God is Everywhere

God is Everywhere

Samenvatting: God is Spirit. Praise Him when we have troubles. God uses hard things to prepare us for the future.

Scriptnummer: 333

Taal: English

Thema: Living as a Christian (Faith, trust, believe in Jesus, Children of God); Character of God (Love of God, Nature, character of God); Problems (Sickness, Problems, troubles, worries)

Gehoor: New Christian

Doel: Teaching

Kenmerke: Monolog; Exortation; Minimal Scripture

Toestand: Approved

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Tekst van het script

Why do we say that God is everywhere? We say that because wherever we are, there God is. God is Spirit. God is present in times of joy and in times of sorrow. Why do we say that God is present in times of trouble? Does He allow us to have troubles? Yes, God allows us to have them in order to test our faith, but Satan is the cause of our problems. This does not mean that God is happy when He sees us in trouble and danger. He allows troubles so that in them, we can see Jesus. We should therefore praise the Lord even in those times.

Praising God in our sickness and in any danger makes us more Christ-like. When Jesus was in danger of arrest, just before they killed Him, this is what He said. "Father, if You are willing, remove this cup of suffering from Me, but it is not My will but Yours that must be done."

Do you have any problems in your life? Ask your Father in heaven about it and He will help you through it. There are many ways in which God gives us His cross to carry. There is not a thing that happens in our lives by chance or accident. God has a purpose for everything that happens to us. When God allows illness He has a purpose for it. When we go hungry we must not complain, but bless His name in praise.

Who on earth doesn't discipline his children? No one, unless that person is unloving to his children. As a loving Father, God disciplines us through these troubles. At times a father gives his children a piece of work, but being ignorant, the child may think the father is being hard on him. This child does not know that this is how he is being prepared for his future life. The same applies to our Father in Heaven. We sometimes think that He is hard on us when we are in troubled times. As ignorant children we do not realize God is preparing us. Instead we complain.

Do you need to be prepared for the future? Stop complaining about what God has allowed and ask Him to forgive you. If God loves us so much that He sent His Son to die for us, we can know that whatever He allows to happen to us should not discourage us. God has different purposes for each of our lives on earth. Above all, God wants us to glorify His name in all that we do. Trust Him completely; He will not fail you. Thank Him and praise Him. He will help you to become strong in Him so you will be able to help others.

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