unfoldingWord 03 - Hibula

unfoldingWord 03 - Hibula

Outline: Genesis 6-8

Script Number: 1203

Language: Lopit

Theme: Eternal life (Salvation); Living as a Christian (Obedience); Sin and Satan (Judgement)

Audience: General

Purpose: Evangelism; Teaching

Features: Bible Stories; Paraphrase Scripture

Status: Approved

Scripts are basic guidelines for translation and recording into other languages. They should be adapted as necessary to make them understandable and relevant for each different culture and language. Some terms and concepts used may need more explanation or even be replaced or omitted completely.

Script Text

Da halu ha ŋasi iluluŋ, amanya huwo illo loluŋa da fau. Ette isieja ŋafanu manyai a hayak bino ojo a deferok. Ottu anno loru do Hollum hijo a do hoi fau daŋ te hibula na hitok.

Hati emehini Hollum Noa. Ara ifa tihoni le lebis, amanya ho huwo hayak. Eilimak Hollum Noa hiram ne hibula nolowak inyieja ŋaifahu. Eilimak Noa hottoduhok togoli nahitok.

Elimak Hollum Noa hotoduhok togoli 140 te hisagaji, 23 ta latan, 13.5 a hide. Ojo hotoduhok Noa to hoyiek, he sihidi, hoto bwanyai ara hajit iluluŋ ojo itule. Eiti humak iso togoli nyie Noa ha haŋ honyie ojo hirro daŋ ciaŋi inna fau inno lo luahini to hibula.

Abaŋi Noa Hollum. Oduhok inyieja he lenyirok honyie togoli iyya te hoi te nyie lojo Hollum do honyie. Eyari do honyie ŋasi iluluŋ nyo oboro ifa togoli nyie. Aŋailimak Noa huwo hiram ne hibula nyie lottu Hollum ŋaifahu, hati inyia huwo lowak hiruk.

Eilimak Hollum do Noa ojo woyo nohonyie hotto dumu ŋiria ne leriamik isieja ojo ciaŋi. Ifa lo tubai hirro daŋ, eilimak Hollum Noa ho noŋorwo honyie, ojo lenyirok honyie lohunik ho ŋorwo hosie ettejiŋak a togoli, a huwo hotohunik daŋ.

Eifak Hollum busuk ho botor ne ciaŋi ojo cieŋ a togoli do Noa hijo anyar lesiu te hibula. Eifahak Hollum busuha hatarik ojo botoro hatarik inne ciaŋi daŋ hijo anyar honyie lara a hibulucita. Ifa lowuana isieja do togoli, ette Hollum to kwan ŋaisienok ikat.

Ette hai hiterio san, san, san. Asa holoŋitek tomona tomona aŋwuan ojo hareijin tomona aŋwuan obe lowoita. Ete hifioŋ ŋarreu a hide ha fau. Ette hirro inna fau daŋ ŋaimuhohini ho doŋiok isagaha.

Hirro daŋ innafa lamanya da fau no lotte eyei, aracie huwo ojo ciaŋi innafa to togoli. Eiloita togoli de hide ette ŋaitihu hirro innafa to togoli daŋ obe loworori.

Ifa loweita hai, eiloita togoli de hide he hifioŋ yafajin miet. Do holoŋi inne eitiara hifioŋ ŋajurari a fau. Ifa far nabo oweita togoli de hide doŋe, ojo arasa hifioŋ ŋaitihok fau. Da halu ha yafajin wunik hinak ette doŋiok ŋalew.

Da halu ho hinak holoŋi tomona aŋwuan aŋaifahak Noa irigie eino hotto wolo kuya ottoi hifoŋ. Eiwarita irigie aini a de obe lorumu fau no lottoi ette itoro, hati obe lorumu nabo.

Da halu aŋaifahu Noa wollo, obe lorumu fau nabo no lotte, ette ŋacahari do Noa. Da halu he isabit eiyak ŋaifahak wollo, aŋino ŋayani sanai ne yiani no olif to hutuk. Adiori ifa hifioŋ ojo yani ofuti.

Eitila Noa isabit naboite ette, ŋaifahak wollo da far ne, aŋarumu mai otte te hitahunihi, enyai lottu. Otte ifa hifioŋ.

Da halu he yafajin arik, eijo Hollum do Noa, "Iyye ha woyo nohoi daŋ ojo ciaŋi anyar leibusak togoli iyane. To wuana ho durre ojo durre inno dure illo hoi ojo ifutak fau. "Niya aŋafanu Noa ha woyo no honyie a de to togoli.

Ifa laŋawoŋ Noa a de to togoli, ette irigie loboite illafa lara ijohiti. Omuno ifa Hollum hisorita inno Noa ette hijok Noa ha haŋ no honyie.

Eijo Hollum "Abe iso inyie einyejak ŋaterok toro na fau te hiyata te inne leigem huwo nafau te hirro inne leihumak hibula, amara hido huwo ahayak many to lodure."

Ette Hollum hati ŋaihumak hiterie ne leihilok hatara ihieriti innohonyie. Aholoŋi daŋ lojo leihilok leleu te ido eiso Hollum ŋagilu ŋaterok no honyie ho huwo illo honyie.

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