Kenya: thrilled to receive the Saber

Kenya: thrilled to receive the Saber


From missionaries in Kenya:

The Sabers were distributed throughout the village. In addition to the "Look, Listen, Live" material, we loaded Matthew, Acts, and other important scriptures read aloud in ChiDuruma by a native speaker. All of the people were thrilled to receive the Saber. My best friend while living there travelled with me as we distributed most of them and helped to explain the use. As we travelled around we heard the recordings being played even by those who outwardly reject Christianity. I'm sure that they were thrilled with the novelty of the device. We were pleased knowing that the word was going out, and remembering God's promise that it does not return empty.

As a background, this area of Kenya is on the coast and not necessarily as Christian as one would suppose. Folk Islam and nominal Christianity are the norm. Both of these mixed with the animism of Eastern AFrica. This friend of mine had converted to Christianity during our time there and grew like a weed. upon returning, we found that he was not only a church leader, but actively involved in planting new church communities. We left him with several Sabers, for his personal/family use, as well as for the churches that he is working with in neighboring towns.


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The Saber in Use - A collection of testimonials to the Saber player.