



  1. 起源于上帝 (亚当,诺亚,约伯,亚布拉罕)
  2. 万能的上帝 (雅各布,约瑟夫,摩西)
  3. 上帝带来的胜利 (约书亚,狄波拉,基甸,参孙)
  4. 上帝的仆人 (路得, 塞缪尔, 大卫, 厄利亚)
  5. 上帝的审判 (以利沙, 丹尼尔, 约拿, 尼希米, 以斯帖)
  6. 耶稣 - 导师 & 治愈者 (马修和马克章)
  7. 耶稣 - 上帝 & 救世主 (卢克和约翰章)
  8. 圣灵的行为 (教会早期和保罗)


These are available in hundreds of languages, and are designed to be played along with the pictures. Playback may be paused from time to time to give opportunity for questions, discussion and further explanations as necessary.

The recordings have been made, where possible, using mother tongue speakers with clear voices who are respected in the local community. Local music and songs are sometimes added between pictures. Various checking techniques are used to ensure the accuracy of translation and communication.

The recordings are available in mp3 and video formats for downloading.

Many have also been converted into Bloom Books for use in literacy.

Printed Materials


These are A3 size (420mm x 300mm or 16.5" x 12") spiral bound at the top. They are suitable for large groups of people.


These are A5 size (210mm x 140mm or 8.25" x 6") stapled. They are suitable for small group and individual use.

Pocket Books

These are A7 (cassette) size (110mm x 70mm or 4.25" x 3"). They are ideal for giveaways and individual use. Both colour and black & white versions are available.

Written scripts

These are available online in simple English.

The scripts are a basic guideline for translation and recording in other languages. They should be adapted to suit the language, culture and thought patterns of the people. Some terms and concepts used may need a fuller explanation or even be omitted in different cultures. Appropriate local stories and applications may be added to the scripts to better illustrate the basic teaching of each picture-story.

Flipchart Carry Bags

These carry bags can be used to hold a set of 8 flipcharts and associated scripts, CDs and/or cassettes.

Bible Picture Clipart

The GRN Bible Picture Pack, available for download or on CD, contains all the pictures from the "Look, Listen & Live" as well as the "Good News" and "The Living Christ" picture series. The images are in high resolution black & white TIFF files for printing (up to A4 size at 300 DPI), colour JPEG files for computer display (1620 x 1080 pixels) or printing (up to A5 size at 300 DPI). Scripts and other resources are also on the CD.


预定信息 - 如何购买环球录音网的各种资源

Audio and Audio-Visual Materials - A wide range of culturally appropriate resources in 6525 language varieties, particularly suited for oral communicators.

Bible-based Bridge Materials - Audio-visual bridge materials help to create a visual frame of reference

Copyright and Licensing - GRN shares its audio, video and written scripts under Creative Commons

Creating DVDs using the GRN Slide show Videos - How to burn DVDs for specific people groups you are trying to reach

Sunday School Materials and Teaching Resources - GRN's resources and material for teaching Sunday School. Use these tools in your childrens ministry.