How Donkey was Foolish

Samenvatting: 2 Cor. 6:2

Scriptnummer: 1259

Taal: English

Gehoor: General

Genre: Bible Stories & Teac

Doel: Evangelism; Teaching

Bijbelse verwijzing: Paraphrase

Toestand: Approved

De scripts dienen als basis voor de vertaling en het maken van opnames in een andere taal. Ze moeten aangepast worden aan de verschillende talen en culturen, om ze zo begrijpelijk en relevant mogelijk te maken. Sommige termen en begrippen moeten verder uitgelegd worden of zelfs weggelaten worden binnen bepaalde culturen.

Tekst van het script

Title ideas:
The donkey was foolish.
The foolish donkey.
Are you foolish?

There once lived a donkey who was black in color. After he had lived several years, he became discontented with his color. He said to himself, “Life isn’t fair! Why can’t I be like Lion who has beautiful tawny skin [fur]? I am just this ordinary black color.”

"His friends Hippo and Monkey tried to convince him otherwise. Monkey reasoned, “Black is good because it hides [doesn’t show] dirt.”
Hippo added, “Yes, and at night leopards and lions cannot see you. Black is very useful!”"

But Donkey said, “Yes, but black is just so dull! Oh how I wish I could change my color. Oh how I wish…”

Just then Hippo remembered that one of his aunts had told him about a cave in the forest. “I know of a magic cave not too far from here. If you go inside and make a wish it will come true. But it is a fearful place, so we probably should not go there!”

“Oh! Please take me!” cried Donkey. “I must go at once! You must lead me there, Hippo! I have got to get to that cave!”

Monkey and Hippo were puzzled [confused] about the reason for which Donkey insisted that they take him to the cave.

Donkey said with excitement, “Let’s go now! Imagine what the animals would say if they saw a dazzling white donkey!”

"After walking a while, they all arrived at the magic cave.
Donkey said in a frightened voice, “It looks dark and scary inside.” "

Donkey pleaded, “I want to go in, but I am afraid to go alone. Will [Would] you go with me, Monkey? I would feel better if we went together!”

“NO WAY!” yelled Monkey. “I’m not going in there! If I heard a noise inside that place, I would turn white before you did!”

"Donkey took a deep breath and started toward the opening [entrance] to the cave. “You two wait here. I shall be out in a moment,” he said.
Taking a few quick steps, Donkey hurried into the cave."

"After about five minutes of silence, Hippo and Monkey observed Donkey emerging from the cave in [wearing] his new white coat.
“Unbelievable!” they all said together. “It really worked!” "

"“You look great!” said Hippo.
Monkey said “But it will show dirt,”. “You will always be having trouble trying to keep it clean. All the animals will notice each spot of dirt on you and call you “Spotty’!”
“Oh don’t listen to Monkey!” said Hippo."

Donkey thought about it for a moment or two and then said, “Monkey is right. For a while I will be admired by others, but then after I get dirty, everyone would laugh. Oh… I wish I were black again!”

Hippo yelled, “But, Donkey, I like you being white! It fits you!”.

But Hippo’s words didn’t matter to Donkey. He was now on his way back into the cave to make another wish.

In less time than it had taken before, Donkey returned again from the cave. Now he had turned black again. “Look!” He said, “Now I am back to my beautiful black color again. What do you think [about it]?”

“Yes,” said Monkey, “You are back to your old COMMON self! All Donkeys I know are black. Black is so … well … dull and usual.”

"“Oh! Donkey said, “I don’t know what to think! I’m going back inside to make a new wish”.
“We will go with you this time,” laughed Monkey. “We have to see this for ourselves.”"

So Donkey and his friends all went back into the cave together. Monkey and the Hippo were anxious to see what would happen.

"“It is dark in here,” said Monkey.
Hippo said “[You] Start wishing,”.
“OK, said Donkey, “I wish I were white!”
“… and different?” asked Monkey.
“No, I wish I were black,” Donkey said changing his mind.
“… and be just like everybody else?” Monkey questioned.
“Oh! I wish I were white! Said Donkey No, black!… No, white!… No, black!…”"

"Suddenly all the animals heard a great crack and in the distance a crashing noise [big noise]. “What is happening?!” asked Donkey.
“It is an earthquake! screamed Monkey in a panic. “RUN!”
They all ran out as the cave began to crash down around [collapse behind] them."

As the dust cleared, Hippo and Monkey saw something that made them laugh harder than they had laughed ever before….!!

"“Ha ha ha ha! Look at you!” Monkey laughed. “You’re black and white and white and black and black and white…!”
“And it is too late to change again…”. said Hippo “ The cave is destroyed,”."

Now whenever you see a zebra [animal with colored stripes], think of the foolish donkey who would not make up his mind.

Some people have trouble making up their mind about following Jesus. This is also foolish. Decide today to follow Jesus and don’t turn back or change your mind no matter what people say!

"2 Corinthians 6:2 from the Bible says
I tell you, now is the time to receive God’s favor. Today is the day to be saved!"

"Illustrations by Tim Holden, BTL, Kenya, © used with permission.
Story based on the Jungle Doctor Story by Paul White Productions, ©.

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