Finding Time To Pray

Finding Time To Pray

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"Pray without ceasing." I Thess 5:17(KJV)

The scripture is clear - we are told to pray without ceasing. As impractical as this seems, every command God gives us is doable as long as we keep in mind it is Christ in us who keeps each command. Our part is to commit and depend on Him to fulfill in us what the Word requires of us. Since Christ lives in us and is in continual prayer fellowship with the Father then unceasing prayer must flow from our lives too - even while we sleep!

Of course we want to be in unbroken prayer fellowship with our Lord while we are awake too, even when we are engaged in our daily tasks. Whenever possible we should find time to pray. There is much to prayer about. Our world has huge problems. The effects of wars, crime, immorality, injustices and natural disasters exact a massive toll on the nations. But we need not wring our hands in despair. We can do something. We can pray!

For many of us our problem is remembering to pray. It's not that we don't think prayer will help, it is just that we don't always think to pray. There are things we can do though to develop a habit of praying. For example, if we see an item on the news that concerns us, we can mute the TV during a program break and ask God to work in that situation whether it is a natural disaster, scandal or a political issue.

A friend of mine often uses the time waiting at red traffic lights to pray. I recently learned about a group that takes seriously Luke 10:2 where Jesus asked His people to pray for workers to be sent into the harvest. This group started praying this prayer every day at 10:02 in the morning. Many used their cellphone alarms to remind them to stop and pray! There are now people all over the world praying this little prayer every day.

There are many things we can do to remind ourselves to pray. And while our on-the-go prayers don't replace our daily devotional prayer times or church prayer meetings, they do supplement greatly the ground we cover in prayer. A genuine desire to pray is the result of a life yielded fully to God, one that has set its heart on His concerns and looks for every opportunity to pray them into being.

What helps to remind you to pray? Let me know and I will share your ideas in a future Prayer Thoughts.

Colin Stott
Global Prayer Coordinator

Verwante informatie

Global Recordings Network USA - General information, articles, news and contact details about GRN USA.

Prayer Thoughts - Read Colin Stott's articles on some practical aspect of prayer.