这个脚本的录音: "看聽行"第四冊:簡略版
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Aari [Ethiopia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Acheron [Sudan] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Achode [Ghana, Volta] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Adele: Lower [Ghana, Volta] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Afan Munyoyaya [Kenya, Kilifi] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Af Maay Maay [Somalia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Ahanta [Ghana] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Anufo [Benin, Atakora] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Anuki [Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Arabic, Ta'izzi-Adeni: Hojeria [Yemen, Ta'izz] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Ateso [Kenya, Busia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Atta, Pamplona [Philippines, Luzon, Cagayan Valley, Cagayan Province] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Auhelawa [Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Aweer [Kenya, Garissa] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Awngi [Ethiopia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Ayta, Mag-Anchi [Philippines, Luzon, Central Luzon] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Balanta: Naga [Guinea-Bissau] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Banawa [Brazil, Amazonas] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Bangala [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Haut-Zaire] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Bangla: Chittagonian [Bangladesh, Chittagong] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Bangla: Singh [Bangladesh, Dhaka] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Banna [Ethiopia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Bawm [India, Mizoram] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Bench [Ethiopia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Bijago: Bubaque [Guinea-Bissau] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Bimoba [Ghana, Northern] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Bishnupria: Manipuri [India, Manipur] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Bonjugi [India, Mizoram] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Borana: Gabbra [Ethiopia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Borana: Sakuye [Kenya, Isiolo] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Buhid: Batangan [Philippines, Luzon, Mimaropa Region, Oriental Mindoro, Bongabong, Batangan] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Buhutu [Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Bukusu [Kenya, Bungoma] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Buli [Ghana, Upper East] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Chakma [Bangladesh, Chittagong] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Chamling [Nepal] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Chepang: Eastern [Nepal] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Chichewa: Zambia [Zambia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Chichonyi-Chidzihana-Chikauma: Conyi [Kenya, Kilifi] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Chinamwanga [Zambia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Chin, Hakha [Myanmar] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Chin Kungsho [Myanmar] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Chin, Mun [Myanmar] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Crioulo [Guinea-Bissau] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Daasanech [Ethiopia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Dagara: Wile [Burkina Faso] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Dagari [Ghana, Upper West] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Dangbe [Ghana, Volta] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Dani, Western [Indonesia, Papua] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Datooga: Barabayiiga [Tanzania] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Dawawa [Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Dawida [Kenya, Taita-Taveta] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Digo [Tanzania, Tanga] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Dime [Ethiopia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Dinka: Bor [South Sudan, Upper Nile] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Dolakha [Nepal, Province 3, Dolakha] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Doondo [Congo, Republic of the, Brazzaville, Kimbedi] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Duna Group [Papua New Guinea] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Duruma [Kenya, Kwale] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Emeetto [Mozambique] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
English: Aboriginal [Australia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
English: Canada [Canada] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD (Sunday Sch)
English: Canada [Canada] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
English: East Africa [Kenya] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
English: East Africa [Kenya] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD (Sunday Sch)
English: USA [United States of America] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Eton [Cameroon, Centre] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Exirima [Mozambique] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Faqir Parsi [Pakistan, Punjab] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Farefare: Talni [Ghana, Upper East] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Frafra: Nankam [Ghana, Upper East] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
French: Africa [Congo, Democratic Republic of] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
French: Central Africa [Cameroon] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Fulfulde [Nigeria, Taraba] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Fulfulde, Western Niger: Jelgoore [Burkina Faso] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Gabri-Kimré [Chad, Tandjilé] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Gamognia [Ethiopia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Garo: Bangladesh [Bangladesh] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Ghera [Pakistan, Hyderabad] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Gogo [Tanzania] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Gonja [Ghana, Northern] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Gourma: Central [Benin, Alibori] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Guider [Cameroon, Nord] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Gumuz [Ethiopia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Gurenne: Nabt [Ghana, Upper East] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Gurung: Kaski [Nepal] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Gusii [Kenya, Kisii] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Ha [Tanzania, Kigoma, Kigoma] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Hajong: Bangladesh [Bangladesh] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Hazaragi [Afghanistan] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Ibanag Aparri [Philippines, Luzon, Cagayan Valley, Cagayan Province] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Iban: Kuching [Malaysia, Sarawak] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Iban: Sibu [Malaysia, Sarawak] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Ife [Togo] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Ik [Uganda] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Ikela [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Kasai-Oriental] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Ilchamus [Kenya, Isiolo] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Ilocano: Cagayan [Philippines, Luzon, Cagayan Valley] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Ilwana [Kenya, Garissa] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Jarai: Cambodia [Cambodia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Jola-Fonyi [Gambia, The] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Kabye [Togo] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Kacipo-Balesi [South Sudan] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Kafa [Ethiopia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Kakwa: Congo [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Haut-Zaire] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Kalasha: Northern [Pakistan, Kpk] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Kalinga, Butbut [Philippines, Luzon] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Kanasi [Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Kaonde [Zambia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Kapuas [Indonesia, Kalimantan Tengah (Central)] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Karen, S'gaw [Myanmar] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Kasem [Ghana, Upper East] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Kayapo [Brazil, Mato Grosso] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Keapara: Makerupu [Papua New Guinea, Central] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Kebu Fula [Sierra Leone] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Keiyo [Kenya, Elgeyo-Marakwet] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Khaling [India, Sikkim] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Khasia [India, Assam] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Khwe [Namibia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD w/ AFRIKAANS sngs
Kibali [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Haut-Zaire] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Kiembu: Mbeere [Kenya, Embu] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Kigiryama: Rabai [Kenya, Kwale] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Kihumu [Uganda] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Kinyisanzu [Tanzania, Singida, Singida] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Kipsigis [Kenya, Bomet] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Kirangi [Tanzania] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
KiSegeju [Tanzania, Tanga] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Kissi, Kissidougou [Guinea] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Kissi: Sierra Leone [Sierra Leone, Eastern] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Kisubi [Tanzania] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Kituba (Congo) [Congo, Republic of the] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Kok Borok: Debbarma [Bangladesh, Chittagong] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Konjo, Coastal [Indonesia, Sulawesi Selatan (South)] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Konkomba [Ghana, Northern] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Konni [Ghana, Upper East] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Kono [Sierra Leone, Eastern] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Kono [Guinea] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Korowai [Indonesia, Papua] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Kosovan Albanian [Kosovo] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Kpelle, Guinea [Guinea] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Krachi [Ghana, Volta, Kete-Krachi] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Krim [Sierra Leone, Southern] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
!Kung [Angola] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Kuranko: Sengbeh [Sierra Leone, Northern] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Kuria [Tanzania, Mara, Tarime] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Kwara'ae [Solomon Islands, Malaita] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Laari [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Bas-Zaire] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Landorgoh Loko [Sierra Leone, Northern] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Lao: Luang Prabang [Laos] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Lega-Mwenga [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Kivu] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Lele [Guinea] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Lelemi [Ghana, Volta] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Lengo [Solomon Islands, Guadalcanal] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Ligbi [Ghana, Brong-Ahafo] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Limba, East: Southern [Guinea] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Limbu: Panthare [Nepal] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Logooli [Kenya, Vihiga] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Lusoga [Uganda] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Luyia: Bunyala [Kenya, Nyanza] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Luyia: Kabras [Kenya, Bungoma] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Luyia: Tachoni [Kenya, Bungoma] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Maan [Liberia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Mabaan [South Sudan, Upper Nile] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Mahali: Bangladesh [India, Assam] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Mahato [India, Manipur] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Malagasy, Atesaka [Madagascar] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Malagasy, Merina [Madagascar] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Malagasy, Ntandroy [Madagascar] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Malagasy: Vezo [Madagascar] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Malay, Central: Pasemah [Indonesia, Sumatera Barat (West)] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Malay, Central: Serewai [Indonesia, Sumatera Barat (West)] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Male [Ethiopia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Malo: Bangladesh [Bangladesh, Rangpur] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Mampruli [Ghana, Northern] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Mandjak: Cur [Guinea-Bissau] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Maninkakan, Eastern [Guinea] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Manobo, Ata [Philippines, Mindanao, Barmm, Sulu] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Manya [Liberia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Marma [Bangladesh, Chittagong] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Massana [Chad, Mayo-Kebbi] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Matumbi [Tanzania, Lindi] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Me'en [Ethiopia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Melayu Papua [Indonesia, Papua] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Mende: Ko [Sierra Leone, Eastern] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Mende: Kpa [Sierra Leone, Eastern] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Mewahang, Western [Nepal] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Mixtec, Apasco-Apoala: Apoala [Mexico, Oaxaca, Nochixtlan] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Mixteco de Metlatonoc [Mexico, Guerrero, Metlatonoc] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Mixteco: San Martín Peras [Mexico, Oaxaca] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Mizo [India, Mizoram] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Movima [Bolivia, El Beni] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Mrucha [Bangladesh] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Mundari: Bangladesh [India, West Bengal] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Murle [South Sudan] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Murung [Bangladesh, Chittagong] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Musgum [Cameroon, Extrème-Nord] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Mwani [Mozambique] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Naga, Tangshang [Myanmar] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Newari: Kathmandu [Nepal] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Ngaju [Indonesia, Kalimantan Tengah (Central)] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Ngombe (Democratic Republic of Congo) [Congo, Democratic Republic of] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Ngonde [Tanzania] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Nuni [Burkina Faso] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Nyaturu [Tanzania, Singida, Singida] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Nyilamba [Tanzania] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Nyishi [India, Arunachal Pradesh] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Odia: Southern [India, Odisha] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Okiek [Kenya, Nakuru] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Olumarachi [Kenya] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Olumarachi [Kenya, Kakamega] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Oluwanga [Kenya, Kakamega] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Orma [Kenya, Kilifi] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Oromo: Wellega [Ethiopia, Bale Metroplex_1] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Otetela [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Kasai-Oriental] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Ouatchi [Togo, Maritime, Vo] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Palenquero [Colombia, Atlántico] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Papel [Guinea-Bissau] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Pijin [Solomon Islands] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Pokomo: Lower [Kenya, Garissa] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Pokomo: Zubaki [Kenya, Garissa] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Pokot: East [Kenya, Baringo] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Portuguese: Brasil [Brazil] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Portuguese: Mozambique [Mozambique] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Psohoh [Papua New Guinea, West New Britain] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Pulaar: Fulacunda [Senegal] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Pular [Guinea] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Quechua, Arequipa-La Union [Peru, Arequipa] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Quechua, Margos [Peru, Huanuco] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Quechua, S. Bolivian: Cochabamba [Bolivia, Cochabamba] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Quichua Chimborazo [Ecuador] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Rai, Thulung [Nepal] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Rajbanshi [Nepal] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Rendille [Kenya, Marsabit] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Rishi [India] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Roglai, Southern [Vietnam, South Central Coast, Ninh Thuan] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Romblomanon [Philippines, Luzon, Mimaropa Region, Romblon] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Sabaot [Kenya, Bungoma] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Saliba: Logea [Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Samburu [Kenya, Isiolo] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Samia [Kenya, Busia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Samo, Southern [Burkina Faso] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Sankaran Mandingo [Guinea] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Sansi [India, Rajasthan] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Santhali: Bangladesh [India, Assam] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Sehwi [Ghana, Western] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Sena [Mozambique] [Mozambique] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Sengwer [Kenya] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Senoufo, Sicite [Burkina Faso, Kossi] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Sinaugoro: Babagarubu [Papua New Guinea, Central] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Sindhi: Dukslinu [Pakistan, Sindh] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Siriono [Bolivia, El Beni] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Sisaala: Gelibagili [Ghana, Upper East] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Sisaala, Tumulung [Ghana, Upper West, Tumu] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Songhai, Tombouctou [Mali, Mopti] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Spanish: Latin America [Colombia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Spanish: Mexico [Mexico] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Suau: Lausaha [Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Suba [Kenya, Homa Bay] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Swahili, Baravenes [Kenya, Lamu] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Takwane [Mozambique, Zambezia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Tamajeq: East Tawallemet [Niger] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Tamberma [Benin, Atakora, Natitingou] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Tampulma [Ghana, Northern] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Tangchangya [Bangladesh, Chittagong] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Tarao [India, Manipur] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Taveta [Kenya, Kajiado] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Tawala [Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Telugu: Bangladesh [India, Andhra Pradesh] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Tem, Central [Togo] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Thimbukushu [Namibia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Thur [Uganda] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Tippera [Bangladesh, Chittagong] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Toma [Guinea] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Tonga: Plateau [Zambia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Topoke: Eastern [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Haut-Zaire] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Toposa: Jiye [South Sudan] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Totonaco de Papantla [Mexico, Veracruz] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Trinitario [Bolivia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Tsamai [Ethiopia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Tugen [Kenya, Baringo] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Turi [India, Jharkhand] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Twi: Asante [Ghana] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Ubir [Papua New Guinea, Northern] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Urao [India, Bihar] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Vagla [Ghana, Northern] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Vietnamese: South [Vietnam] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Waata [Kenya, Isiolo] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Wali [Ghana, Upper West] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Wambule [Nepal] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Wandala: Gamargu [Cameroon, Extrème-Nord] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Wantoat Group [Papua New Guinea, Morobe] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Wayuunaiki [Colombia, La Guajira] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Western Parbate Kham [Nepal] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Wolani [Indonesia, Papua] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Wolof, Gambian [Gambia, The] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Yalunka: Sulima [Guinea] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Yoy [Thailand, Northeastern, Sakon Nakhon] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
Zulgo [Cameroon, Extrème-Nord] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
与敏 [Malawi] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
东波斯语 [Afghanistan] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
乌兹别克 [Uzbekistan] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
乌尔都语; 乌都语; 晤鲁都语 [India, Jammu and Kashmir] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
俄罗斯 [Russia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
修纳语; 绍纳语 [Zimbabwe] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
僧伽罗语 [Sri Lanka] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
兰巴语 [Zambia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
刚果斯瓦希里语 [Congo, Democratic Republic of] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
加语 [Ghana, Greater Accra] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
北索托语 [South Africa, Gauteng] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
南索托语 [South Africa, Eastern Cape] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
卡努里語 [Nigeria, Borno] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
卡姆巴语; 坎巴语 [Kenya, Kajiado] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
卡拉卡尔帕克语 [Uzbekistan] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
卡拉莫琼语 [Uganda] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
卢奥语 [Tanzania] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
卢瓦勒语 [Angola] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
卢萨语 [India, Mizoram] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
印地语 [India, Bihar] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
印尼语 [Indonesia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
印尼语 [Indonesia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD (M)
哈扎语 [Tanzania, Manyara, Babati Rural] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
哥伦打洛语 [Indonesia, Gorontalo] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
哲尔马语 [Niger] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
喀尔喀蒙古语 [Mongolia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
图尔卡纳语 [Kenya, Turkana] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
土库曼语 [Turkmenistan] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
埃维语; 幽语 [Ghana, Volta] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
基尼阿万达语; 卢安达语 [Rwanda] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
基库尤语; 吉库尤语 [Kenya] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
基隆迪语; 克伦地语 [Burundi] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
塔加洛语; 塔加拉语; 他加禄语 [Philippines] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
塔马舍克语 [Mali, Gao] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
塞尔维亚语 [Serbia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
塞拉利昂克里奥尔语 [Sierra Leone] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
奇图姆布卡语 [Malawi] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
奥隆-萨德里语 [Bangladesh, Khulna] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
孟加拉语 [Bangladesh] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
孟加拉语 [Bangladesh] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD (M)
尼扬科勒语 [Uganda] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
尼扬韦齐语 [Tanzania] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
尼泊尔语 [Nepal] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
巽他语 [Indonesia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
干达语; 卢干达语 [Uganda] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
库兰科语 [Sierra Leone, Northern] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
托克皮辛语; 巴布亚皮钦语 [Papua New Guinea] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
拉祜 [China, Yunnan] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
捷克语 [Czech Republic] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
掸语 [Myanmar] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
提格里尼亚语、提格利尼亚语 [Ethiopia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
摩杰语 [Nepal] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
文达语; 温达语 [South Africa, Limpopo] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
斯洛伐克语 [Slovakia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
斯洛文尼亚语、斯洛维尼亚语 [Slovenia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
斯華西裏語 [Tanzania] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
斯華西裏語 [Kenya] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
斯華西裏語 [Kenya] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD (Sunday School)
旁遮普语 [India, Punjab] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
曼丁哥语 [Senegal] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
本巴语; 别姆巴语 [Zambia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
林加拉语; 林格拉语 [Congo, Democratic Republic of] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
梅鲁语 [Kenya, Isiolo] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
比斯拉马语; 比斯拉玛语 [Vanuatu] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
法语 [France] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
泰国语 [Thailand] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
泰姆奈语; 滕内语 [Sierra Leone] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
泰米尔语; 坦米尔语; 淡米尔语 [India, Tamil Nadu] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
洛齐语 [Zambia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
海地克裏奧爾語 [Haiti] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
湯加語 (尼亞薩) [Malawi] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
澳大利亚克里奥尔语 [Australia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
班巴拉语 [Mali] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
瓦拉莫语 [Ethiopia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
祖鲁语 [South Africa] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
科摩罗语 [Mayotte] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
科瓦语 [Pakistan, Kpk] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
简体中文 [China] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
粤语 [China, Guangdong] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
索马里语; 索马利亚语 [Somalia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
缅甸语 [Myanmar] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
罗马尼亚语 [Romania] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
翁本杜语 [Angola] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
聪加语; 宗加语 [South Africa, Limpopo] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
芳蒂语 [Ghana, Western] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
苏丹克里奥尔阿拉伯语 [South Sudan] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
苏库马语 [Tanzania, Mwanza, Mwanza] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
苏苏语 [Guinea] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
英语 [Australia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
茨瓦纳语 [Zimbabwe] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
莫西语 [Burkina Faso] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
西莱基语 [Pakistan, Punjab] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
豪萨语; 豪撒语 [Benin] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
赞德语 [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Haut-Zaire] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
赫雷罗语 [Namibia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
达戈姆巴语 [Ghana, Northern] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
达旺 [India, Arunachal Pradesh] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
迪尤拉语 [Burkina Faso, Komoé] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
钦布语 [Papua New Guinea] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
门德语 [Sierra Leone] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
阿姆哈拉语 [Ethiopia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
阿苏痴念 [Myanmar] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
阿非利堪斯语; 南非荷兰语; 南非语 [South Africa] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
隆达语 [Zambia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
隆韦语 [Mozambique, Zambezia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
雅伦卡语 [Guinea] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
马其顿语 [North Macedonia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
马孔德语 [Mozambique] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
马萨伊语 [Kenya, Narok] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD
高棉语 [Cambodia] - LLL 4 Servants of GOD