Time Alone With God

Time Alone With God

यह पृष्ठ हिंदी में उपलब्ध नहीं है.

"Be still and know that I am God" Ps 46:10 (KJV) "You will fill me with joy in Your presence..." Ps 16:11 (NIV)

Daily we battle a world system that demands more and more of our time and energy-one that puts much wear and tear on the soul and robs us of a quiet and restful spirit. "Be still and know that I am God" is as needful today as when the psalmist wrote it; and perhaps more so because of the accelerated pace of our lives.

Amid the noisy chatter of the world, regular alone time with our Creator is a must. We need breathing space each day to exhale and be quiet in His presence and refreshed in His Word. From time to time we may also find it helpful (I know that I have) to get away from our regular environment to withdraw from the demands of work for a day or more to have extended times of refreshment in the Lord.

Of course we can enjoy unbroken fellowship with our Lord at any time, even when busy with our daily tasks. But to plan a special time away to hear God's still small voice is definitely worth the effort. It helps to find a quiet place free of interruptions where we can have unhurried time with God to worship Him, appreciate His attributes, search our hearts, read the Word and pray. A quiet beach, park or coffee shop works for me.

Our Lord spent time alone with His Father whenever He could. And His life in us still seeks fellowship with the Father. While the natural man may be at a loss knowing how to spend time with God, those who hunger and thirst for Him will not find it difficult at all. Time with our Best Friend is something to be sought and treasured.

The need for solitude and inner quietness has never been greater. It profits us little to fill our days with busy service and activity and miss out on communion with God. Amazingly our Lord enjoys our company and wants to spend time with us too. Isn't this the essence of love, wanting to be with the one we love? Our love for someone can usually be measured by how much time we want to spend with them.

Colin Stott
Global Prayer Coordinator

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