Paul Travels to Jerusalem

Paul Travels to Jerusalem

Raamwerk: Acts 20:1-3, 6-38; 21:3-26

Skripnommer: 1386

Taal: English

Gehoor: General

Genre: Bible Stories & Teac

Doel: Evangelism; Teaching

Bybelaanhaling: Paraphrase

Status: Approved

Skrips is basiese riglyne vir vertaling en opname in ander tale. Hulle moet so nodig aangepas word dat hulle verstaanbaar en relevant is vir elke verskillende kultuur en taal. Sommige terme en konsepte wat gebruik word, het moontlik meer verduideliking nodig of selfs heeltemal vervang of weggelaat word.


Title Options:Paul travels to Jerusalem.Paul teaches in many other places.

Paul was travelling through entire regions, strengthening Christians’ [believers’] faith. After three months, he left to go back to Antioch Town [in Syria].

Paul entered a boat that carried him across a sea [big waters] to another town, where he stayed with some Christians.

Saturday evening, Paul was talking with some Christians in a third-floor room. Since he was going to leave the next morning, they stayed there until midnight.

A young man named Eutychus [Yutikas] was there, sitting in an open window [where smoke from lamps was going out].

While the men were talking with Paul, Eutychus went to sleep, then fell from the window to the ground outside. When everyone rushed [went] outside, they found him dead.

When Paul went downstairs, he put his arms around Eutychus, prayed to the Lord Jesus, and then said, “Do not be afraid [do not worry], for he is alive!”

Next, they all went upstairs. There they shared together the Lord’s Supper [bread and fruit juice to remember Jesus’ death], and enjoyed [ate] a meal together.

Paul and the men kept on talking together until daylight. Then someone led Eutychus to his home, glad that he was alive and well.

Paul entered a boat that carried him across a sea. He did not leave [depart/alight from] the boat at Ephesus because he did not want to stay there. But he left [alighted from] the boat at the next town, and sent a messenger to Ephesus, asking the Christian leaders to come to see him.

When they came, he said to them, “When I stayed with you, I worked humbly and often wept before God for you.

“You know that [how] I always taught you whatever you needed to learn, sometimes in big gatherings, other times in your homes [smaller gatherings].

“I taught you that [how] all people in all nations [tribes] must believe in the only true God and put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.

“Now, God’s Holy Spirit is telling me to go to Jerusalem, warning me that evil men will put me in jail.

“But there is only one thing I want to do during my life time. I want to do the work that the Lord Jesus has given me to do. That is, to tell people the good news about God who freely forgives us our sins.

“You men, you leaders, must guard and care for each other and for all the Christians whom you serve. Jesus bought [redeemed / freed] them with his own blood when he died on a cross.

“After I leave here, men will come to your town, teaching lies that harm [lead astray] Christians. And even some leaders from your own group will teach lies [wrong/bad things], to make Christians follow them [instead of following Jesus]. So stay alert!”

Then Paul said, “After today, you will never see me again.” This made them sad. So, they all embraced, kneeled down, and prayed for one another.

These leaders from Ephesus walked with Paul to the boat. They all said, “Good-bye [Fair well]!” Then Paul and his companions [co-workers / friends] entered the boat that would carry them across a sea towards Jerusalem.

The boat stopped at a town where they met with Christians. God’s Holy Spirit warned them that Paul would have trouble in Jerusalem, so they said, “Paul! Please do not go to Jerusalem!”But Paul would not be persuaded [deterred] from going.

After some days, the Christian men, women and children, walked with Paul to the boat. There they knelt, prayed and said Good-bye. Then Paul and his companions again entered the boat that carried them away.

When they came near to Jerusalem, they stayed a few days with Phillip, who often told people the good news about Jesus. While they were still there, a prophet came to see them.

The prophet took a piece of Paul’s clothing, his belt [sash], and tied his own feet and hands with it. He said, “God’s Spirit says that evil men in Jerusalem will tie up Paul and give him to men from Rome.”

So, Paul’s companions and the other Christians urged Paul, saying, “Please! Do not go to Jerusalem!” But Paul replied, “Stop weeping, for [because] you make me feel sad!

“I am willing [ready] for them to tie me up, to put me in jail, or to kill me, if that will honor the Lord Jesus!” Then they stopped urging Paul, saying, “Let the Lord do his own will!”

So, Paul and his companions went [sailed / travelled] to Jerusalem. Next day, they met with the Christians’ main leaders [elders]. Paul told them, “God has given to me power to tell the good news about Jesus to other tribes [Gentiles] and to heal sick people.”

The leaders said, “We praise God!” Then they said to Paul, “Many thousands of people from the Jews’ [tribe] also believe in Jesus. And they carefully obey the laws that Moses wrote in our holy book.

“But the Christians from the Jews’ [tribe] think that you teach Jews in other places to stop obeying Moses’ law, and not to follow [keep] our customs.

“So please do what we shall tell you. Go to the temple with four men, and perform [do] a Jews’ purity ritual. Then everyone will know that you yourself obey our Jews’ laws.”

Paul agreed. He and those four men performed [did] the Jews’ purity ritual at the temple. He also promised to pay for a gift to give to the temple for each of those four men.

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