Teach all Nations

Teach all Nations

Raamwerk: Begins with great commission then obedience to the commission. Paul and Silas in Philippi and the subsequent imprisonment, singing, earthquake and conversion of jailor. Acts 16:16-34. Challenge to witness and not be ashamed of the Gospel.

Skripnommer: 226

Taal: English

Tema: Christ (Authority); Character of God (Power of God / Jesus); Living as a Christian (Witnessing); Bible timeline (People of God)

Gehoor: General

Doel: Teaching

Kenmerke: Monolog; Bible Stories; Paraphrase Scripture

Status: Approved

Skrips is basiese riglyne vir vertaling en opname in ander tale. Hulle moet so nodig aangepas word dat hulle verstaanbaar en relevant is vir elke verskillende kultuur en taal. Sommige terme en konsepte wat gebruik word, het moontlik meer verduideliking nodig of selfs heeltemal vervang of weggelaat word.


Before Jesus went back to heaven, He left us this message, "All authority in heaven and on earth is given Me by God, My Father. Therefore, go and teach all peoples the things that I have taught you. And listen, I will be with you to help you, always."

Two of the men who obeyed this command were Paul and Silas. They went on long journeys, visiting many towns, to teach people about Jesus. One time they entered a city called Philippi. After a few days some people believed, but others became angry at Paul and Silas. These enemies of the Gospel caught Paul and Silas and took them to the town authorities and accused them falsely. The authorities commanded that they be beaten. They were placed in jail and bound in stocks and with chains.

Even though they were suffering, Paul and Silas remembered that Jesus had said He would be with them to help them. So they began to sing hymns and to pray. Suddenly there was a great earthquake. The prison was so shaken that the doors, which were locked, flew open. All of the prisoners were freed from their bonds. This happened at about midnight.

The jailer was awakened. When he saw the doors open, he was greatly alarmed, thinking that the prisoners had escaped. But Paul called to him, "Don't be afraid. We are all here." The jailer ran up to Paul and asked, "Sir, what must I do to be saved?" He said this because now he knew that the message he had heard Paul preach was true.

Paul said, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved, and your household." Then the jailer took them to his house where he washed their wounds and gave them a meal. All of his family heard the Gospel and believed. Then they were all baptized and greatly rejoiced because they were believing on the Lord.

That, my friends, is the story of Paul and Silas. We, too, should believe God's Word, and teach it to others also. Let us remember another thing that Paul said. He said, "I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes; to the white person, and also to the native (use appropriate term)."

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