Audio and Audio-Visual Materials

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GRN have recordings of culturally appropriate, evangelistic and basic teaching material in over 6,500 languages. The recordings come in many different styles, including short Bible stories, evangelistic messages, scripture readings, and songs.

Audio visual programs of Bible teaching add an extra dimension to the audio message. The pictures are big and brightly coloured, and suitable for a wide range of cultures.

  • 音视频材料包含40张图片展现从创世纪到基督的圣经故事。这些材料包括救赎和基本的基督教生活讲义。这些材料涵盖1300种语言。

  • 这套材料,共有八个部分,每个部分24个图片,非常适合用于传播福音和基督宣讲。这套材料涉及到旧约中的人物,耶稣生平,早年的教会。材料已翻译成数百种语言形式。

  • 这一套完整的视听材料通过120张图片讲述了更为完整的耶稣生平和传教。这是套最新的材料,目前只有几种语言版本。

  • GRN提供几千种语言的福音音频信息,包含圣经信息,救赎和基督徒生活。

  • Audio-visual bridge materials help to create a visual frame of reference

  • Audio Bibles, Scripture portions, stories and lessons are used to tell the story of Jesus to the world


福音与圣经资源 - 环球录音网负责制作上千种语言的音频材料用于传福音和讲解圣经,同时也制作图书及手动录音播放器。 環球錄音網負責製作上千種語言的音頻材料用於傳福音和講解聖經,同時也製作圖書及手動錄音播放器。

Copyright and Licensing - GRN shares its audio, video and written scripts under Creative Commons

Sunday School Materials and Teaching Resources - GRN's resources and material for teaching Sunday School. Use these tools in your childrens ministry.