One God

One God

Raamwerk: Describes the Trinity. People worship the same God, but some only worship part of Him. Christians worship all of Him in His greatness.

Skripnommer: 168

Taal: English

Tema: Christ (Son of God, Death of Christ); Character of God (Love of God, Holy Spirit, Grace and Mercy, Nature, character of God, Bridges); Bible timeline (Incarnation, People of God)

Gehoor: Muslim

Styl: Dialog

Genre: Messages and Fiction

Doel: Evangelism

Bybelaanhaling: None

Status: Approved

Skrips is basiese riglyne vir vertaling en opname in ander tale. Hulle moet so nodig aangepas word dat hulle verstaanbaar en relevant is vir elke verskillende kultuur en taal. Sommige terme en konsepte wat gebruik word, het moontlik meer verduideliking nodig of selfs heeltemal vervang of weggelaat word.


1. Greetings, friend.
2. Greetings. You have been gone a long time. I am very glad you have returned.

l. Yes, I have had a long journey. God has been good to me. He has protected me from many dangers.
2. Yes, God is very merciful. Sit down and let us talk. You and I worship the same God. It is a pity we do not believe alike.

1. My friend, I have often wished that you were as I am, with the joy of God in my soul.
2. You DO have joy that I do not have. I can see it. But how can I believe as you do? The very truth that is most dear to my heart, you deny.

l. What is that truth, my neighbor?
2. We say, "The Lord our God is one God." He is holy, and He is Spirit. You say that He is not one, but three. And greatest blasphemy of all, you say that He had a son. Did God marry and have a child? Never! I have defiled my lips even to speak the words!

1. You are right. It would defile my lips to whisper that God could marry. But you misunderstand my meaning. A man's words don't always reveal what he is thinking. Words are poor feet for carrying a man's thoughts.
Truly, God is but one. He is spirit and man cannot see Him. Man cannot touch Him. Man cannot completely understand Him.
But God loved the people He created, and He wanted them to love Him. In order that they might see and know and love Him, He appeared to them as a man. Long ago He appeared to our father Abraham and to Gideon, and then disappeared from sight. But this time He did not come like that. He put on flesh, and became a human baby, and was born into the world. He had no human father. He lived among the people for thirty-three years that they might know Him. He did no sin, and many knew He was God.
Then He gave His life as a sacrifice for their sins, and the people saw the mercy and love of God. After His death He arose, and returned to His place in Heaven, and all could see (many saw) the everlasting life of God. In this manner God revealed Himself to man.

Because He took on Himself the flesh of a baby, and was born into this world, He is called God, the Son. But God cannot be divided. At the same time, He was remaining in Heaven, the Father and Creator of all things. For this reason He is called God, the Father. They are one.
And because God is always spirit, He is also called the Holy Spirit. This reveals to us how the great God can enter our hearts. It is by His Spirit.

My friend, you and I both worship the same great God Who is One, but you worship only a part of Him. The joy I have in my heart has come because I worship Him in all His greatness. I worship Him in spirit and in truth, and His Spirit has brought these truths to my heart. Because He became a man - Jesus - and gave His life for my sins, and the sins of all people, I understand the greatness of God's love for me. His mercy and love cannot be measured. Because I have opened the door of my heart, believing that Jesus paid for my sins, God the Holy Spirit has entered, bringing the peace and joy that I now have. Yes, my friend, God is One, but He is greater than our words can describe.

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