Our Papua New Guinea Adventure

Our Papua New Guinea Adventure


by Kenny & Joan McKee

When we arrived here in PNG just under 2 years ago, we asked ourselves, "Where do we start setting up an office/studio, doing recordings and distributing GRN materials?" We didn't have a clue and didn't know whom to ask. In our Bible we read in 2 Chronicles 20 v. 15, "For the battle is not yours, but God's." Our Master demands obedience and faithfulness and only He knows the results of our labour.

When we look back on our time here we have clearly seen God at work in every part of the ministry. We have been so blessed to be able to make almost 70 recordings in over 35 different languages. The office/studio has been set up and the computer editing equipment has been tremendous. The number of orders for our materials from all parts of the country has been just unbelievable. Almost every week we get opportunities to speak about the GRN work.

The new GRN house at CLTCWe have enjoyed living and working in this most beautiful place, based at the CLTC Bible College. We have made recordings with many of the students from all over the country and surrounding islands. This has meant our cassettes and materials have gone back to remote places where we could never go. One young student wrote us to say she plays the cassettes to her family every morning and night in their own language.

We have been able to work and link up with other Missions based here, in particular SIL, New Tribes Mission and Scripture Gift Mission, plus many local churches and Christian bookshops.

Just last week we recorded our first joint project with SIL and SGM. We recorded the 'YU WE' translation of SGM's tract, 'Jesus Has The Power To Save'. In this language group of between 50 - 60,000 people, there are no scriptures and only 5% of the people are able to read. Our cassette and their script will be of great benefit enabling the people to learn to read and to hear the Gospel at the same time. We praise the Lord for opening this door. Here in PNG there are so many languages to be recorded and old recordings to be up-dated. It's a recordist's paradise!

Kenny showing one of the GRN flipcharts We have enjoyed travelling to remote regions to make many of these recordings and it has been fantastic to see village life and to spend time with these lovely folk. They are so hospitable and friendly, and especially hungry for God's Word.

Because of the lack of good sound Biblical teaching, our LLL series is so effective for Pastors, evangelists, missionaries and Sunday School teachers. We have been so thrilled to see the reaction of the people when we begin to play the cassettes in their language using our Messenger players. When they see the flipcharts they gather from every part of the village. Once when I accompanied a pastor to a remote region, as he was speaking in the church, I stayed outside with the children and played the cassettes and showed the charts. There was a bigger crowd watching and listening to the GRN materials outside the church, than to him!

Life here for most people is hard and in many ways primitive. Tribal fighting is still going on in different areas with many deaths and injuries occurring daily. The roads and communications systems are 'imperfect' and most times difficult, and poverty can be seen in most villages, but despite all this, God is working in a wonderful way amongst the people.


ကမ္ဘာလုံးဆိုင်ရာသတင်း - ကမ္ဘာအ၀မ်းမှ Global Recording Network မှ သာသနာနှင့် သင်ထောက်ကူပြုအရင်းအမြစ်ပစ္စည်းများနှင့်ပတ်သက်သည့် နောက်ဆုံးရသတင်းများ

ပါပူဝါနယူးဂီနီနိုင်ငံ - ပါပူဝါနယူးဂီနီနိုင်ငံ နှင့် ပတ်သက်သည့် သတင်းအချက်အလက်