Globale Nuus

Jongste nuus oor die bediening en hulpbronne van die Global Recordings Network van regoor die wêreld.

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Ontvang inspirerende verhale, gebedspunte en maniere om betrokke te raak by die vertel van die verhaal van Jesus in elke taal

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Verwante inligting

Oor GRN - GRN maak oudio opnames van Bybelonderrig in 6525 tale vir die taalgroepe wat die minste bereik word

Landwebwerwe - Kontak 'n plaaslike GRN kantoor in meer as 30 lande in Afrika, Asië, Amerikas, Europa en Oseanië.

Veelgestelde Vrae - Veelgestelde Vrae oor die organisasie en bediening van die Global Recordings Network

Videos - Videos van Global Recordings Network regoor die wêreld.

Getuigskrifte en Verhale - GRN Materials in aksie! 'n Paar wonderlike getuienisse van hoe God werk deur middel van GRN se opnames, prenteboeke en afspeelapparate.

Die GRN Gemeenskap - Kyk wat nuut is via sosiale media, blogs en die nuutste nuus.

Pray for GRN Rebuild: India - Much prayer is needed for the rebuilding of GRN's work in India

In Partnership with OM - Thank God for Operation Mobilisation partnering with GRN

Did you say 'Orality'? - What is 'orality' and how does it apply to the work of GRN?

Kibet of Chad - People profile of these oral communicators. The Kibet's only known Christian resources were recorded in the 1960s.

Changthang Distribution Report - Ladakh Mission - Adventure Continues... - Lok Gurung (Senior recordist, GRN India) reports on distribution in Ladakh in the Tibetan plateau.

Gede Distribution Outreach - Kish Haibai, Director of GRN Nigeria, reports on a distribution trip to Gede, Nigeria

Democratic Republic of Congo: Duplicating and Distributing - Staff from GRN Democratic Republic of Congo use recordings in vernacular and French languages to bring the gospel to the lost.

Believers in Bangladesh - Two accounts from Bangladesh on the high price many people pay to follow Christ and to spread the gospel.

A Visit to Malawi - Travelling in Malawi - GRN's partnership with Fishers, Trainers and Senders - God using GRN's materials - Mud, glorious mud

A Visit to Southern Africa - There is a great work to be done in Southern Africa - and great work being done.

About GRN UK - Read about GRN UK's purpose, strategy, and why GRN worldwide uses audio. Find out how you can help spread the good news of salvation. Download and print to share this brochure with others.

Nigeria - Graydon Colville reports on his visit to Nigeria.

Distribution opportunities in Nigeria - A pastor reports that CDs in 'T' language are in demand.

Motorbike Gospel Team - GRN Thailand - Reaching the unreachable - the unique ministry of GRN Thailand's Motorbike Gospel Team (MGT)