David Anointed King

David Anointed King

Samenvatting: 1 Samuel 16

Scriptnummer: 1302

Taal: English

Gehoor: General

Genre: Bible Stories & Teac

Doel: Evangelism; Teaching

Bijbelse verwijzing: Paraphrase

Toestand: Approved

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Tekst van het script

Title ideas:The Lord Choose David to be the king.How David was chosen to be the king.God looks at the insides [heart]!

When king Saul disobeyed the Lord’s orders, the Lord rejected him [Saul].One day, the Lord said to the prophet Samuel, “Go to Bethlehem [Town] and find [seek] a man named Jesse, for I have chosen one son [from him] to become king over Israel!”

Samuel asked, “Saul would try to kill me! So how can I remain safe?”The Lord replied, “Lead a calf [young cow] to Bethlehem, and say [inform others] that you are going to offer a sacrifice! Invite Jesse and his sons to come attend the sacrifice!”

Samuel obey the Lord’s order. But when he came to Bethlehem, the town leaders were frightened [that King Saul might punish them for welcoming Samuel who had been the messenger to tell Saul that he was rejected by the Lord].

So Samuel explained, “I have come to offer this calf as a sacrifice to the Lord!” This made them feel safe. Then Samuel said, “Please tell Jesse and his sons to come attend the sacrifice!”

When the men arrived, Samuel saw that Jesse’s first son was handsome. So the Lord said to him, “People admire how a man looks [seems / appears] on the outside, but the Lord looks at a man’s heart [attitude / motives / inside]. I have not chosen this son.”

Next, Samuel saw the second son, but the Lord did not choose him, either.

Next, Samuel saw the third son, but the Lord did not choose him, either.

Samuel saw all Jesse’s seven sons, but the Lord did not choose them.

Then Samuel asked Jesse, “Have you another son?”

Jesse replied, “My youngest son is in the fields where he is tending [herding] my sheep!”Samuel said, “Send a messenger to bring him, for we shall not make [do / perform / hold] the sacrifice until he has come!”

After a while, Jesse’s youngest son came to the sacrifice. His name was David. He was healthy [vibrant] and handsome, having pleasant eyes. The Lord spoke to Samuel, saying, “This is the son whom I have chosen! Anoint him with oil [pour olive oil over his head to show that he is to become king over Israel]!”

So Samuel opened a [cow/animal] horn bottle [container] and poured [olive] oil on David’s head, while the others watched. Immediately, the Lord’s Spirit [Breath] came into [upon / to] David and stayed with him the rest of his life.

But the Lord removed his Spirit from Saul, and sent to him an evil spirit that tormented Saul often, making him fearful and unhappy.

Saul’s servants said to him, “Let us bring to you someone who will play a harp [stringed instrument], for soothing [good sounding / sweet] music will make you feel better!”

Saul asked, “Whom will you bring?”A servant replied, “Jesse’s son David plays well a harp and sings!”

So, whenever the evil spirit would torment Saul, David would come play his harp and sing. The music would always make Saul feel better.Saul was very pleased with [thankful for] David and later chose him [David] to become his personal guard [armor bearer].

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