Good News

Good News

Schema: Short Bible stories from Genesis through the ascension. How to become a follower of Jesus. 40 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.

Numero di Sceneggiatura: 395

Lingua: English

Tema: Sin and Satan (Temptation, Deliverance, Light/Darkness, Sin, disobedience, Satan (the devil)); Christ (Jesus, Our Substitute, Resurrection of Jesus, Son of God, Saviour of Sinful Men, Birth of Christ, Ascension, Sacrifice / Atonement, Death of Christ, Life of Christ); Eternal life (Salvation, Eternal / everlasting life, Broad & Narrow Ways); Character of God (Love of God, Holy Spirit, Grace and Mercy, Nature, character of God, Word of God (the Bible), Power of God / Jesus); Living as a Christian (Fruit of the Spirit, Prayer, petition, New Nature, Worship, Witnessing, Church, Christianity, Second Birth, Obedience, No other gods, idols, Peace with God, Leaving old way, begin new way, Forgiveness, Faith, trust, believe in Jesus, Peace (between men), Children of God, Family, relationships, Spiritual Life, Christian values); Life event (Death); Bible timeline (Creation, Law of God, End Time, Second Coming, Gospel, Good News, People of God); Problems (Materialism, Evil Spirits, demons, Fear, Problems, troubles, worries)

Pubblico: General

Stile: Monolog

Genere: Bible Stories & Teac

Scopo: Evangelism

Citazione Biblica: Extensive

Stato: Approved

Gli script sono linee guida di base per la traduzione e la registrazione in altre lingue. Dovrebbero essere adattati come necessario per renderli comprensibili e pertinenti per ogni diversa cultura e lingua. Alcuni termini e concetti utilizzati potrebbero richiedere ulteriori spiegazioni o addirittura essere sostituiti o omessi completamente.

Testo della Sceneggiatura



Hi there (local cultural greeting). Come and listen to this Good News. Look at the picture book and listen carefully. Every time when you hear this music (MUSIC), turn to the next picture in the picture book.

Before Creation

Before Creation

In the beginning of time only God existed. God made the world and commanded the light to shine, for everything was dark. He separated the darkness from the light. As you see in this first picture, he divided the water below from the water in the sky. (The waters below, are the rivers and the sea, and the water above is the water in the clouds. Remember, it rains from the clouds.) God made the sun to rule the day and the moon to rule the night.
God is good. He made everything and rules over everything. (MUSIC)

God Speaks

God Speaks

The Book in this picture is called the Bible. It is the Word of God and it tells us about God and his ways. God's Word is the truth. These (true) teachings that you will hear now are all from the Bible. (MUSIC)



God, by his word, made everything good. He formed the land and the mountains; the sea and the rivers too. Then he created all living things, the fish in the water, the birds in the trees and all the animals. (MUSIC)

Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve

Then God made the first man. His name was Adam. Hereafter God made the first woman. Her name was Eve. He gave man authority over all he had made on this earth. Adam and Eve were God's friends and spoke with him in the garden where they lived. God gave them permission to eat any of the fruit, except from one particular tree in the middle of the garden. In the (left) picture you see them disobeying God by eating the fruit which was forbidden. They sinned and their fellowship (friendship) with God was broken. The (right) picture shows how God punished Adam and Eve by sending them out of the Garden. From that time all the fruit of the garden were forbidden for them and they had to work hard to obtain food to eat. Since then they also experienced pain, sickness and death. (MUSIC)

Cain and Abel

Cain and Abel

Adam and Eve had two sons named Cain and Abel. Cain was jealous of Abel and one day he killed Abel. God punished Cain for his sin as he had punished Adam and Eve. All people are descendants (children) of Adam
and Eve and we all have also sinned. Sin separates us from God. We deserve punishment for our sin. (MUSIC)

Noah's Ark

Noah's Ark

Many years (generations) ago already the sin of the people became so great that God decided to destroy them by a great flood of water. There was only one man who loved and obeyed God. His name was Noah. God told Noah to build a big ship called an ark in which he and his family would be saved. Noah preached about God's righteousness all the years he was building the ark. The people would not believe God's warnings to turn from their evil ways and be saved from the flood. (MUSIC)

The Flood

The Flood

When the ark was finished, Noah put birds and animals of every kind into the ark as God commanded him to do. Then Noah and his wife and their three sons, each with his wife, also went into the ark. God shut the door. He sent very heavy rain and water from under the ground that flooded the earth. It was too late for anyone else to be saved. Noah and his family inside the ark were safe, but all the people outside the ark were drowned. Noah was saved because he believed in God and obeyed him. (MUSIC)

Abraham, Sarah and Isaac

Abraham, Sarah and Isaac

The floodwaters dried up and many years passed while the descendants of Noah became many tribes. One of these descendants was a man called Abraham who loved and obeyed God. God promised Abraham that his descendants would become a great people. Abraham and his wife Sarah did not have children, but Abraham believed God's promise. This picture shows they had a son when they were very old and they called him Isaac. (MUSIC)

Moses and the Law of God

Moses and the Law of God

As God promised Abraham, Isaac had many descendants. They became a great nation called Israel. One of these (Israelites) was a man called Moses. Moses also believed and obeyed God. One day God called Moses to a mountain and there, God gave him laws to teach the people. This picture shows Moses coming down from the mountain with the laws of God written on stone. God wants everyone to obey his commandments.

The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments

Here are some of the commandments God gave to Moses. They teach us to love and obey him as the one true and living God. Beginning (at the top left picture) we see that we must not worship idols or images of animals or other things. We must worship the one true (Creator) God. (In the next picture) the father, mother and children are worshipping God together. All people who believe in God should set aside one day each week to worship him. (Next) children must obey and honour their parents. (In the picture on the bottom left) God's law says: we must not murder; (next) we must not take another man's wife, which is to commit adultery. (In the last picture) we must not steal or covet; that is to want what is not ours, or steal another person's goods. (MUSIC)

Sacrifice for Sin

Sacrifice for Sin

God punishes disobedience. When a person sinned against him in the time of Moses, by disobeying his laws, he
had to sacrifice a lamb to God. The lamb died to take the place of the offender or sinner. The lamb was a symbol of God's Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus was to come and die as a sacrifice to God for all the people in the world.
Already God planned to send Jesus into the world as the Saviour to rescue people from the power and punishment of sin and death. We'll learn more about this in the next picture. (MUSIC)

The Angel, Mary and Joseph

The Angel, Mary and Joseph

It happened many years after Moses. Jesus Christ was born. A long time ago, God promised to send a Saviour, that is someone to save us from our sin. (In the left picture) you can see an angel who came from heaven to a young woman called Mary. Mary was a virgin promised in marriage to Joseph. The angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, ... You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High (God). ... The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you." (Luke 1:31-32a and 35)
(As you see in the right picture) the angel also appeared and spoke to Joseph in a dream. He said to Joseph, " not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, … She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins." (Jesus means 'saviour'.) (Matthew 1:19-21) Joseph obeyed God and he did not sleep with Mary until after the baby was born. (MUSIC)

The Birth of Jesus

The Birth of Jesus

Joseph and Mary had to travel to a town called Bethlehem. While they stayed there, Mary gave birth to the baby Jesus and laid Him in a manger (a container for the animals' food) because there was no room for them in the inn. An inn in those days was like a guesthouse or hotel today. They had no-where else to stay. That night an angel appeared to some men called shepherds who were watching over their sheep in a nearby field. He told them of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. Then many angels appeared in the sky, singing and praising God. These men went with haste to see the Saviour Jesus. (MUSIC)

Jesus as Teacher

Jesus as Teacher

Jesus grew up and the favour of God was upon him. (Luke 2:40b) In the picture on the left, we see Jesus when he was 12 years old. He is talking about God with the teachers and leaders of Israel, listening and asking questions. They were surprised at his great knowledge of God. The second picture shows Jesus when he grew to be a man teaching people about God. Some people believed his teaching and obeyed him. Other people would not believe in him and opposed him. (MUSIC)

Miraculous Works of Jesus

Miraculous Works of Jesus

These pictures show the great power God the Father gave Jesus to perform miracles. In the left picture Jesus touched a man who had been born blind. After Jesus had touched him, the man could see!
The middle picture shows him raising a dead child to life as her father and mother stand there and watch. On the right, we can see Jesus walking on the water to his followers called disciples in their boat on the sea. The Lord Jesus did many miracles like these to show that he is truly God's Son. (MUSIC)

Jesus Is Tortured

Jesus Is Tortured

Huge crowds followed Jesus. He was kind. He healed the sick and taught God's way. He came to save the lost and sinful people.
However, wicked people hated Jesus, especially when he talked to them about their sin. The religious leaders and the political leaders of that day did not believe that he was the Son of God. They had him arrested, told lies about him and had him beaten. Soldiers put a crown of thorns on his head, spat on him and mocked him. But Jesus did not resist them. He knew this would happen to him. He allowed evil men to hurt and kill him. He knew he had come to die as a sacrifice to God. In this way he took the punishment for the sins of all people. (MUSIC)

Jesus Is Killed

Jesus Is Killed

The Lord Jesus was nailed to a wooden cross. The cross was planted upright in the ground and Jesus hung there until he died. Two criminals were also crucified with Jesus. In those days it was the custom to kill criminals in this cruel way. But Jesus had never done anything wrong. He was innocent. But he became the sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. All people have sinned and we deserve to die for our sins. Jesus received the punishment which all of us ought to receive. If we confess our sin because we believe in Jesus, God will forgive us and cleanse us from our sin. He will give us strength to turn from our sin. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. (MUSIC)

The Resurrection

The Resurrection

The enemies of Jesus thought that they had destroyed him.
After Jesus died on the cross, his friends buried his dead body in a tomb, which had been dug out of solid rock. They closed the entrance of the cave with a big stone.
The political leaders appointed guards to seal the stone and to guard the tomb. Two days passed and on the third day Jesus rose from the dead. When some women came to the grave, they found the stone rolled away and that Jesus had gone. Two angels were there and told them that Jesus was alive. "He is not here; he has risen," they said (Luke 24:6). When Jesus rose from the dead, he proved that he is God, and he is stronger than Satan and death. (MUSIC)

Thomas Believes

Thomas Believes

After Jesus rose from the dead, many people saw Him. Some of them spoke to him and even ate with him. Thomas, one of Jesus' disciples, could not believe that Jesus really rose from the dead. Thomas said, "Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe it." (John 20:25) We see in the picture that Jesus came and showed Thomas his wounds.
Thomas had no more doubts. He fell down in front of Jesus and said, "My Lord and my God!" (John 20:28) Jesus said, "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen (me) and yet have believed." (John 20:29) (MUSIC)

The Ascension

The Ascension

For forty days after Jesus rose from the dead, he appeared to people many times. Then Jesus was ready to go back to his Father in heaven. He had finished the work he came to do. Jesus told his friends (disciples) to tell everyone this good news.
The disciples watched as Jesus left the earth and went up to heaven. Two angels from heaven, in white appeared and told the disciples that one day Jesus would return from heaven to the earth in the same way they had seen him go. Until that day, Jesus remains in heaven. He is preparing a place for all who believe and obey him.

Will you believe and follow Jesus? Are you ready to meet with him? (MUSIC)

The Cross

The Cross

Let us just sum up why Jesus had to die on the cross. Jesus died to save sinners from the punishment of sin. Remember, the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanses us from all sin. Jesus never sinned, but he died to take away the sin that separates us from God. The cross reminds us that Jesus was the spotless (holy, sinless, pure) Lamb of God, sacrificed for us. When we believe in Jesus and repent (turn from sin), our sins are forgiven by God.
Jesus makes us God's children. He restores our broken relationship with God. The following pictures will help you understand what it means to be a believer and follower of Jesus Christ.) (MUSIC)

The Two Roads

The Two Roads

Jesus taught that life can be compared with two roads. Everyone, from the day of his/her birth, is on the wide road of sin that leads to destruction by fire in hell. We all have a sinful nature which we have inherited from Adam. But we can decide to turn away from this road and enter the narrow road, which leads to God in heaven. If a person believes in Jesus and follows him, he receives everlasting life. He turns out of the wide road and enters into the narrow road, which leads to heaven. There is no judgement for sin for those on that narrow way.
Optional: If you decide to follow Jesus, you can speak to God (in prayer) like this:
"God, I confess that I am sinful. I believe that Jesus died on the cross to pay for my sin. Forgive and cleanse me and make me part of your family.
I want to follow Jesus' way of life, and after death, live with you in Heaven.
Thank you God. Amen."

If you sincerely believe and pray to God like that, you enter the narrow way, which is the way of joy and peace with God. (MUSIC)

God's Children

God's Children

Jesus welcomes people from every tribe and nation and language. All who believe in him are called children of God. They are on the narrow way, which leads to heaven. The people of God are like a family, all united together in the Lord Jesus. (MUSIC)

Born Anew

Born Anew

When Jesus was still on earth, a teacher of religion called Nicodemus, one night came to Jesus to learn more about God.
Jesus told Nicodemus that everyone who wants to belong to God's family and go to heaven when they die,
needs a new life. It is like being born again. We have no power to change ourselves.
The Holy Spirit of God gives us a new life when we decide to believe in and follow Jesus. Then we become new people, the children of God. (MUSIC)

The Coming of the Holy Spirit

The Coming of the Holy Spirit

These men are Jesus' disciples (friends and close followers). Before Jesus was taken up to heaven, he promised to send his Holy Spirit to all who believe in him. Ten days after Jesus returned to heaven, these disciples were all gathered together in one place.
Suddenly, God's Holy Spirit came and filled them all as he had promised. These people then received ability to speak in different languages to tell others about the wonderful things God had done for them. God's Spirit lives in all true believers and followers of Jesus. The Holy Spirit teaches them how to love and obey Jesus. (MUSIC)

Walking in the Light

Walking in the Light

Before a person believes in Jesus, he is like this man in the left picture, walking in the dark. He stumbles and often falls into sin because he has no light to guide him. But when we trust in the Lord Jesus, we become like the man walking on a straight road on a sunny day! Jesus once said: "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." (John 8:12) God gives his Holy Spirit to help and teach all believers his way of life. (MUSIC)

Obeying the Word of God

Obeying the Word of God

A believer (Christian, follower) in Jesus Christ is a new person who obeys the Word of God. He is thankful that God has forgiven his sin. A believer does not commit adultery; he does not fight and quarrel, he doesn't steal, nor does he worship idols or other gods or spirits. The Holy Spirit helps the believer to turn away from evil things and to do good. (MUSIC)

The Christian Family

The Christian Family

Look at this family. They are living according to God's way. The man loves his wife and the woman honours and respects her husband as the Word of God commands. They help and encourage one another and teach their children to love God, to learn from his Word and to obey it. The Christian family of believers pray and work together for God. (MUSIC)

Love Your Enemies

Love Your Enemies

Jesus taught his disciples to love all people, even their enemies.
We should help anyone in need, even people of other tribes. Jesus (once) told a story about a man who was beaten and robbed by thieves. A man from another tribe found the badly injured traveller.
He helped and cared for the badly hurt man because he was in need. He did not ask for payment, nor did he help the man on certain conditions. Jesus said we must also do good things like this. (MUSIC)

Jesus Is the Powerful One

Jesus Is the Powerful One

These men are burning all their idols, charms and fetishes. They believed in these before they became
followers of Jesus Christ. Christian believers must get rid of everything that belongs to Satan and evil spirits. The Lord is much more powerful than Satan, evil spirits, idols, fetishes and witch doctors' charms. We believers do not need to fear Satan. We must believe in God to help, protect and heal us. We can trust him with everything. (MUSIC)

Casting Out Evil Spirits

Casting Out Evil Spirits

In this picture we see a man who was possessed by evil spirits. He could not be bound with ropes and chains, because the evil spirits inside him were very strong. Jesus commanded the evil spirits to come out of the man! They had to obey Jesus who is much more powerful than Satan and his spirits or demons. This man was freed from those evil spirits and went to tell his friends what Jesus had done for him. Remember, Jesus is much more powerful than the devil and all his evil spirits.

Optional: If you are disturbed by evil spirits ask Christian believers to pray for you. You can pray with them and ask the mighty Lord Jesus Christ to send those spirits away. If a person is possessed by one or more evil spirits, they can ask Christian believers to pray for them. They can ask God in the Name of Jesus to cast these evil spirits out and command them never to return. Jesus has the power to free such a person from any control of Satan over their life. (MUSIC)

Following Jesus

Following Jesus

This picture shows a believer being tempted to stop following Jesus. Satan wants us to forget God and to always think about money, clothes, tobacco, strong drink and all kinds of other things. Satan tells us these things will make us happy. But Satan is a liar and he tries to deceive and eventually destroy us. God has said: "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." (James 4:7) God is our Father in heaven. He knows the needs of his children and he has promised to "give good things to them that ask him." When we trust in God and obey his Son Jesus, then we will also have God's strength in times of temptation. (MUSIC)

If We Sin

If We Sin

One day Jesus told this story: A young man left home, went far away and did many evil things. He wasted all the money his father had given him and lived a very wicked and reckless life. When his money was all finished, a severe famine spread throughout the land and this man became very poor and very hungry. He was sorry that he had sinned. He returned to his father and asked his forgiveness. Because his father loved him so much, he received the young man back into his home.
This story shows us that if we sin, we can confess our sin. If we truly mean it, God will forgive our sin and receive us back into fellowship with himself again. (MUSIC)



The man and woman here are looking sad and worried. One of their relatives is very ill. What can God's people do if they become sick? They should pray to the Lord and believe that he will do what is best.
God is able to heal the sick man if it is his will, or to help him find the right medicine.
God loves his children and he controls all that happens to his children. God protects the believer from Satan. So we must not be afraid of Satan, but we must trust in Jesus to care for us and keep us safe. Jesus is with us. He will give us his peace in times of trouble. (MUSIC)



We all know that we will die one day. But what happens to us then? When a believer dies, his spirit goes to be with the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible, which is the Word of God, tells us so. The dead person's friends and loved ones should not be overcome with grief.
Believers must not be afraid of death because they know that God loves them and has saved them from sin. Those who will not believe in Jesus do not have this wonderful hope of life with God when they die. They go to the place of punishment, called hell.

Where will you go when you die? (MUSIC)

The Body of Christ

The Body of Christ

Here we see some of the different parts of the human body.
Each part of the body has its own work to do. The eye is for seeing; the ear for hearing and the mouth for eating and talking. All the parts of the body work together. If one part is sick or injured, the whole body suffers. God's Word teaches us that Christian believers should work together like parts of one body. Jesus is the head of that body. God has work for every believer to do, for example: to pray, to preach, to teach about the things of God, to sing his praises, to farm and feed the family and to cook their food. Each person does his part of the work for the Lord Jesus, to help the whole body of Christ to be strong. All believers must love each other and work together, or the body of Christ will suffer. (MUSIC)

Meeting Together

Meeting Together

All believers should meet regularly to worship God together. We should learn from the Bible, which is God's Word, to sing hymns and pray. We should also bring gifts for the work of God. Here we see believers (God's people) eating and drinking together. The bread reminds us of the body of Jesus which was broken on the cross for us. The drink reminds us of his blood, which was shed to wash away our sins and to bring us near to God. Jesus wants us to remember his death for us so that we can love Him with all our hearts. (MUSIC)

Jesus Will Come Again

Jesus Will Come Again

One day, Jesus will suddenly return from heaven, just as he promised.
Only God the Father knows when that day will come. Then Jesus will come to take all true believers on earth to be with him. All who have died will be raised up and their graves will be empty. Those still alive will go with them. All believers will meet the Lord Jesus and live with Him forever and ever. The unbelievers will be left behind to face the awful judgement of God.

We don't know just when Jesus will return, but we should always be ready and waiting for his coming. Are you ready to meet the Lord Jesus, when he returns? (MUSIC)

Bearing Fruit

Bearing Fruit

As the fruit tree in this picture produces fruit, a Christian believer produces the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus said, "I am the vine (tree); you are the branches. If a man remains (stays) in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." (John 15:5)
God's Holy Spirit lives and works inside our hearts (inside us) to produce the fruit of LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, HUMILITY and SELF-CONTROL in our lives. If the branches of the tree don't bear fruit, they are cut off and burned. The followers of Jesus must produce much fruit. This brings glory and honour to God, our Heavenly Father. (MUSIC)

Telling Other People

Telling Other People

This picture shows a believer obeying Jesus and telling others about him. Jesus commands all Christian believers to go and tell others the wonderful news about him: that he died on the cross, but rose from the dead so they can be saved from sin and death.
God's Holy Spirit will help us to witness about Christ Jesus. And you can explain to your friends and others what you have learned from this picture book.

Informazioni correlate

"Good News" audio-visual - This audio visual set has 40 pictures to present an overview of the Bible from Creation to Christ. It covers the salvation message and basic teaching on the Christian life. It is available in more than 1300 languages.

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Copyright and Licensing - GRN shares it's audio, video and written scripts under Creative Commons

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