs from the judgment of the nations and from the Great White Throne.
Kapiolani 1 & 2

Story of a Queen in Hawaii who worshipped a volcano; was saved; refused to go along with the priest's demand for human sacrifice; defied the god of the volcano in public and turned the people to worship God. Invitation.
The Last Days of Saul

(Story Producer 150 - Saul killed) - 1 Samuel 28, 31; 2 Samuel 1:11-12; 2:1-4; 5:1-5
Lessons from a Hyena

Once a hyena couldn't choose between two paths and died trying to go down both. God loves us and sent His Son. Choose Christ.
Let Us Change this World

God created everything good. Now the world is bad because Adam and Eve listened to Satan. We can change the world through loving God, our neighbors and our enemies. Love begins at home. Prayer to receive Christ.

Begins with the questions as to what life is and the purpose of life. Is there a life that is completely satisfying? Answer is in Jesus Christ. Satisfaction and purpose, peace and security is found in Him. Explains how to get it; the importance of it; definite choice needed. Wide gate, narrow gate. Believing, accepting--not doing--is how.
Life after Death

Dialogue and discussion amongst the Balangao people about life after death Discussion centering on some of the wrong beliefs regarding death, spirits of the dead, heaven, hell.
The Life of God's Children

Instruction for the new Christian for growth....gain strength from God's Word; obedience; praise; prayer; fellowship. Confession of sin; resist temptation; trust God in trouble.
Life Restored

Story of Jairus' daughter being raised to life. Christ's power not only to give life, but to give eternal life.

Short, God created light but sin brought darkness. Jesus came as Light of the World to save us from darkness and fear of spirits, etc.
The Living Christ

A Survey of the Life of Christ for Evangelism and Basic Bible Teaching. Comes with a 120 picture set.
The Living Christ

A Survey of the Life of Christ for Evangelism and Basic Bible Teaching. Comes with a 120 picture set.
The Living Christ (Revised)

A Survey of the Life of Christ for Evangelism and Basic Bible Teaching. Comes with a 120 picture set.
Living for Jesus

Jesus can help us to do right. Read and obey the Bible, pray, ask for forgiveness if we disobey. Trust Jesus in all things.
Living for Jesus (adapted for combined script)

Jesus can help us to do right. Read and obey the Bible, pray, ask for forgiveness if we disobey. Trust Jesus in all things. Adapted for an integrated-script program.
The Living God

God knows all, even our thoughts; idols don't see anything. God's hatred of sin; His judgment. His love and provision for sinful man - Christ's atonement. Invitation. Sinner's prayer. Very short sentences.
The Living Hope

Dialogue. The resurrection is the foundation of our faith. Evidences of the resurrection.
Living the Christian Life

Those who believe in Jesus receive the Holy Spirit, Who reminds them about what the Word of God says we should do and helps them to resist Satan. He teaches us to pray, read the Bible, be honest and kind and good. When he fails he should confess his sin and God will forgive and cleanse him.
Look, Listen & Live 1: Beginning with GOD

Adam, Noah, Job, Abraham. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording. This Simple script is meant for unwritten languages where the translation must be oral.
Look, Listen & Live 1: Beginning with GOD

Adam, Noah, Job, Abraham. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 1: Beginning with GOD

Adam, Noah, Job, Abraham. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording. This Simple script is meant for unwritten languages where the translation must be oral.
Look, Listen & Live 1: Beginning with GOD (Extended)

(Look, Listen & Live 1: Beginning with GOD (Revised)) - Adam, Noah, Job, Abraham. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording. This Extended version is for languages that are written, where it can be pre-translated.
Look, Listen & Live 1: Beginning with GOD (Long Version)

Adam, Noah, Job, Abraham. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording. This is a Simple, Long version.
Look, Listen & Live 1: Beginning with GOD (Revised)

Adam, Noah, Job, Abraham. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording. This Extended version is for languages that are written, where it can be pre-translated.
Look, Listen & Live 1: Beginning with GOD (Revised)

Adam, Noah, Job, Abraham. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording. This Extended version is for languages that are written, where it can be pre-translated.
Look, Listen & Live 2: Mighty Men of God

Jacob, Joseph, Moses. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 2: Mighty Men of GOD

Jacob, Joseph, Moses. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording. This Simple script is meant for unwritten languages where the translation must be oral.
Look, Listen & Live 2: Mighty Men of God

Jacob, Joseph, Moses. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 2: Mighty Men of GOD (Extended)

(Look, Listen & Live 2: Mighty Men of GOD (Revised)) - Jacob, Joseph, Moses. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 2: Mighty Men of GOD (Long Version)

Jacob, Joseph, Moses. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 2: Mighty Men of GOD (Revised)

Jacob, Joseph, Moses. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 2: Mighty Men of GOD (Revised)

Jacob, Joseph, Moses. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 3: Victory through GOD

Joshua, Deborah, Gideon, Samson. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording. This Simple script is meant for unwritten languages where the translation must be oral.
Look, Listen & Live 3: Victory through God

Joshua, Deborah, Gideon, Samson. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 3: Victory through God

Joshua, Deborah, Gideon, Samson. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 3: Victory through GOD (Extended)

(Look, Listen & Live 3: Victory through GOD (Revised)) - Joshua, Deborah, Gideon, Samson. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 3: Victory through GOD (Long Version)

Joshua, Deborah, Gideon, Samson. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 3: Victory through GOD (Revised)

Joshua, Deborah, Gideon, Samson. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 3: Victory through GOD (Revised)

Joshua, Deborah, Gideon, Samson. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 4: Servants of God

Ruth, Samuel, David, Elijah. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 4: Servants of God

Ruth, Samuel, David, Elijah. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 4: Servants of GOD

Ruth, Samuel, David, Elijah. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording. This Simple script is meant for unwritten languages where the translation must be oral.
Look, Listen & Live 4: Servants of GOD (Extended)

(Look, Listen & Live 4: Servants of GOD (Revised)) - Ruth, Samuel, David, Elijah. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 4: Servants of GOD (Long Version)

Ruth, Samuel, David, Elijah. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 4: Servants of GOD (Revised)

Ruth, Samuel, David, Elijah. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 4: Servants of GOD (Revised)

Ruth, Samuel, David, Elijah. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 5: On Trial for GOD

Elisha, Daniel, Jonah, Nehemiah, Esther. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording. This Simple script is meant for unwritten languages where the translation must be oral.
Look, Listen & Live 5: On trial for God

Elisha, Daniel, Jonah, Nehemiah, Esther. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 5: On trial for God

Elisha, Daniel, Jonah, Nehemiah, Esther. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 5: On Trial for GOD (Long Version)

Elisha, Daniel, Jonah, Nehemiah, Esther. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 5: On Trial for GOD (Revised)

Elisha, Daniel, Jonah, Nehemiah, Esther. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 5: On Trial for GOD (Revised)

Elisha, Daniel, Jonah, Nehemiah, Esther. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 6: JESUS - Teacher & Healer

From Matthew and Mark. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording. This Simple script is meant for unwritten languages where the translation must be oral.
Look, Listen & Live 6: JESUS - Teacher & Healer

From Matthew and Mark. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording. This Simple script is meant for unwritten languages where the translation must be oral.
Look, Listen & Live 6: JESUS - Teacher & Healer (Long Version)

From Matthew and Mark. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 6: Jesus - the teacher

(Look, Listen & Live 6: JESUS - Teacher & Healer) - From Matthew and Mark. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 6: Jesus - the teacher

(Look, Listen & Live 6: JESUS - Teacher & Healer) - From Matthew and Mark. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 6: Jesus - the Teacher (Revised)

(Look, Listen & Live 6: JESUS - Teacher & Healer (Revised)) - From Matthew and Mark. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 6: Jesus - the Teacher (Revised)

(Look, Listen & Live 6: JESUS - Teacher & Healer (Revised)) - From Matthew and Mark. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 7: Jesus - Lord and saviour

(Look, Listen & Live 7: JESUS - Lord & Saviour) - From Luke and John. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 7: Jesus - Lord and saviour

(Look, Listen & Live 7: JESUS - Lord & Saviour) - From Luke and John. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 7: Jesus - Lord and Saviour (Revised)

(Look, Listen & Live 7: JESUS - Lord & Saviour (Revised)) - From Luke and John. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 7: Jesus - Lord and Saviour (Revised)

(Look, Listen & Live 7: JESUS - Lord & Saviour (Revised)) - From Luke and John. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 7: JESUS - Lord & Saviour

From Luke and John. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording. This Simple script is meant for unwritten languages where the translation must be oral.
Look, Listen & Live 7: JESUS - Lord & Saviour

From Luke and John. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording. This Simple script is meant for unwritten languages where the translation must be oral.
Look, Listen & Live 7: JESUS - Lord & Saviour (Long Version)

From Luke and John. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 8: Acts of the Holy Spirit

The Young Church and Paul. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 8: Acts of the Holy Spirit

The Young Church and Paul. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 8: Acts of the HOLY SPIRIT

The young Church and Paul. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording. This Simple script is meant for unwritten languages where the translation must be oral.
Look, Listen & Live 8: Acts of the HOLY SPIRIT

The young Church and Paul. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording. This Simple script is meant for unwritten languages where the translation must be oral.
Look, Listen & Live 8: Acts of the HOLY SPIRIT (Long Version)

The Young Church and Paul. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 8: Acts of the Holy Spirit (Revised)

The Young Church and Paul. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look, Listen & Live 8: Acts of the Holy Spirit (Revised)

The Young Church and Paul. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.
Look Upon Your Heart
Compares God's Word to a mirror which reveals the heart. Where there is sin, confession is needed. Quote Scriptures dealing with sinful practices. God sees all; nothing hidden.
The Lord is My Shepherd

Short message on Christ's care and love; His atonement. To be put with 23rd Psalm or a song.
The Lord's Prayer

Contains the words to the Lord's prayer and the priestly blessing from Numbers; exhortation to believe and be saved and be ready; affirmation that the Lord will hear and answer prayer.
The Lost Sheep

Parable of the lost sheep dramatized. Application: all people are lost. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, seeks lost ones. He calls us; answer Him. The Scripture passage can be used with this application, if preferred.
The Lost Son

Luke 15: 11-24 (Montgomery Version). Story of the Prodigal Son, closing with a verse from Isaiah calling for people to return to God.
The Man Born Blind

Eloquent description of the healing of the blind man (John 9), his washing the clay from his eyes; the anger of the Pharisees; Jesus speaks to him. Belief and joy-- spiritual sight as well as physical.
Man's Need

Scripture under the following headings: There is only one true God; He whom we should worship is God only; all people are sinners; the reward of sin; you are unable to save yourself; the love of God; Christ died for our sins.

Seeking a physical cure by resorting to magic that uses witchdoctors, sorcerers, talking to spirits, etc. is forbidden by God. Illustration of Ahaziah. Explains that there are good medicines and doctors, which are okay, as well as prayer. A Christian calling a witchdoctor, shaman, or medicine man, brings shame to God's name.
Medicine for the Soul

Conversation with man who is upset and angry; wants medicine to cure his feelings. Christian points out his spiritual need. Discussion of forgiveness; sins include evil thoughts, etc. How to get a change of heart. Christ's atonement.
Medicine from God

Setting is the clinic or hospital. Discussion of symptoms with nurse or doctor. Transition to questions about dying and introduction of the disease of sin. God's medicine for sin--- the Son of God. His birth, life, temptations, sinlessness, death and atonement, resurrection. Invitation.
Meeting the Creator God

A series of nine scripts which have been adapted a little to harmonize with each other: Attributes of God, Creation and Fall, Judgement, Birth of Jesus, Jesus Can Heal Your Soul, The Gadarene, The Death of Christ, The Christian Life, Living for Jesus. They are all monolog except for section 3; "Judgement" is a dialog. Formerly called "New Evangelistic Set."
Miracles of Jesus

Account of the healing of the paralytic (Mk.2:1-12) and the boy with the demon (Mk. 9:14-27). Emphasis on Christ's power over sickness and sin. Abrupt application.
The Monk who Lived Again
True story of Dr. Walter Montano, a Dominican monk, and his search for God; his despair and decision to escape and to try the Protestants. His escape, dramatized, is successful and he goes to a Protestant missionary who leads him to Christ. To be used cautiously. This is taken from the book by the same title. Dr. Montano's voice is on our Spanish recording of this script.
More About God

Explains in very simple sentences about the incarnation, atonement, the fact of the Trinity, God's greatness, omnipresence, love. God's desire to dwell in us; our need of cleansing; God's power in our lives. Satan's deception, hatred, power. God's deliverance; our obedience. Invitation. Very short sentences.
Nearly Lost, but Saved

Emphasis is on the necessity of faith rather than works or Christian family. Neither man's goodness nor his wickedness is the deciding factor,- but belief and acceptance of Christ. Example of the thief on the cross. One day - Jesus. Invititation.
Nearly Saved, but Lost

Story of the rich young ruler, he was almost saved. Trust Jesus with your whole heart.
The New Birth

The story of Nicodemus. Illustrates the thought that some people follow religious customs but don't recognize the spiritual basis and the necessasry new birth. Being born spiritually makes it possible to escape the consequences of sin. A new nature is needed in order to live a new life, and the ony way to get it is through being born spiritually into God's family.
A New Heart

Children's story - A pig needed a lamb's heart to not go into mud puddles. Jesus gives us a new heart to make us do things we should do.
The New Man

Tells of the power of Christ during His life on earth - healing, raising the dead, casting out demons. Jesus has power to help, transform our lives. His love, atonement, and power to deliver us from Satan's power. Applications needs strengthening. Similar to"Jesus the Mighty One", "Who is He?", and "Jesus Can Heal Your Soul."
A New Nature

About sin and the need of inner cleansing which is beyond our power. Illustration of leopard who cannot remove his spots or change to eating grass. We need Christ to change us and give us new natures. We can ask Him to do it for us and He will. There is an optional paragraph which mentions the millenial reign when even animals' natures will be changed.

(Nicodemus) - English translation of a Hungarian recording. There was an article in a magazine titled 'What does Jesus Christ mean to you?" Some answers. It is a personal relationship with Jesus that is important. God forgives our sin because of the cross. Story of the rich young man. Story of Nicodemus.
The Ninety and Nine

Sheep are weak, not good at finding their own food, and can get lost. Jesus said He was the Good Shepherd. Parable of the lost sheep. Put your trust entirely in the Lord Jesus and be spiritually safe and provided for. This script is to go with the song, "The Ninety and Nine." Additionally, separately, at the end of this script there are short talks for these songs: "When He Cometh," "Onward, Christian Soldiers," and "Joy to the World."
Noah (children)

Story of the flood, dramatized with s.e. Application speaks of present wickedness (listing local sins); God's hatred of sin and the future judgment. Jesus is the door of safetly. Sinner's prayer at end. There are several versions of this suitable for specific areas.
No One Else Can Save Us

Names the 12 disciples. They are not saints or gods. We should not worship them. No one can save us but Jesus. Trust in Him.
No Other Way

God gave a book to people so they could know about Him, called the Bible, the Word of God. It tells how He created the world, but sin entered it. God promised to send a Saviour, and in time He sent Jesus, Who died and rose again to become the only way back to God. Ask forgiveness of God in Jesus' name.
Obey God

We must recognize God's holiness and justice and have a proper fear. This kind of fear helps us to obey Him and thus escape His judgments. Example of Achan, Korah, Israelites, etc. Fear God and you won't have to fear Satan.
One Came Back

Intellectual, philosophical approach on existence of God, incarnation of Jesus, repentance and faith in Him.
One God

Describes the Trinity. People worship the same God, but some only worship part of Him. Christians worship all of Him in His greatness.
One Mediator Between God and Man

Explains our need of a mediator. Illustration of the fight between the saltwater people and the bush people. They found a mediator related to both groups who could bring them together. Application: our enmity with God. Jesus, the mediator, born of Mary, truly man, truly God. His atonement. Invitation.
One Mediator (No Idols)

Story of Paul and Barnabas and healing of man lame from birth; reaction of the crowds wanting to worship them. Paul's answer. The gods of silver and gold are man's work - not alive. God's commands re idols. Christ is the only mediator - no other Name given for salvation.
One True God

There is only one God. We should not worship idols or fear evil spirits. God is greater than all. Invitation.
Only One Mediator

(One Mediator between God and Man (modified)) - Begins with example of a peacemaker in a tribal conflict in PNG. Then explains how Jesus is the mediator between God and man.
The Only Saviour

Dramatized story of dying girl who finds no help or comfort in her belief in penance, works, prayers to saints. Her brother explains that Christ is the only mediator and the only way to heaven. Use with caution in Catholic areas.
The Only True God

This dialogue uses the thoughts about idols from Psalm 115. Includes "saints" and refers to incense and candles, but by deleting those phrases this script can be used for idol worshippers. Ends with explanation of Christ's death and resurrection. Easily adaptable for specific needs.
The Only True God (adapted for Thailand)

This dialogue uses the thoughts about idols from Psalm 115, adapted for demons and idol worshippers. Ends with explanation of Christ's death and resurrection.
Only True Religion

When God first created people, they were good, but soon they disobeyed and sin came in. The wages of sin are the ways of sickness and death. So God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to this earth to be born like us and prepare a way so we could be saved. This then is the only true religion, for others are made up by men. Come to Jesus to receive His rest and receive His religion for everlasting life.
On the Beach

Setting of the disciples fishing after the resurrection and the miracle of the large catch of fish. Mostly paraphrased scripture.- John 21:1-14 Emphasizes Christ's power and omniscience. See also "Jesus and the Fishermen."
On Yakut 1 God's Plan of Salvation

Plan of salvation in four points. Historical facts of Christ from different people and from the Gospels. Witnesses by Yakut speakers.
Origin and Destiny

Where did man come from? Where is he going? Briefly discusses reincarnation and evolution theories. The Bible has the answers that make the most sense. Believe in Jesus and your destiny will be the Kingdom of God.
Our Enemy

Account of Satan's fall through pride and his exile along with disobedient angels who became demons. Deals with Satan's deception through idolatry and drunkenness, his future in hell with his followers; our helplessness; God's power in our behalf. Appeal to be delivered from his power through new birth, also a prayer for power in temptation.
Our Fears, Legitimate or Childish

All people have fears. Some are childish, some are legitimate. Discuss the prominent place fear has in the Bible, and the kinds of fear. Fear that is awe in the presence of God, etc. Guilt brings fear. Christ banishes fear as individuals accept His salvation.
Our Great Enemy, Satan

Satan's origin, pride, rebellion, cast out of heaven. Now is God's enemy; and people's enemy. Satan's deception, and Adam and Eve's fall. Satan's attempt to defeat Jesus. Account of the temptation in the wilderness; Jesus greater than Satan, conquered by His death and resurrection. His power to save and keep us safefrom Satan and all evil spirits. Satan's punishment. Invitation.
The Parable of the Sower

Tells the parable in simple language; then gives the explanation of the meaning. Simple and straightforward.
The Passover

Children of Israel put blood of a lamb on the doorposts and were saved from the death of the firstborn. Believe in Jesus the Lamb of God.
The Passover Approaches

(Story Producer 243-4 - Jesus' Last Meal (New Passover)) - Matthew 26:2-29; Mark 14:1-25; Luke 22:2-38
Paul’s First Missionary Journey

(Story Producer 261 - Paul and Barnabas' first mission journey) - Acts 13:1 - 14:28
Peace or Fear

Dialogue between a Christian and a Hindu about incarnation and good works. The Christian explains that Christ is the only incarnation--the perfect "Guru" who opened the way to heaven. Explains that "works" are not the way---only by believing in Christ. Discusses the fear of death and the hope of the Christian. Heaven and happiness; the peace of a Christian. Invitation.
The Perfect Sacrifice

Contains a strong message on the meaning of Christ's death. Very good for tribes who make sacrifices.
Perishable World, This

Discussion of the end of the world; God's plan; His standard of holiness; man's failure. Hell prepared for Satan and those who follow him. God's way of escape for us is through Christ's atonement. Although slanted for Buddhists, it is adaptable.
The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit (Part 1)

Part I: Thorough coverage of basic truths about the Holy Spirit: He is not a power, but a Person; He is God; He indwells Christians; convicts of sin; is the spirit of truth; illuminates and empowers Christians to do God's will and work. Part II: He gives gifts to Christians (gifts named). Does not give everyone the same work, but gives each the power to do God's will. Failing to obey grieves Him.
The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit (Part 2)

List of the gifts of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit will show us the work He has for us, we all have different work. Ask God to give us the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit wants to produce fruit in our lives. List of the fruits of the Spirit. True Christians will be filled with the Spirit and let our lights shine brightly for Christ.
Peter Leaves Jesus

Peter's denial; Jesus' love and forgiveness; Peter's sorrow and repentance. We have the help of Christ as we pray and ask for it. His forgiveness when we fail.
Philip and the Ethiopian

Story dramatized. Ethiopian asking questions and Philip answers. Brings out the truth of the prophecy in Isaiah about Christ's death. Explanation of the atonement - Christ, the Lamb of God.
Philip and the Ethiopian (children)

Story dramatized. Ethiopian asking questions and Philip answers. Brings out the truth of the prophecy in Isaish about Christ's death. Explanation of the atonement - Christ, the Lamb of God.

Tells of the deception of Satan re the desire for material things, and methods employed to acquire them. Materialistic attitude blinds people to the truths of God. True values in God's sight: a cleansed heart, peace of heart, peace with neighbors. Evil ways are not hid from God; judgment will result. Other deceptions of Satan attempt to discredit God's power, omnipresence, greatness. Jesus' atonement; invitation.
The Power of Jesus

(Story Producer 219 - Jesus Power) - Matthew 8:23-27; 12:22-29; Mark 3:22-27; 4:35-41 Luke 11:14-22
Power Over Evil Spirits

Refers to local practices to appease evil spirits and the failure to get relief. Tells of Christ's power; the need to believe and trust Him. Tells about eternal life; heaven and hell; Christ's atonement. Invitation concludes with sinner's prayer.
Power Over Evil Spirits (dialogue)

Dialogue. Jesus can conquer evil spirits. Jesus alone has power over the evil spirits. Jesus is the true sacrifice. He can take away our sins. Believe in Jesus now.
Prayer is Talking to God

For untaught Christians about prayer. Thanking God; asking for help; needs; problems; wisdom; forgiveness of sin.
PRAYER: Part 1, What the Bible Says

What is prayer; only the true God can hear prayer; prayer from the heart that is not holding on to sin.
PRAYER: Part 2, What the Bible Says

Expounds on the Lord's Prayer. Must worship and pray to the true God and obey Him. John 3:16.
PRAYER: Part 3, About Prayer

The kind of prayer God accepts; the story of Paul's conversion; the blood of Jesus, the Lamb of God is sufficient for forgiveness.
PRAYER: Part 4, Something About Praying

Rich man and Lazarus; existence of hell and what it is like; remembrance of one's sins in hell; forgiveness of sins and salvation from hell through the blood of Jesus.
PRAYER: Part 5, The Promises of God

God's promise re prayer; freedom in Christ; Matt. 11:28-30; Jesus came to save people from their sin; Jesus forgives and heals the paralytic brought by his 4 friends; the great commission; God's promise to forgive the repentant sinner.
PRAYER: Part 6, Elijah and the Rain

Dialogue between student and teacher about the power of prayer. Reference to Elijah and the rain and Joshua when the sun stood still.
Prayers We Can Pray to God (formerly "Prayer - Cantonese")

The Bible promises us that when we ask of God, we shall receive. Example of prayer to become a child of God. Example of prayer for witnessing and obedience. Example of prayer of repentance. When to pray, and what to be thankful for. Jesus is your dearest friend, and He loves to have you talk to Him.
Prayer to the True God (formerly "Prayer")

Dialogue between father and son. Setting is in Africa and refers to local practice of praying (calling the spirits) and the contrast with the Christian way--- praying in Jesus' name; at anytime; for all needs. The way of prayer is the way of friendship with God. This can be adapted for general use.
Prepare for Heaven

Explains in ultra-simple language where people go when they die. God's love; Satan's hate; God's holiness; His invitation to sinners. Christians do not fear death. For very primitive tribes.
Prepare for the Future

The importance of being prepared to die; what to do. Truth about what happens at death. Heaven or hell; judgement. God's provision for forgiveness and escaping judgment.
The Prodigal Son

Story of the prodigal son dramatized, with application. Invitation and sinner's prayer. There are several versions of this; some have direct Scripture quotes; others paraphrase.
Progressive Evangelistic Script

1. Are you afraid? 2. The attributes of God 3. The creation 4. The fall of man 5. Noah 6. Sin and judgement 7. The introduction to Jesus 8. The ministry of Jesus 9. The death of Jesus 10. The resurrection of Jesus 11. The two roads 12. The two roads, cont. 13. The appeal. How to become a Christian.
Progressive Evangelistic Script (modified)

Following topics covered: Are You Afraid, Attributes of God, Creation, Fall, Noah, Sin & the Judgment of God, Introduction to Jesus, Ministry & Death of Jesus, Resurrection of Jesus, Two Ways
Protection from the Enemy

Dialogue on the danger of compromise regarding the practices of those worshipping or fearing evil spirits. How to overcome fear of them-- by trusting God, praising and singing songs of praise; by remembering the sacrifice of Jesus and His power. The armour of the Christian; praying in the name of Jesus.
Questions about Prayer

Conversation asking about prayer. Includes the illustration of publican and Pharisee. Covers repentance, where and when to pray; praying with right attitudes; the Holy Spirit's help; faith. Formerly called "Prayer Dialogue".
Real Life

Begins with the questions as to what life is and the purpose of life. Is there a life that is completely satisfying? Answer is in Jesus Christ. Satisfaction and purpose, peace and security is found in Him. Explains how to get it; the importance of it; definite choice needed. Wide gate, narrow gate. Believing, accepting--not doing--is how. Real life is to be found in Jesus. We must give up our will and accept God's will. We have to go through the narrow door. Plan of salvation.
The Refugee

A person fleeing an enemy gets to a place of safety, and listens to the story of the birth of Christ and the wise men, and how Herod tried to kill him but the family fled to Egypt. There was great sorrow, but justice in the end. The little refugee Jesus grew up to be the great Messiah, and the narrator will tell about that another time.
The Refugee's Journey

During the life of Jesus the Messiah, He became a refugee, and endured homelessness, rejection, and betrayal. He suffered hunger, thirst, pain, and death. But He conquered death! Now He offers us an eternal home with Him in Heaven, and promises ultimate justice. Put your trust in Him and receive His security and peace.
The Refugee's Journey (dialog)

Dialog version. During the life of Jesus the Messiah, He became a refugee, and endured homelessness, rejection, and betrayal. He suffered hunger, thirst, pain, and death. But He conquered death! Now He offers us an eternal home with Him in Heaven, and promises ultimate justice. Put your trust in Him and receive His security and peace.

Detailed explanation with illustrations from life and from the Scriptures, about what it means to repent; how to pray expressing repentance and trust in the Lord for salvation.
Repentance and Judgement

Tells of God's judgment on Nineveh and its escape when the people repented. God's judgment will come on all who do not turn from evil. We cannot serve both Satan and God. God sees inside the heart. Turn to Jesus.
Repent and Believe

It tells about the God who is alive. He is good, He is holy and He hates evil. Jesus took our punishment so we won't have to go to hell. Repent and believe on Jesus. Turn to Jesus today.
The Resurrection

The facts of the resurrection in detail followed by an exhortation to be ready for His return. Note: The emphasis in this script can be especially useful for Catholics and Muslims.
The Resurrection (dialogue)

Dialogue. Easter story. Jesus is alive and has power over death. Jesus is in Heaven, but His Spirit lives in us. Jesus will return. How to become His child.
The Return of Christ

Tells of Christ's promise to return. How, why, and when. What will happen to the unsaved. Must be ready. Invitation.
The Rich Fool

Story of the rich fool laying up treasure. The importance of being ready and not putting material things ahead of spiritual needs. Application.
The Rich Man and Lazarus

Story dramatized. Emphasis is on no chance after death. Hell and heaven are real. Christ died, rose, and ascended that we might be free from judgment. Snare of materialism. Life is short---after death is long.
The Rich Young Ruler

(Story Producer 236 - Rich Leader) - Matthew 19:16-29; Mark 10:17-30; Luke 18:18-30
The Right Clothing

Story of creation and the entrance of sin. Prodigal son. The only acceptable clothing is the garment of salvation. Receive Christ and you will be accepted in Heaven.
The Risen Christ

(Story Producer 251 - The Risen Christ (Thomas)) - Matt. 28:16-20; Mark 16:14; Luke 24:36-53; John 20:19-29; Acts 1:4, 8-9
The Road to Heaven

God's road is only road to heaven. Jesus made the road for us. He made our sin-payment. Pray and receive life-all-the-time. Jesus will help. Follow Him.
The Sacrifice

Proclaims Jesus as if to a people who have been prepared and waiting for the message. Emphasis on "this is what God has for us. God is speaking to you."
Salvation Only By Faith

Salvation is by faith in Christ, by hearing and believing the Word of God. Jesus spoke the words which we must believe in order to become the children of God and be passed from death into life. John 5:24 is repeated twice.
Salvation Through Christ

Quotes under the following headings: You can have salvation through Christ; Repent and come back to God; Believe in Jesus Christ; Jesus Christ will save you; Eternal life has been promised. All quotes are from NT, except Isaiah 55:7
Saved By Grace

A man has a Bible and reads verses to his wife. They discover many answers to the fears and doubts that have beset them before. Salvation is not by works but is a free gift, and whoever calls on the Lord Jesus will be saved.
Scripture Script

(Scripture Script (references for script 386)) - Scripture references for the Scriptures in script number 386 ("Scripture Script by John Black"), they are not written out.
Scripture Script by John Black

All the Scriptures are written out. There are Scriptures for: 1. The birth of Jesus 2. Repentance 3. Man's need 4. Barabbas 5. Jesus Christ, the great High Priest 6. Prayer 7. Second coming 8. Authority assurance 9. Jesus' power.
The Second Coming

Questions answered about Christ's return, mostly by direct Scripture quotes. When will the world end? Why will Christ come? How will Christ reward His followers? How to be ready for His coming.
The Second Coming of Jesus

Is the second coming of Jesus just a dream? No, it is the greatest hope of this unenduring world. God waits to give more people an opportunity to repent, instead of judging and destroying all those who have not yet repented, in the lake of fire forever. When Jesus comes, will He find faith on the earth? Will He find faith in your heart?
Second Coming - Rapture

Dramatized discovery that nobody is home ... where are they? This is what it will be like one day when Jesus comes with the trump of God, and takes people away. Will you be ready?
The Secret of Prayer

There are conditions to God hearing prayer. God doesn't hear prayer if there is sin in one's heart. There must be repentance. We must pray with faith. We have to pray in Jesus' Name and according to the will of God. Example of God hearing prayer: William McDougall was rescued from a sunken Dutch ship when he prayed that the rescue boat's sail would fall, until he had time to swim to the boat.
Sequential Program Full Script

PART I & PART II of this script can be used together, or, where applicable, just the first part can be used. This script, including Attributes of God, Creation, Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, and other OT stories, shows the promises of God in Scripture to send a Saviour to save men from their sin and the fulfilment of these promises in the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Christ. After a call to commitment, Part 2 then goes on to show how a person who believes in Christ should live to please God, with: The Coming of the Holy Spirit – How Christians Should Live – Prayer - Worshipping God – Bearing Fruit – Confession of Sin – Heaven and Hell – Witnessing - The Return of Christ.
Sequential Program Script

Introduction, Attributes of God, Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Ten Commandments, Sacrifice for Sin, The Birth of Christ, His Life and Ministry, The Death of Christ, The Resurrection, The Ascension, Call to Commitment, The Coming of the Holy Spirit, How Christians Should Live, Confession of Sin, Prayer, Heaven and Hell, Witnessing, The Return of Christ
Shall Man Live Again?

Man is a living soul destined to live forever; has power of choice -- heaven or hell. Eternal life with God offered through Christ. Alternative is eternal abode in hell.
The Sickness of Man

Compares physical sickness with "sickness of the soul" -- sin. Christ's power to heal both. Changed lives of those whom Christ heals. Ask forgiveness of Jesus.

Sin - the cause of grief and suffering; the cause of the death of Christ. Description of His treatment and death. His purpose in submitting. Application and invitation. Needs revision for ease of translation.
Sin, What is It?

Discussion of what sin is; why God commands us not to do certain things; list of sins plus emphasis on the "great" sin of worshipping any other beside God. Danger of being captive to evil spirits. Danger of compromise. True belief and trust leads to a clear break with sinful activities. Ultimate results---every knee shall bow either in worship or in shame.

We are all slaves of Satan until Christ frees us. How Satan holds us: by the power of a great hunger---lust, greed, pride, etc. Freedom only through Christ. His atonement. Satan's power broken. Man can choose. Sinner's prayer. Worship Jesus only. All will have to bow to Him some day---even those who refuse now will then have to acknowledge Him.
Small Sin, Big Damage

Examples of small things doing a lot of damage. In God's sight, every sin is disobedience and God hates them all. Jesus can forgive our sins, come to Jesus. Ask Jesus to change our nature to not sin.
Speaking to God

Conversation asking about prayer. Includes the illustration of publican and Pharisee. Covers repentance; where and when to pray; praying with right attitudes; the Holy Spirit's help; faith.
The Spirit-Filled Life

Our body is God's temple, give it to the Holy Spirit for His full control. Confess sins and make it right with people. God will put the fruits of the Spirit in our life.
Spiritual Sight [Blind Bartimaeus]

Story of the healing of blind Bartimaeus. People who are in sin are in darkness like he was. Come to the Light.
Spread the Good News

On witnessing. Speaker answers ojections with Scripture. Listener is convinced and the group goes off singing.

Tells of God's gifts to us: eternal life through Jesus, good things of earth, family, etc. He gives because He loves us. We also should give to Him to show our love. Explains the O.T. tithing and that we also should give to others and God's work, notas a requirement but as a way of doing God's work and pleasing Him.
Stilling the Storm

Jesus in the boat tells the storm to be still, and it obeys. If He can do that, He can do anything. Trust in Him to help you in the storms of life.
The Story of Cain

Story of Abel and Cain bringing their offerings to God, one accepted and the other rejected. Cain kills Abel in anger and is unrepentant. Jesus came to save sinners who will repent.
The Story of Love

There are several songs, and discussing the songs after each one. Good script for children, telling and singing about God's love.
The Story of Redemption

Creation, man's sin, redemption through Christ - His life, death, resurrection, ascension. Invitation.
Story Producer 006 - Snake's Secret v1
Numbers 32:23; Romans 6:23; 1 John 1:8, 9
Story Producer 007 - Leopards kill v1
1 Peter 2:24
Stronger than Demons

The Jesus Clan is stronger than the devil clan. Leave the devil clan and come to Jesus.
Talking to God

Simple explanation of prayer; how to pray; sample of a sinner's prayer; explanation of the result of that kind of prayer. Concludes with several prayer promises which can be direct quotes or paraphrased. Presupposes a knowledge of Christian concepts.
Teach all Nations

Begins with great commission then obedience to the commission. Paul and Silas in Philippi and the subsequent imprisonment, singing, earthquake and conversion of jailor. Acts 16:16-34. Challenge to witness and not be ashamed of the Gospel.
The Teaching of Jesus Christ

Jesus' teaching has authority. Some of Jesus' teachings from the Bible. Story of the prodigal son. We have sinned. Jesus will welcome us if we forsake sin and come to Him.
Tell Me

Explains about the book about God; who is God; what is the message in the book. People's fear of evil spirits; God's deliverance and love. Jesus, the Saviour; His power over evil spirits; His atonement, resurrection, power in our lives. Very simple statements.
Tell Me About Jesus

Dialogue between father and son. Covers creation, fall, redemption, future abode. Can be used as a children's record, or a dialogue between adults. Scripture can be easily paraphrased.
Ten Commandments

God gave His commands to Moses to give to the people. The Ten Commandments. Why He gave them. God will judge us if we don't obey His Word.
The Ten Virgins

Parable of the Ten Virgins, dramatized. Application brings out what false things people trust in -- good deeds, church, Christian parents, etc. A dramatic effect is had by using a different voice for each excuse.
Three in One

Script is told by one person, but tells of the discussion between a Muslim and a Christian, about the Christian's concept of God and the Trinity. Uses the sun as illustration of the Trinity. Conclusion explains that one can open his heart to the light of God by believing on Jesus Christ.
TLC Lesson 10 - The Light of the World

Lessons from 'The Living Christ' #10 - Pictures 2, 12, 19, 34, 56, 57, 65, 58, 107, 110, 118, 120.
TLC Lesson 11 - How Can We Please God?

Lessons from 'The Living Christ' #11 - Pictures 84, 85, 91, 92, 36, 69, 82, 102, 108, 119.
TLC Lesson 12 - The Living Christ and Forgiveness

Lessons from 'The Living Christ' #12 - Pictures 33, 27, 64, 75, 76, 77, 105, 108, 116, 63, 82.
TLC Lesson 13 - The Living Christ and the Word of God - Part 1

Lessons from 'The Living Christ' #13 - Pictures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 33, 42, 43.
TLC Lesson 14 - The Living Christ and the Word of God - Part 2

Lessons from 'The Living Christ' #14 - Pictures 46, 47, 79, 108, 110, 117, 119, 96.
TLC Lesson 15 - The Living Christ Shows How God Cares for Us

Lessons from 'The Living Christ' #15 - Pictures 18, 21, 23, 53, 86, 87, 108, 118, 119.
TLC Lesson 16 - Who Is Jesus? - Part 1

Lessons from 'The Living Christ' #16 - Pictures 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 24, 57, 107, 110.
TLC Lesson 17 - Who Is Jesus? - Part 2

Lessons from 'The Living Christ' #17 - Pictures 26, 39, 79, 33, 83, 58, 88, 99, 104, 108, 114, 118, 120.
TLC Lesson 18 - The Living Christ Shows the Way to Heaven

Lessons from 'The Living Christ' #18 - Pictures 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 & 9, 82, 15, 107, 108, 110, 114, 118.
TLC Lesson 19 - Growing in the Christian Life

Lessons from 'The Living Christ' #19 - Pictures 33, 36, 69, 34, 67, 92, 84, 117.
TLC Lesson 1 - The Birth of Christ

Lessons from 'The Living Christ' #1 - Pictures 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 19.
TLC Lesson 20 - The Living Christ Teaches about Salvation

Lessons from 'The Living Christ' #20 - Pictures 37, 82, 70, 75, 76, 77, 19, 108, 113.
TLC Lesson 2 - The Death of Christ

Lessons from 'The Living Christ' #2 - Pictures 58, 90, 97, 98, 100, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108.
TLC Lesson 3 - The Resurrection of Christ

Lessons from 'The Living Christ' #3 - Pictures 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119.
TLC Lesson 4 - The Living Christ Will Return

Lessons from 'The Living Christ' #4 - Pictures 71, 93, 94, 95, 96, 118, 119, 120.
TLC Lesson 5 - The Living Christ Seeks Lost People

Lessons from 'The Living Christ' #5 - Pictures 37, 62, 74, 75, 76, 77, 87, 120.
TLC Lesson 6 - The Living Christ is Stronger than Death

Lessons from 'The Living Christ' #6 - Pictures 39, 49, 79, 108, 114, 118, 120.
TLC Lesson 7 - Living Christ's Victory over Satan

(The Living Christ's Victory over Satan) - Lessons from 'The Living Christ' #7 - Pictures 2, 3, 11, 17, 24, 47, 59, 108, 114, 120.
TLC Lesson 8 - Christ Our Good Shepherd

Lessons from 'The Living Christ' #8 - Pictures 10, 61, 62, 64, 66, 96, 108, 120.
TLC Lesson 9 - Living Christ Teaches about Prayer

(The Living Christ Teaches about Prayer) - Lessons from 'The Living Christ' #9 - Pictures 36, 69, 82, 102, 108, 119.
Today Thou Shalt Be with Me in Paradise

God's holiness must punish sin. Story of thief on the cross who was repentant. Exhortation to trust Jesus.
The Tongue

Strong antidote for gossip. Begins with incident in Amazon tribe of man who was wrongly killed because of a false rumor. Paraphrase of James 3:2-12. Condemns the destructive power of gossip. Appeal to discern truth, repent of sins of the mouth and speak things kind, true and necessary.
To The Thirsty

Quotes Jesus' words, "If anyone is thirsty let him come unto me and drink" as introduction. Then discusses thirst for all kinds of things. Inner thirst leads to death. Jesus Christ alone can quench that thirst.

Illustration from the Cuna tribe of how traditional teaching changed within one generation contrasted to God's Word which is changeless. Does not condemn all tradition, but illustrates some good ones and some bad ones (revenge killing). Underlines the need for putting God's Word first to avoid being like the village which had two chiefs.
The Transfiguration of Jesus

(Story Producer 227 - Jesus shines (transfigured)) - Matthew 17:1-13; Mark 9; Luke 9
Trial and Crucifixion of Christ

The main body of the script gives the story of the crucifixion in detail, and of the time following His resurrection and the great commission. Invitation.
True Freedom

Translated from Greek. Person who doesn't know God is servant to his passions and desires, and ultimately to Satan. Jesus won battle against Satan and gave his life for the sinner to be set free. Invitation.
True Liberty

Discusses the meaning of liberty. True liberty is had only through obedience to God. Obedience means leaving sinful ways which cannot be done without help. Christ is the only one who can help - through His truth and freedom. Christ's power to free us; His atonement. Christ's freedom is a free gift. We can ask for it.
The True Light

Refers to tribal laws, fears, customs briefly, and that they did not know God. Now the message has come. God is the creator of all. Explains about Satan and evil spirits. God's power and the ultimate end of Satan. Satan's deceptions. God's provision for man's redemption. Application and invitation.
The True Light Now Shines

God is the Creator and made things good. Satan deceives men. Jesus died for us, to become our sacrifice. Which road will we follow? Come to Jesus.
The True Light Now Shineth

Written specifically for some Australian Indigenous languages in Central Australia in the early 1950s. It refers very specifically to Australian Aboriginal customs. Message includes: God the Creator is now calling all men. Story of fall, giving of law and breaking of it. Jesus kept God's law and died for us and His life is now available for us. You must choose.
True Love (Good Samaritan)

Dramatized story of the Good Samaritan. Jesus is like the one who helped. Trust in Him.
The True Sacrifice

Refers to local practices--- sacrifices to evil spirits and the fear behind them. Contrasts by telling of the help and love of God. Sin can only be cleansed by the blood of Jesus. His is the only true sacrifice.
True Words About God

God made everything; hates evil. Man's sin; God's provision - Jesus. Jesus' life on earth, miracles, death, resurrection. Invitation. Very short sentences.
The Two Births

Sickness of man, spiritually; needs to be reborn in order to go to heaven. Uses illustrations of animals, etc., to show there are different kinds of life. God has another kind of life. We must have His kind of life in order to be able to live in heaven. Tells of Jesus' death for us. Sinner's prayer.
The Two Houses

Parable of the house on the rock in ultra-simple words. Application: we must not only listen to God's words but do them. Leave the old road and ways of sin; pray often and God will give strength.
The Two Masters

Contrasts Satan and God - their attitude toward man and their purposes. Results of following each. Description of heaven and hell. Sinner's prayer.
The Two Roads

Shows the contrast of the two roads; Jesus' companionship on the narrow road. Joy of heaven.
The Two Ways

Two places where souls go; two roads--- wide and narrow, leading to heaven. Describes the difference. No other way to get to heaven-- not by burning candles, worshipping Mary, sacrificing to spirits, etc. Only through Christ. Invitation. Presupposes knowledge of Jesus and the Bible.
unfoldingWord 30 - Jesus Feeds Thousands of People

Matthew 14:13-21; Mark 6:31-44; Luke 9:10-17; John 6:5-15
unfoldingWord 32 - Jesus Heals a Demon-Possessed Man and a Sick Woman

Matthew 8:28-34; 9:20-22; Mark 5; Luke 8:26-48
unfoldingWord 39 - Jesus is Put on Trial

Matthew 26:57-27:26; Mark 14:53-15:15; Luke 22:54-23:25; John 18:12-19:16
unfoldingWord 41 - God Raises Jesus from the Dead

Matthew 27:62-28:15; Mark 16:1-11; Luke 24:1-12; John 20:1-18
unfoldingWord 42 - Jesus Returns to Heaven

Matthew 28:16-20; Mark 16:12-20; Luke 24:13-53; John 20:19-23; Acts 1:1-11
unfoldingWord 48 - Jesus is the Promised Messiah

Genesis 1-3, 6, 14, 22; Exodus 12, 20; 2 Samuel 7; Hebrews 3:1-6, 4:14-5:10, 7:1-8:13, 9:11-10:18; Revelation 21
unfoldingWord 49 - God's New Covenant

Genesis 3; Matthew 13-14; Mark 10:17-31; Luke 2; 10:25-37; 15; John 3:16; Romans 3:21-26, 5:1-11; 2 Corinthians 5:17-21; Colossians 1:13-14; 1 John 1:5-10
unfoldingWord 50 - Jesus Returns

Matthew 13:24-42; 22:13; 24:14; 28:18; John 4:35; 15:20; 16:33; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11; James 1:12; Revelation 2:10; 20:10; 21-22
The Victorious Leader

Evangelistic slant, though dialogue between Christians. Discussing Satan's deceptions and the truth of God. Christ the only way; what is after death; salvation through Christ by faith. Can be adapted and other Scripture used as needed.
Victory and Steadfastness

On recognizing our enemy, Satan; temptation; cleansing for sin, materialism, trouble, sickness.
The Village Councilor

Story of the rich young ruler in ultra simple words. Application shows how love of material things keeps people from God. Pre-supposes knowledge of who Jesus is.
The Wages of Sin

The wages of sin is death, but Jesus died in our place. Receive God's free gift of eternal life.
The Wages of Sin and the Gift of God

Romans 6:23. Spiritual death contrasted with physical death. Certainty of the wages of sin. Gift of eternal life in Christ Jesus.
Walking on the Water

Story of Jesus walking on the water to His disciples in the boat. Peter's attempt; disciples' reaction. Application emphasizes Jesus' power to save. Revision of application needed.
Walking Together

How can two walk together unless they are agreed? Refers to when the listener believed and asks, "Having left the path of Satan, have you stayed on the path of Jesus?"-- that is, agreeing with Christian attitudes and behaviour. Mentions forgiving others; anger; returning good for evil; greed, etc. If we do not agree with Jesus our path becomes dark. Agreeing results in the fruit of the Spirit.
The Way of Peace

Introduction tells story of Ahab and God's judgment of famine. Applies the truth to present suffering. Turning to God; leaving evil results in peace. Christ is the way to peace. Directed to Muslim mind.
The Way of Salvation in the Gospels

Script taken almost entirely from Scripture, all references cited.Written for Muslims. Covers birth of Jesus in detail, His messiahship, calming the storm, loaves and fishes, ability to drive out demons, teaching on loving God and neighbor, healing of paralytic, power to forgive sins, Pharisee & tax collector, Prodigal Son, explanation of Jesus as Son of God, Jesus' crucifixion, death, and burial, & resurrection, meeting disciples on road to Emmaus, Christ's ascension, His promise to return, exhortation to obey God's Word.
The Way to Heaven

Directed to those questioning about what is after death, reincarnation, etc. The Bible tells us that after death, the spirit lives; we go to heaven or hell. Jesus came from heaven and He can take us there. His redemption of man; His death, resurrection, ascension. His power to cleanse and renew. Jesus is the only way to heaven.
Wealth or Christ

Dialogue between a Christian and an unhappy backslider. Sin separates man from God's nearness. Discussion of the root of the problem-- materialism, love of the world. Remedy: Come back and ask forgiveness, relinquishing one's sins.
We are Like Stones

Uses local setting of planting crop. Contrasts corn and stones. One can produce life because it has life; other cannot. This illustrates how we are dead in sin until Christ gives us life. Jesus, the way, truth, and life. Sinner's prayer.
We Are Like Stones (dialogue)

Uses local setting of planting crop. Contrasts corn and stones. One can produce life because it has life; the other cannot. This illustrates how we are dead in sin until Christ gives us life. Jesus, the way, the truth, and the life. Sinner's prayer.
Wedding at Cana

For Catholic and Orthodox areas. Pre-supposes Catholic background and knowledge. Emphasizes Mary's instructions to the servants at the wedding, relating it to our attitude toward Christ--doing His commanda, praying, believing, obeying. Truth of "one mediator," faith in Christ alone, worshipping God only.
Wedding Garment

Intro describes heaven and the need of heart cleansing in order to enter. Christ's atonement. Story of the wedding garment told in "village terms." Invitation.
We Have the Light

Refers to false tribal beliefs in the past; but now have the truth from God's Book, and know about Jesus. Urges to follow the light they now have, and put their trust in Jesus. Only one true God, our Creator. God wants everyone to follow and serve Him.
Welcome to the USA
A message for migrants, refugees and other newcomers to the United States of America to introduce them to the history of the USA and its Christian heritage and invite them to explore the Chritian message by listening to recordings in their preferred langauge made available by GRN.
What are you Trusting?

Everyone puts his trust in something. Misplaced unless it is in God. His promises: a number of verses quoted re forgiveness, cleansing, peace, resisting evil, guidance. Explanation of Satan as enemy; God as only source of satisfaction. Invitation.
What God's Book Says

Directed to listener who can't read. Explains about the Bible as the book having the words of God. It tells about man's sinfulness, judgment, heaven, hell; God's love; Satan's deceptions. Follow Jesus.
What Happens After Death?

Soul or spirit leaves body at death but where does it go? Science cannot answer this question; only God can. Luke 16:22, 23. Story of Abraham and Lazarus. Difference between the righteous and the disobedient. Story of thief on the cross who repented. Application to accept Jesus or face the consequence of disobedience to God.
What is a Friend?

Contrasts earthly shallow friendships with the Friend who gave His life for His friends to rescue from the deceptive traditions of Satan. Illustration of a person with snakebite wanting a friend with medicine rather than one who only offers kind words. Be Jesus' friend and go to heaven.
What Is after Death?

Life is short; preparing for the future is important. God's plan for people. The atonement; prayer of repentance; God's love and protection and help.
What Is Heaven Like? - Part 1

This is a description of heaven and those who enter, as described (mainly) in Revelation. Put in simple language. Ends with the same thoughts as in Rev. about those who are not allowed in. Invitation.
What Is Heaven Like? - Part 2

(Day of Grace (What Is Heaven Like? - Part 2)) - After death is the judgement. We are sinners because of Adam. We can only enter Heaven because of Jesus. If Christ is in your life, you won't come into God's judgement. It is appointed unto man to die and then to be judged. And all have sinned. We cannot enter Heaven on our own merits. Only through the blood of Christ can we be forgiven. God has let you live until today. Today can be the day of grace for you.
What is it About?

Dialogue between Philip and Ethiopian eunuch though they are not mentioned by name. Isaiah 53 explained briefly.
What Is Love?

Tells what love is, and about the love of God. He does not want to condemn anyone. He sent Jesus to die to defeat Satan. Believe in Him and be saved.
What is Salvation?

Dialogue. Without God, there is death, frustration, emptiness and no purpose to life. Human achievements bring frustrations. Salvation is all God does for us, transforming and freeing us so we can fulfill His plan for our life. God is love.
What is Sin?

Long, detailed explanation of what sin really is. Creation, but then sins of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, generation of Noah's Flood, generation of Moses, prophets telling the people not to worship idols; David, Psalms about sin; Law of God; Jesus expands and explains the Law. All sins are sins against God; no big or little sins. Sins of omission. Results of sin are terrible. But God has provided a Savior from sin.
What is the Bible?

Student level information about the Bible; its claims; how written; existing manuscripts. Its importance and validity.
What Must I Do to Be Saved?

Paul and Silas in prison were released supernaturally by an earthquake, and the jailkeeper asked what he must do to be saved. We, too, must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
What the Christian Believes 1

Creation; fall, continued evil; animal sacrifice begun; tower of Babel; God's laws for man (Ten Commandments). Jesus can help us obey.
What the Christian Believes 2

The sacrifice for sin, continued disobedience; promise through prophecy of a Saviour; symbolized by sacrifices. Christ's birth, life, miracles; arrest, death; His holiness; perfect sacrfice. Other sacrifices ended. Invitation.
What the Christian Believes 3

Christ's death, resurrection and ascension. Appearance to disciples, promise of Holy Spirit, commission, promise of return.
What the Christian Believes 4

Coming of Holy Spirit and the reason for that. Faith in Christ the only way. His return; judgment. Eternal life or death. Invitation.
Where are You Going?

One asks the other what he is going to do today, tomorrow, after that, and after he dies. Response, no one knows. Tells about God's book and what it says about life after death. Hell, Satan'splace; heaven, place of happiness. Discussion of sin and that there is no sin in heaven. Salvation through Christ and assuranceof heaven.
Which Road?

This is the American children's version on the theme of the Two Roads. Different from others with this theme.
Whoever is Thirsty

Story of the woman at the well. Can we be happy on earth? Jesus wants us to come to Him, let Him change us and fill our life. How to receive Christ.
Who has Power to Forgive Sins?

Christ's claim to be Saviour; His death as a sacrifice for sin. Those who trust Him receive forgiveness and reconciliation with God. Written for Muslims, but useable elsewhere for those with some knowledge of Christian concepts.
Who is He?

About Christ; His life, miracles, death, resurrection, ascension--- all without mentioning His name till the last paragraph. Written originally for a Muslim context but recorded widely. Name can be introduced at beginning if desired when using for other groups.
Why did Jesus die?

Five Book AV. [Lizard - 8 Pictures] Spiritual light and darkness; how Jesus gives strength to Christians to overcome problems, temptations; Jesus death on the cross paid for all sin and provided forgiveness to all who will repent of their sins; Christian faith and love
Why does Man Fear Death?

Man's fear of death basically because of the guilt of sin and fear of judgment. Attempts to find a way to escape. True answer is in Christ. Need of personal acceptance. Invitation. Scripture quotes at end.
Why Have You Forsaken Me?

Intro talks about walking in the light -- Christ's statement. Christ's purpose in dying for man. Whoever repents and trusts in Jesus is saved.
Why is Man Different?

Difference between man and animal -- man is created in God's image, has a soul and spirit. Thus has communion with God. Man's wickedness; God's love and Christ's atonement.
Wise Proverbs from King Solomon
Selections from Proverbs
Wise Words of King David 1
Selections from the Psalms
Wise Words of King David 2
Selections from the Psalms
Wise Words of King David 3
Selections from the Psalms
The Witchdoctor

True story: witchdoctor in Brazil. Tells of dream and subsequent demonic experience connected with wild pigs and decision to be witchdoctor; his power as such; then hearing about Jesus and turning to Him; the fear of the people for him and themselves - expectation of reprisal from the spirits. His experience as wild pigs (associated with the spirits) came; his lack of fear, and his protection from them as he flouted all supersition, and eventual conversion of most of the village. Short application.

Almost the same as "Spread the Good News." Contains a little more explanation of what the message is that they are giving.
The Woman and the Dragon Revelation 12:1-7
(Revelation (Scripture)) -
The Woman at the Well

The story of the woman at the well, in dramatic narrative form. Simple application and invitation.
A Woman Is Healed

The Lord Jesus is on His way to Jairus' house, and a woman with an issue of blood touches His robe. She is healed! Jesus raises Jairus' daughter from the dead. He showed the people that He had the power to heal sickness and even death. We must touch Him in faith like the woman did.
The Word of God

Explanation of origin of the Bible. Different quotes on guidance; the Word; keeping God's command; doers not hearers only; abiding. Presupposes background knowledge.
Words About Heaven

Very simple statements about God's "good place" and the bad place. Sinners can't go to heaven, but Jesus can save sinners. Because of His death and resurrection He has power to take away sin.
You Can be a Christian

What a Christian is. Anybody can become a Christian, whether rich or poor. Thank Jesus for wealth and use it to glorify Him. Come to Jesus and follow Him with your full heart.
You Can be Saved

Dialogue. We need to be saved from our sin, this is only done through Jesus. Don't believe what ancestors or witch doctors tell about spirits. Prayer to receive Christ.
You Can Know God

For a sophisticated, philosophical type audience. Based on the "Four Spiritual Laws"
You Must Be Born Again

A visit to the barn shows different animal families. Shows how each belongs in own family because it was born there. We must be born into God's family to belong to Him. Explains how to come to Jesus and be born into God's family. Not appropriate in all cultures.
Your Choice

Discusses sin and judgment; man is responsible to choose even though Satan tempts and deceives. We must accept God's sacrifice for sin. Optional ending: Jesus is God and also man; He died and rose again.