

Schema: Genesis 1:1-2:24

Numero di Sceneggiatura: 1260

Lingua: English

Pubblico: General

Genere: Bible Stories & Teac

Scopo: Evangelism; Teaching

Citazione Biblica: Paraphrase

Stato: Approved

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Testo della Sceneggiatura

Title ideas: The true story [account] about how God created [made] the earth and the first people.God created everything.The beginning.

Long before there was any earth, sun or stars, God was living. Always He was living. Then God began to make [create] everything that we see above us and everything we can see around us.

At first, this earth had nothing. It had no mountains or valleys, no rivers and no towns [villages] like we see [know] now. It was dark everywhere covered with deep water. But God was there.

God said, “Let light exist.” And He created light to shine. God saw [declared] that the results [those conditions] were good.

God separated the light from the darkness [OR God caused the light to remove/consume much darkness].He called the light "daylight [light for living]" and he called the darkness "night [time for sleeping]." That was what God did on the first day [work-time].

There was much water. On the second day [work time] God separated some water from other water and put a separator [like a net or space] between the two waters. God called this separator [net or space] "sky." So there was water above the sky and water below the sky.

During the third day [work-time], God caused the ground to push up through [in] the waters under the sky. The ground appeared and it dried. He called the dry ground "land" and he called the waters that went to the sides “seas.” God saw [declared] that the results [those conditions] were good.

Also during the third day, God said, “I want the earth [land] to produce [grow] many kinds of trees and plants.”And that is what happened. All the plants made seeds, and all the trees had fruit with seeds so that there would always be plants and trees. God saw [evaluated/decided] that the results [those conditions] were good.

During the fourth day [work-time], God made very big lights in the sky—the sun and the moon and the stars, which made light for the earth, and so we people can recognize when the seasons change. The sun was for the daytime and the moon and stars were for the night-time. God saw [declared] that the results [those conditions] were good.

During the fifth day [work-time], God made many kinds of fish and other living things and he caused them to live in the seas in many far places.

God blessed the fish and said to them, “You, fish, have very many children [offspring]! You go to live in all the water everywhere!”

Also during the fifth day, God made many kinds of birds. He blessed the birds saying, “You birds, have many children [offspring]! You go to live in all the land parts everywhere!”God saw [declared] that the results [those conditions] were good.

During the sixth day [work-time], God made all kinds of wild animals and creatures that crawl on the land [ground].

He also made livestock like cows, goats, sheep, camels, donkeys. God saw [declared] that the results [those conditions] were good.

God also caused water to come up from the ground [by mists/fog/dew] so that the plants and trees would grow well. The food-plants produced well, even though there was no person to cultivate [help] them.

Also [Then] on the sixth day, God said [to himself], "Let us make people [humans] in our image, so they can rule over the earth." Then God himself formed a man from the dust of the ground and he breathed breath into his nostrils. Thus, the first man became a living person.

Everything God had made was very good. He was well pleased with it all.

God knew that it was not good that the man should be alone. He wanted the man to have [live with] another person like him who would be his partner [as a very good helper/companion].

God brought [caused to come] all the birds and animals [beasts] to the man. The man looked at each kind of animal [beast] and spoke a name for each kind. In this way the man saw [learned / realized] that there was no suitable [fitting] partner [companion] for him.

So God caused the man to sleep deeply. God took from the man a part of his side [a rib].

God formed a new person from the man’s side [rib]. She was a female person [a woman].

After God waked the man from sleeping, God brought the woman to him. She would remain with him [the man] as his partner [companion]. She was like him, made from his body [his insides / bones / flesh].

The man was very pleased with [liked / loved] the woman, and he sang a song [spoke a poem] to the woman: “I will name you Woman. You will be my partner [companion]. God shaped [made] you from my body [flesh].”
The man was very pleased with [liked / loved] the woman, and he sang a song [spoke a poem] to the woman: “I will name you Woman. You will be my partner [companion]. God shaped [made] you from my body [flesh].”

Although the man and the woman stayed naked [skin only / without clothes], they were not ashamed.

God told the man and woman, “Birth many children so that people will live all over the earth.”

This is the reason men and women marry [together] today! When a man and a woman marry [together], God wants them to stay together! They should stay always with their own spouse [mate]. They [two] begin a new family and should live [dwell] separate from their parents.

Also, God had planted a special garden. There were many trees of all kinds in the garden. They were very beautiful and their fruit was delicious [tasty].

God took the two people and put them in that special place [garden]. He told them, “Take good care of the trees and bushes, and eat fruit from them. You are responsible for [ruler in charge over] all the animals and plants.”

Since God finished making the things He wanted, He did not work on the seventh day and He wants all people to rest after working for six days.God said, “The seventh day is holy from the others [other days].”

That is how God created [made] all things ready for the first people, and how he created [made] them [those people] male and female.

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