Five Loaves and Two Fish

Five Loaves and Two Fish

Samenvatting: Matthew 14:13-20; Mark 6:30-44; Luke 9:2, 10-17; John 6:1-15

Scriptnummer: 1352

Taal: English

Gehoor: General

Doel: Evangelism; Teaching

Kenmerke: Bible Stories; Paraphrase Scripture

Toestand: Approved

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Tekst van het script

Title Options:Jesus feeds 5000 men.Five Loaves and Two Fishes.Jesus makes one person’s food feed many.

Jesus had many disciples. He chose twelve disciples to go everywhere with him. He sometimes sent them to other towns to tell about him [, his ways] and to heal the sick [people].

One day, when the twelve [disciples] returned to Jesus [from being sent out to teach and heal], he said to them, “Let us go to a quiet [restful] place where other people will not bother [disturb] us!”

So then entered into a boat and started to cross Lake [Galilee] towards another place. But some people saw them leave and knew where they were going.

Those people hurried [traveled / walked quickly] along the lake shore and came to the place where Jesus and the twelve [disciples] were going.

So, when Jesus and the twelve arrived there, many, many people were already there waiting for him.

Jesus felt compassion [love] for those people, so he welcomed [greeted] them warmly [kindly]. He then healed those who were sick, and he taught them [many true things].

Late afternoon, Jesus’ disciples said to him, “There is no food here for these people, so you should send them away to buy food for themselves in nearby villages!”

Jesus replied to them, “You yourselves will [must] give them food to eat.”

One of them [Philip] asked Jesus, “How can we buy enough food for so many people? We would have to work about six months to earn enough money to buy food for all these people!”

Jesus instructed his disciples, “Ask everyone here how much food they have brought with them!” The disciples did so.

They came back to Jesus and [Andrew] reported, “A young [little] boy has five little [barley grain] bread buns [loaves] and two little cooked [smoked] fishes.”

Jesus ordered his disciples, “Tell everyone to sit down [on the ground] in groups!” There were about 5000 men there in addition to many women and children.

Jesus took the five bread buns and two fishes, holding them in his hands. He then looked towards the sky and prayed, “O Father. I thank you for this food!”

Jesus then began breaking the bread and fishes into pieces [putting the pieces into baskets / food bags]. Handing these to his disciples, he said, “Go share this food with everybody!”

The disciples distributed the food pieces as it became more and more food, until everyone had eaten all that they wanted.

After everyone had eaten, the disciples gathered up the bread and fish that were left over [not eaten]. This filled up twelve baskets [food bags].

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