Script Library - Urdu Devanagari

Script Library - Urdu Devanagari

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Global Recordings Network has recorded gospel messages and basic Bible teaching in more than 6600 language varieties. The recordings have been made from scripts selected from this list and other sources.

De scripts dienen als basis voor de vertaling en het maken van opnames in een andere taal. Ze moeten aangepast worden aan de verschillende talen en culturen, om ze zo begrijpelijk en relevant mogelijk te maken. Sommige termen en begrippen moeten verder uitgelegd worden of zelfs weggelaten worden binnen bepaalde culturen.

Scripts in Urdu Devanagari

unfoldingWord 01 - पैदाइश

(unfoldingWord 01 - The Creation) - Genesis 1-2

unfoldingWord 02 - गुनाह दुनया में दाखिल होता है -

(unfoldingWord 02 - Sin Enters the World) - Genesis 3

unfoldingWord 03 - सैलाब

(unfoldingWord 03 - The Flood) - Genesis 6-8

unfoldingWord 04 - अब्रहाम के साथ खुदा का मुआहदा

(unfoldingWord 04 - God's Covenant with Abraham) - Genesis 11-15

unfoldingWord 05 - वादे का बेटा

(unfoldingWord 05 - The Son of Promise) - Genesis 16-22

unfoldingWord 06 - खुदा इज़हाक़ के लिए शरीक –ए-हयात का इंतज़ाम करता है -

(unfoldingWord 06 - God Provides for Isaac) - Genesis 24:1-25:26

unfoldingWord 07 - खुदा याक़ूब को बरकत देता है

(unfoldingWord 07 - God Blesses Jacob) - Genesis 25:27-35:29

unfoldingWord 08 - खुदा यूसुफ़ और उसके खानदान को बचाता है

(unfoldingWord 08 - God Saves Joseph and his Family) - Genesis 37-50

unfoldingWord 09 - खुदा मूसा को बुलाता है

(unfoldingWord 09 - God Calls Moses) - Exodus 1-4

unfoldingWord 10 - दस वाबाएं

(unfoldingWord 10 - The Ten Plagues) - Exodus 5-10

unfoldingWord 11 - फ़सह

(unfoldingWord 11 - The Passover) - Exodus 11:1-12:32

unfoldingWord 12 - ख़ुरूज

(unfoldingWord 12 - The Exodus) - Exodus 12:33-15:21

unfoldingWord 13 - बनी इस्राईल के साथ खुदा का मुआहदा

(unfoldingWord 13 - God's Covenant with Israel) - Exodus 19-34

unfoldingWord 14 - बयाबान में घूमना फिरना

(unfoldingWord 14 - Wandering in the Wilderness) - Exodus 16-17; Numbers 10-14; 20; 27; Deuteronomy 34

unfoldingWord 15 - वादा किया हुआ मुल्क

(unfoldingWord 15 - The Promised Land) - Joshua 1-24

unfoldingWord 16 - छुटकारा देने वाले

(unfoldingWord 16 - The Deliverers) - Judges 1-3; 6-8; 1 Samuel 1-10

unfoldingWord 17 - खुदा का अहद दाउद के साथ

(unfoldingWord 17 - God's Covenant with David) - 1 Samuel 10; 15-19; 24; 31; 2 Samuel 5; 7; 11-12

unfoldingWord 18 - तक़सीम शुदा हुकूमत

(unfoldingWord 18 - The Divided Kingdom) - 1 Kings 1-6; 11-12

unfoldingWord 19 - अंबिया

(unfoldingWord 19 - The Prophets) - 1 Kings 16-18; 2 Kings 5; Jeremiah 38

unfoldingWord 20 - जिलावतनी और वापसी

(unfoldingWord 20 - The Exile and Return) - 2 Kings 17; 24-25; 2 Chronicles 36; Ezra 1-10; Nehemiah 1-13

unfoldingWord 21 - खुदा मसीहा का वादा करता है

(unfoldingWord 21 - God Promises the Messiah) -

unfoldingWord 22 - यूहन्ना की पैदाइश

(unfoldingWord 22 - The Birth of John) - Luke 1

unfoldingWord 23 - येसु का जन्म

(unfoldingWord 23 - The Birth of Jesus) - Matthew 1-2; Luke 2

unfoldingWord 24 - युहन्ना येसु को बपतिस्मा देता है -

(unfoldingWord 24 - John Baptizes Jesus) - Matthew 3; Mark 1; Luke 3; John 1:15-37

unfoldingWord 25 - शैतान येसु की आज़माइश करता है -

(unfoldingWord 25 - Satan Tempts Jesus) - Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13

unfoldingWord 26 - यीशु अपनी ख़िदमत शुरू करता है

(unfoldingWord 26 - Jesus Starts his Ministry) - Matthew 4:12-25; Mark 1-3; Luke 4

unfoldingWord 27 - अच्छे सामरी की कहानी

(unfoldingWord 27 - The Story of the Good Samaritan) - Luke 10:25-37

unfoldingWord 28 - दौलतमंद जवान हाकिम

(unfoldingWord 28 - The Rich Young Ruler) - Matthew 19:16-30; Mark 10:17-31; Luke 18:18-30

unfoldingWord 29 - बे-रहम नौकर की कहानी

(unfoldingWord 29 - The Story of the Unmerciful Servant) - Matthew 18:21-35

unfoldingWord 30 - यीशु पांच हज़ार लोगों को खिलाता है

(unfoldingWord 30 - Jesus Feeds Thousands of People) - Matthew 14:13-21; Mark 6:31-44; Luke 9:10-17; John 6:5-15

unfoldingWord 31 - यीशु पानी पर चलता है

(unfoldingWord 31 - Jesus Walks on Water) - Matthew 14:22-33; Mark 6:45-52; John 6:16-21

unfoldingWord 32 - यीशु एक बदरुह के मारे शख्स को और एक बीमार औरत को शिफ़ा देता है -

(unfoldingWord 32 - Jesus Heals a Demon-Possessed Man and a Sick Woman) - Matthew 8:28-34; 9:20-22; Mark 5; Luke 8:26-48

unfoldingWord 33 - किसान की कहानी

(unfoldingWord 33 - The Story of the Farmer) - Matthew 13:1-23; Mark 4:1-20; Luke 8:4-15  

unfoldingWord 34 - यीशु दूसरी कहानियां सिखाता है

(unfoldingWord 34 - Jesus Teaches other Stories) - Matthew 13:31-46; Mark 4:26-34; Luke 13:18-21;18:9-14

unfoldingWord 35 - रहमदिल बाप की कहानी

(unfoldingWord 35 - The Story of the Compassionate Father) - Luke 15

unfoldingWord 36 - यीशु की तब्दील -ए- हैयत

(unfoldingWord 36 - The Transfiguration) - Matthew 17:1-9; Mark 9:2-8; Luke 9:28-36

unfoldingWord 37 - यीशु लाज़र को मौत से जिलाता है

(unfoldingWord 37 - Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead) - John 11:1-46

unfoldingWord 38 - यीशु को फ़रेब दिया जाता है

(unfoldingWord 38 - Jesus is Betrayed) - Matthew 26:14-56; Mark 14:10-50; Luke 22:1-53; John 18:1-11

unfoldingWord 39 - यीशु का मुक़द्दमा किया जाना

(unfoldingWord 39 - Jesus is Put on Trial) - Matthew 26:57-27:26; Mark 14:53-15:15; Luke 22:54-23:25; John 18:12-19:16

unfoldingWord 40 - यीशु को सलीब दी गई

(unfoldingWord 40 - Jesus is Crucified) - Matthew 27:27-61; Mark 15:16-47; Luke 23:26-56; John 19:17-42

unfoldingWord 41 - खुदा यीशु को मुरदों में से जिलाता है

(unfoldingWord 41 - God Raises Jesus from the Dead) - Matthew 27:62-28:15; Mark 16:1-11; Luke 24:1-12; John 20:1-18

unfoldingWord 42 - यीशु आसमान पर सऊद फ़रमाता है

(unfoldingWord 42 - Jesus Returns to Heaven) - Matthew 28:16-20; Mark 16:12-20; Luke 24:13-53; John 20:19-23; Acts 1:1-11

unfoldingWord 43 - कलीसिया शुरू होती है

(unfoldingWord 43 - The Church Begins) - Acts 1:12-14; 2

unfoldingWord 44 - पतरस और युहन्ना एक भीक मांगने वाले को शिफ़ा देते हैं -

(unfoldingWord 44 - Peter and John Heal a Beggar) - Acts 3-4:22

unfoldingWord 45 - स्तिफुनुस और फिलिप्पुस

(unfoldingWord 45 - Stephen and Philip) - Acts 6-8

unfoldingWord 46 - पौलुस एक मसीही बन जाता है

(unfoldingWord 46 - Saul Becomes a Follower of Jesus) - Acts 8:1-3; 9:1-31; 11:19-26; 13-14

unfoldingWord 47 - फिलिप्पी में पौलुस और सिलास

(unfoldingWord 47 - Paul and Silas in Philippi) - Acts 16:11-40

unfoldingWord 48 - यीशु वादा किया हुआ मसीहा है -

(unfoldingWord 48 - Jesus is the Promised Messiah) - Genesis 1-3, 6, 14, 22; Exodus 12, 20; 2 Samuel 7; Hebrews 3:1-6, 4:14-5:10, 7:1-8:13, 9:11-10:18; Revelation 21

unfoldingWord 49 - खुदा का नया अहद

(unfoldingWord 49 - God's New Covenant) - Genesis 3; Matthew 13-14; Mark 10:17-31; Luke 2; 10:25-37; 15; John 3:16; Romans 3:21-26, 5:1-11; 2 Corinthians 5:17-21; Colossians 1:13-14; 1 John 1:5-10

unfoldingWord 50 - यीशु की दोबारा आमद

(unfoldingWord 50 - Jesus Returns) - Matthew 13:24-42; 22:13; 24:14; 28:18; John 4:35; 15:20; 16:33; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11; James 1:12; Revelation 2:10; 20:10; 21-22

Verwante informatie

Vrij te downloaden - Download Bijbelverhalen in audio formaat en Bijbellessen in duizenden talen, afbeeldingen, scripts en andere verwante materialen die geschikt zijn voor evangelisatie en gemeenteopbouw.

Materialen voor evangelisatie en Bijbelonderricht - Global Recordings Network produceert audio materialen in duizenden talen die bestemd zijn voor evangelisatie en eenvoudig Bijbelonderricht naast platenboeken en handopwindbare afspeelapparaten.

Geschreven bronnen - Gratis downloads van scripts en ander, op verhalen gebaseerd, schriftelijk materiaal voor ESL, zondagsschool en basisbijbelonderwijs.

Copyright and Licensing - GRN shares it's audio, video and written scripts under Creative Commons