Jesus, the Sacrifice

Jesus, the Sacrifice

Samenvatting: Man is sinful. Jesus made the payment for our sins by giving His life. Give Jesus your heart.

Scriptnummer: 329

Taal: English

Thema: Sin and Satan (Sin, disobedience); Christ (Sacrifice / Atonement)

Gehoor: Hindu; General

Stijl: Monolog

Genre: Bible Stories & Teac

Doel: Evangelism

Bijbelse verwijzing: None

Toestand: Approved

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Tekst van het script

God created the universe and all that is in it. He created man and demanded his obedience. But man did not follow Him. Instead they disobeyed God.

When God looked down on people He saw that they were involved in many evil deeds such as cheating, stealing, hatred, committing adultery and many other bad things. All these made God angry and unhappy with man. God did not want his anger to remain within Him. For this reason He thought of reconciling people to Himself. He made Himself known through Jesus the Messiah. This is the mystery of God. Jesus the Messiah is not another God, but the Word of God Who was made visible. God's purpose in this was to bring people to Himself and restore peace in their hearts. Because of hatred and sin in the hearts of many, they rejected Him.

The sins that spoil the world today are the same sins that led men to kill Jesus. He knew very well that the people were against Him, but He did not stop. Instead He went towards His death willingly. He could have performed a miracle to save Himself, but He knew that His time to be sacrificed had come. This was so that man could be reconciled to God. Jesus was determined to die, in love for man, and in obedience to God. His death was the only way to bring us forgiveness.

God said that payment must be made for sins. Jesus made the payment by giving His life. God will judge those who despise the sacrifice that Jesus made. Was it a light thing which the Messiah did in shedding His blood for sinners? God will not pardon those who reject Him, but all who receive and follow Him will be given eternal life and happiness.

Jesus the Messiah gave His life for us. What have we to give to Him? Nothing except our love and obedience. Above all, let us give Him our hearts so He can control our lives and give us peace.

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