
لغات أو لهجات تخاطب فى بابانيوجينيا

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يوجد 1162 أسماء لغات

إظهار العناويين 301 إلى 400 من 1162

Gants [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [gao]

Gapa Group [Milne Bay] [pwg]

Gapapaiwa [Milne Bay] - ISO Language [pwg]

Garea & Gameta [Milne Bay] - ISO Language [gar]

Garus [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [gyb]

Gavak [Madang] - ISO Language [dmc]

Geglep [West New Britain] - ISO Language [mwg]

Ghayavi [Milne Bay] - ISO Language [bmk]

Gimi [West New Britain] - ISO Language [gip]

Gimi Group [Eastern Highlands] - ISO Language [gim]

Ginuman [Milne Bay] - ISO Language [gnm]

Gira [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [grg]

Girawa [Madang] - ISO Language [bbr]

Gitua [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [ggt]

Gizra [Western] - ISO Language [tof]

Gnau [Sandaun] - ISO Language [gnu]

Gobasi [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [goi]

Gogo [West New Britain]

Gogodala [Western] - ISO Language [ggw]

Golin [Chimbu] - ISO Language [gvf]

Golin: Keri [Papua New Guinea] [gvf]

Golin: Kia [Papua New Guinea] [gvf]

Gombologa [Eastern Highlands]

Goodenough, West [Milne Bay] - ISO Language [ddi]

Goodenough, West: Miufau [Milne Bay, Goodenough] [ddi]

Goodenough, West: Utalo [Milne Bay] [ddi]

Gorakor [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [goc]

Gorovu [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [grq]

Goto [Northern] [kpr]

Graged [Madang] - ISO Language [gdd]

Guhu-Samane [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [ghs]

Guhu-Samane: Kipu [Northern] [ghs]

Guhu-Samane: Sekare [Papua New Guinea] [ghs]

Guiarak [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [gka]

Gumalu [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [gmu]

Gumas [Milne Bay] - ISO Language [gvs]

Guramalum [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [grz]

Guraso [Sandaun] - ISO Language [grx]

Guyran & Moitu [Milne Bay] [gnm]

Gwahatike [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [dah]

Gweda [Milne Bay] - ISO Language [grw]

Hahon [North Solomons] - ISO Language [hah]

Haigwai [Milne Bay] - ISO Language [hgw]

Hako [North Solomons] - ISO Language [hao]

Halia [North Solomons] - ISO Language [hla]

Hamtai [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [hmt]

Hanga Hundi [East Sepik] - ISO Language [wos]

Heiyoho [Sandaun] - ISO Language [auk]

Hember Avu [Madang] - ISO Language [mmi]

Hermit [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [llf]

Hewa [Enga] - ISO Language [ham]

Hiri Motu [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [hmo]

Hop [Madang] - ISO Language [hob]

Hotec [Morobe] - ISO Language [hot]

Hoyahoya [Western] - ISO Language [hhy]

Hula [Central] - ISO Language [hul]

Hula: Karonai [Central] [hul]

Huli [Southern Highlands] - ISO Language [hui]

Humene [Central] - ISO Language [huf]

Hunjara-Kaina Ke [Northern] - ISO Language [hkk]

Hunjara-Kaina Ke: Hunjara [Northern] [hkk]

Iakaikeke [Milne Bay, Dogura] [ykk]

Iamalele [Milne Bay] - ISO Language [yml]

Iamalele: Gwabegwabe [Milne Bay] [yml]

Iatmul [Sandaun, East Sepik] - ISO Language [ian]

Ibawana/Kao Kao [Milne Bay] - ISO Language [klx]

Idi [Western] - ISO Language [idi]

Idio [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [mft]

Iduna [Milne Bay] - ISO Language [viv]

Iduna: Belebele & Kwayaudili [Milne Bay] [viv]

Iduna: Central Vivigani [Milne Bay] [viv]

Iduna: Idakamenai [Milne Bay] [viv]

Iduna: Mataita & Ufufu [Milne Bay] [viv]

Iduna: Waibula [Milne Bay] [viv]

Igana [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [igg]

Igom [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [igm]

Ikobi [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [meb]

Imbongu [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [imo]

Imonda [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [imn]

Inabu [Sandaun, East Sepik] [bjh]

Inapang [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [mzu]

Inoke [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [ino]

Ipiko [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [ipo]

Ipili [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [ipi]

Isabi [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [isa]

Isebe [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [igo]

Iteri [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [itr]

Iwal [Morobe] - ISO Language [kbm]

Iwam [Sandaun, East Sepik] - ISO Language [iwm]

Iwam, Sepik [Sandaun, East Sepik] - ISO Language [iws]

Jabem [Morobe] - ISO Language [jae]

Jilim [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [jil]

Joju [Northern]

Kaian [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [kct]

Kaiep [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [kbw]

Kaipi [Gulf] [oro]

Kairak [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [ckr]

Kakabai [Milne Bay] - ISO Language [kqf]

Kaki Ae [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [tbd]

Kala [Morobe] - ISO Language [kcl]

أخبار عن بابانيوجينيا

Global Recordings Network PNG - General information, articles, news and contact details about GRN Papua New Guinea.

40 Years Later - News from PNG - A mystery package arrives at our Sydney office

WiFi Bible Box in PNG - Christian Radio Missionary Fellowship uses WiFi to distribute audio Bibles and GRN recordings

Radio Partnership in Action - United Christian Broadcasters (Australia) and Radio Laif FM (PNG) broadcasting good news of salvation.

Languages of PNG - Alex Shaw (GRN AU) writes about the languages of PNG.

The Bariai of PNG, the Saber, and a Question - Read about the Bariai people of West New Britain Province in PNG and how GRN's Saber players are used in the field.

PNG: Using the Saber - Feedback from Papua New Guinea on the Saber player

Our Papua New Guinea Adventure - Kenny and Joan McKee talk about their thrilling two year assignment in the highlands of Papua New Guinea