Jairus Daughter and the Woman

Jairus Daughter and the Woman

Raamwerk: MATTHEW 9:18-26; MARK 5:21-43; LUKE 8:40-56

Skripnommer: 1351

Taal: English

Gehoor: General

Genre: Bible Stories & Teac

Doel: Evangelism; Teaching

Bybelaanhaling: Paraphrase

Status: Approved

Skrips is basiese riglyne vir vertaling en opname in ander tale. Hulle moet so nodig aangepas word dat hulle verstaanbaar en relevant is vir elke verskillende kultuur en taal. Sommige terme en konsepte wat gebruik word, het moontlik meer verduideliking nodig of selfs heeltemal vervang of weggelaat word.


Title Ideas:Jesus healed a bleeding woman and also a girl who had died.Jairus and Jesus.A busy day for Jesus.Jesus knows our secrets.

Jesus arrived back to [Capernaum town] where he often stayed in a town by a lake. Many people quickly gathered around him.

As Jesus and his friends walked in the street, an important local community leader called Jairus, came to meet him.

Jairus kneeled in front of Jesus and asked strongly, “My daughter is dying! Please come and heal her! Please cause her to continue to live!”

Jesus accepted to go. As they went walking, many other people went also. They pushed together around Jesus.

There was a sick woman also going along with Jesus among the many other people. She had been sick with bleeding a little bit every day. She had been sick like that for twelve years.

For 12 years she had been spending all her money to pay local doctors to heal her. But no help! Now she was very poor and continuing to be sick.

She had heard that Jesus had returned to her town. She pushed strongly through the crowded people so that she could follow closely to Jesus. She told herself, “if I can hold his clothes a little bit, his power will heal me!”

Suddenly, when she held his clothes, she was healed. She knew immediately that his power had stopped her bleeding.

Suddenly Jesus also felt that he had healed someone. So then he spoke (unexpectedly) to all the people around him, “Who among you touched my clothes?”

His close friends said, “Many people are bumping you (as we walk)! We cannot know which one touched you!”But Jesus continued to wait for someone to speak.

Then the woman decided to talk. She trembled [from her fear] and kneeled [put herself] down in front of Jesus. Then she told Jesus why she had held his clothes. She also told him that she knew that his power had healed her quickly.

Jesus told her [in a friendly manner], “Daughter, I have healed you because you trusted me much! You may go home and you will continue healthy!”

While Jesus was talking (with the woman), someone arrived who had come from the house where Jairus’ daughter was dying. The messenger said to Jairus, “Your daughter no longer breathes. Maybe you should not bother the teacher anymore.”

Jesus heard the words of the messenger. He said to Jairus, “Do not fear that message! Just continue to trust me.”

When they came to the house [belonging to Jairus], the people there were weeping and wailing loudly.

But Jesus told them, “You must stop wailing! The child is not dead! She is only sleeping!” Those people laughed at Jesus [as they scorned him]. (They knew that certainly the child was dead.)

So Jesus told all those wailing [crying] people to leave the room where the girl was lying. He allowed only the father and mother and three of his close friends to join him in that room. Jesus kneeled down, held the girl’s hand and he said, “Small child, get up!”

[While Jesus was still on his knees,] suddenly, the girl sat up and stood [because she became alive again]. She walked around. Then Jesus told them to give the girl some food to eat.

Jairus and his wife were very happy and surprised.

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