Prayer Thoughts

Prayer Thoughts

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Colin Stott was GRN USA Director and Global Prayer Coordinator. He was taken to Glory in 2023, but he left us his 'Prayer Thoughts', a collection of monthly prayer articles to encourage GRN staff in their prayer lives and dealing with various practical aspects of prayer.

John Wesley once said "God does nothing but in answer to prayer".

It does seem that God has made prayer indispensable for carrying out His purposes on earth. 'Prayer Thoughts' encourages us to grow in our role as intercessors believing God rules the nations through the prayers of His people. What a privilege and responsibility we have in prayer.

Feel free to pass on any of these articles you find helpful.

Toont items 1 van 48 tot 48

  • More To Our Prayers Than Meets The Eye - So when we pray, we should ask God to show us what to pray
  • Listening For The Master's Voice - How can we actively listen for God's voice?
  • Not I But Christ - God wants to work in us and reveal in us the prayer life of His Son.
  • Our Authority In Prayer - The Lord has given His Church the authority to "proclaim freedom for the captives." (Isa 61:1)
  • Praying With Rejoicing Faith - Rejoicing confirms our confidence in God and shows we are not deterred by obstacles Satan puts in our path.
  • Prayer and Fasting - The Bible assumes we will fast because Matthew 6:16 talks about when we fast, not if we fast.
  • When The Church Is Under Attack - Even the weakest saint on his or her knees surely strikes fear in the enemy camp.
  • When Our Prayers Go Unanswered - How do we respond when God doesn't seem to be responding to our prayers in the way we'd like.
  • A Prayer for GRN - May we never grow weary in praying for the things that concern God. Please join with us in praising God and seeking his wisdom and strength for all situations.
  • The Church Of The Living God - Around the whole world, the church of the living God is entrusted to preach the gospel and make disciples.
  • Demolishing Strongholds - Arm yourself with weapons for the spiritual fight.
  • Dealing With Strongholds - What are strongholds? Perhaps an irrational fear, a dominating habit, an obsession with something or someone. They have many ways of trapping us and hindering our spiritual growth.
  • "LORD, Break Me!" - Our old nature doesn't surrender easily to God - are we bold enough to pray for the Lord to break us?
  • We Do Not Have Because We Do Not Ask - What would our world be like if we took the scripture seriously that declares "And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father." (John 14:13 NIV)
  • When We Pray for the Lost - Millions are bowing down before lifeless gods and worthless idols. Pray for these lost people so they come to worship the true, living God.
  • Time Alone With God - The need for solitude and inner quietness has never been greater, and God has the answer.
  • Our Prayers Reveal Our Heart - Take notice of what we pray - it's a good check of our spiritual health.
  • Travel the World Through Prayer - Go anywhere in the world, be unconcerned about border check points, crowds at airports, currency changing - travel the world with prayer.
  • Prayer and Unbelief - We know God can answer prayer but we are not always sure that He will.
  • Praying For Workers - Are we taking notice of the Lord's instruction to ask the Lord of the Harvest?
  • Things To Keep In Mind - Examining our prayers and working to make sure they bring honour and glory to God
  • Finding Time To Pray - For many of us our problem is remembering to pray. It's not that we don't think prayer will help, it is just that we don't always think to pray...
  • Why Ask For What We Already Have? - God's great purpose is to reveal His Son in us in every situation...
  • No Place Like Home - May we always pray and go and seek out the spiritually homeless to let them know that, in Christ, there is no place like home!
  • Prayer And Obedience - Our Lord won't force us to obey but patiently awaits our willing consent...
  • No Plan B For Prayer! - The scriptures are full of examples showing that when God wants to do a work He first gets His people to pray for it...
  • The Prayer Warrior - A prayer warrior might be weak in body but, if faithful in prayer, he or she will be feared in the heavenlies...
  • Praising God Before He Answers - We can do many things to excess - but we can never overpraise...
  • Keeping Our Spiritual Fervor - A huge hindrance to being zealous for God is our love for the things of the world...
  • What If....? - WHAT IF you and I used our spiritual weapons of faith, prayer and praise in our areas of responsibilities to a greater extent than we are doing?
  • It's A Wonderful Life! - One day when the fruit of our lives and prayers is revealed, we may be amazed at all that God accomplished through unworthy yet willing servants...
  • Our Incentive In Praying For The Lost - The ultimate purpose of evangelism is about the Father's glory and seeing His heart satisfied as He is honored and loved by the people He has created...
  • Praying Scripture - As we memorize and meditate on Scripture and let its precepts, promises and commands take root, the Holy Spirit can bring relevant verses to mind when we need to use them in prayer...
  • The Indispensable Prayers Of The Church - What a wonderful privilege and awesome responsibility we have as intercessors...
  • Making Room For The Longings Of God - Psalm 25:14 tells us that God wants to take us into His confidence. He seeks those with whom He can freely share His heart...
  • Prayer And The Bride - Let's go forward on our knees to claim for the Lamb those missing members of our Lord's bride - our future brothers and sisters in Christ!
  • Praying For Muslims - Our battle is NOT against Muslims - but against the devil who keeps them in darkness. There is now a growing crescendo of global prayer for the Muslim world...
  • Praying For God's Glory Will Cost Us - The more we die to self, the more the beauty of Jesus will be seen in us...
  • Delays Are Not Always God's Denials - Are we waiting right now for God to answer some specific need? If so, then don't lose heart...
  • Rejoicing Over God With Singing - Sing praises to God - because He likes to hear your voice...
  • Are We Known As Formidable Opponents? - Be a proactive intercessor and become a serious threat to the enemy!!!
  • Sugar Cubes and Prayer - Sugar cubes? Prayer? Read all about it ...

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