What Is Heaven Like? - Part 2

What Is Heaven Like? - Part 2

Samenvatting: After death is the judgement. We are sinners because of Adam. We can only enter Heaven because of Jesus. If Christ is in your life, you won't come into God's judgement. It is appointed unto man to die and then to be judged. And all have sinned. We cannot enter Heaven on our own merits. Only through the blood of Christ can we be forgiven. God has let you live until today. Today can be the day of grace for you.

Scriptnummer: 252b

Taal: English

Thema: Sin and Satan (Judgement); Christ (Redemption, Saviour of Sinful Men); Life event (Death)

Gehoor: Atheist; Muslim; General

Doel: Evangelism

Kenmerke: Monolog; Bible Stories; Extensive Scripture

Toestand: Approved

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Tekst van het script

My friends, will you consider with me for a few moments a portion from the Word of God found in the 9th chapter of Hebrews and the 27th verse, which reads thus: "As it is appointed unto man once to die, but after this, the judgment."

Perhaps you are thinking now, how cold and harsh these words are, "death" and "judgment." Mentally, some of you shudder while you reason like this, "I have suffered so many hardships in this life! Surely they will have an end when I die." But God's Word declares death and then judgment. Some may reason, "But what have I done to deserve the judgment of an angry God?" Hear me in this. The Word of God says, "We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God." Is it not so, that many have spent their lives relative to their own interests and desires? You may have thought little about God, about death, and God's judgment to come. You may state, "But why am I a sinner?" The Bible says that by one man's (that is, Adam's) transgression, sin entered into the world, and death by sin passed upon every man; but that everlasting life came by Jesus Christ in His death upon the cross and resurrection from the grave.

Some may remark, "I am a pretty good man. I don't need God's forgiveness!" Oh, how futile is our own goodness in the sight of a holy God. We can never enter heaven on our own merits. Only through the Son of God Who shed His precious blood can we be forgiven. But how many have set at naught this blessed redemption and ignored or scorned Him of Whom the prophet Isaiah says, that "He was wounded for our transgressions, and bruised for our iniquities." You may have ignored Him, even cursed His sacred Name, or perhaps not known how to approach Him until now in prayer. But consider the patience and longsuffering of God that He has let you live until this day . . . and today is the day of grace for you. Do not say in your heart, "If He will judge me, let Him judge me!" How frail man is to bear earthly burdens, let alone the consequences of God's anger in judgment.

Are you saying, "God does not exist"? The Bible says, "The fool has said in his heart, there is no God." But I pray that you are one of those who says to yourself even now, "I am a sinner," and that there is godly sorrow for sin in your heart now, for there is hope for you. I have good news for you. Christ died for you, and in His Name there is forgiveness and everlasting life. With Christ within your life you will never come into God's judgment, because Jesus Christ bore all the judgment for your sins on the cross.

Ref: Heb. 9:27, Rom. 3:23, Rom. 5:12, Is. 53:5, Ps. 53:1
NOTE: This script was temporarily called "The Day of Grace" and it was also temporarily assigned the number 253.

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