Creation and Redemption (dialogue)

Creation and Redemption (dialogue)

Samenvatting: Introduces local belief of origin of man by a question. Biblical account of creation, fall and redemption follows. S.E. introduced as creation is mentioned. Simple invitation concludes. Adaptable to local beliefs. Easily made into monologue by deleting second person's comments. Virtually the same content as the monologue # 19. "Creation and Redemption of Man."

Scriptnummer: 018

Taal: English

Thema: Sin and Satan (Cleanse, purify, Shame); Christ (Redemption, Saviour of Sinful Men, Sacrifice / Atonement); Living as a Christian (Peace with God); Eternal life (Salvation); Bible timeline (Creation)

Gehoor: Animist; General

Stijl: Dialog

Genre: Messages and Fiction

Doel: Evangelism

Bijbelse verwijzing: Paraphrase

Toestand: Approved

De scripts dienen als basis voor de vertaling en het maken van opnames in een andere taal. Ze moeten aangepast worden aan de verschillende talen en culturen, om ze zo begrijpelijk en relevant mogelijk te maken. Sommige termen en begrippen moeten verder uitgelegd worden of zelfs weggelaten worden binnen bepaalde culturen.

Tekst van het script

1. My brother, why do our people say that we started by ... (use local creation belief with discretion).

2. People say this because they do not know the truth about where people came from.

1. Where can we find this truth?

2. The truth is known from God.

1. Who is God?

2. God is the Creator of all things. He is without beginning and end. God's Book tells us many things about God. It begins by telling us how God created all things.

1. Oh, tell me about it.

2. Look about you! See the trees and hills. God made them. He also made the goats, the dogs, the chickens (Pause 3 sec.) He made the birds. (Pause 3 sec.) Hear the children playing? (Pause 3 sec.) See the baby on his mother's back? (Pause 3 sec.) God made people also. He made all things. He made the world. In the beginning everything was perfect. The first man and woman were good people. Their names were Adam and Eve. They loved and obeyed God. They were very happy. But God told them that to disobey Him would result in death.

In the world there was a wicked spirit called Satan. This wicked spirit hated God. One day Satan persuaded Adam and Eve to disobey God. They listened to the talk of Satan and they sinned. After this everything was different. They were no longer happy. They were ashamed. They tried to hide from God. But God loved them. He called them by name. "Adam, Adam, where are you?" From that day, God has called all people to return to Him. For all people have listened to the talk of Satan and they have disobeyed God's words.

1. You mean ALL people have done as that first man, Adam, did?

2. Yes. And this separated them from God. God is holy and good and He hates sinful ways. He must punish them. Therefore, all who continue in their sins will go to the place of punishment when they die. But God still wants all people to follow Himself. To do this God Himself came down from heaven to this world. He, being God, became a man. His name was Jesus. Jesus suffered the punishment that we all deserved. He let Himself be killed by wicked men on a cross. In this way, Jesus died.

1. What great suffering He took because of us!

2. Yes, but He did this gladly. He bore our punishment for sin so that we could again be brought close to God. Then He arose from death. Now Jesus lives in heaven. His talk to us is this: "Refuse the words of Satan. Receive My words." Will you listen to Jesus' words and trust in Him? Only He can take away your sins and make your heart clean.

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