
لغات أو لهجات تخاطب فى بابانيوجينيا

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يوجد 1162 أسماء لغات

إظهار العناويين 401 إلى 500 من 1162

Kalam Group [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [kmh]

Kalamo [Western] - ISO Language [kkc]

Kaliai-Kove [West New Britain] - ISO Language [khl]

Kalo Kalo [Milne Bay] [klx]

Kalou [Sandaun] - ISO Language [ywa]

Kaluli [Southern Highlands] - ISO Language [bco]

Kamano-Kafe [Eastern Highlands] - ISO Language [kbq]

Kamasa [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [klp]

Kamasau [Sandaun, East Sepik] - ISO Language [kms]

Kambaira [Eastern Highlands, Ukarumpa] - ISO Language [kyy]

Kamnam [Sandaun, East Sepik] [kmn]

Kamula [Western] - ISO Language [xla]

Kanasi [Milne Bay] - ISO Language [soq]

Kanasi Group (Lang. 1) [Milne Bay] - ISO Language [jma]

Kanasi Group (Lang. 2) [Milne Bay] [soq]

Kandas [New Ireland] - ISO Language [kqw]

Kandawo [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [gam]

Kaniet [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [ktk]

Kaningra [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [knr]

Kaninuwa [Milne Bay] - ISO Language [wat]

Kanite [Eastern Highlands] - ISO Language [kmu]

Kanja [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [pep]

Kap [Sandaun] - ISO Language [ykm]

Kapin [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [tbx]

Kapriman [East Sepik] - ISO Language [dju]

Kara [New Ireland] - ISO Language [leu]

Karami [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [xar]

Karaube [Madang] [kbx]

Karawa [Sandaun] - ISO Language [xrw]

Kare [Madang] - ISO Language [kmf]

Karema [Gulf] [njs]

Karnai [Morobe] - ISO Language [bbv]

Karobe [Eastern Highlands] [kbx]

Karore [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [xkx]

Karoto [Northern] [aai]

Kate [Morobe] - ISO Language [kmg]

Kaulong [West New Britain] - ISO Language [pss]

Kawacha [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [kcb]

Kayik [Sandaun] [wnp]

Keapara [Central] - ISO Language [khz]

Keapara: Alukuni [Central] [khz]

Keapara: Keakalo [Central] [khz]

Keapara: Makerupu [Central] [khz]

Kedzo [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [snp]

Kein [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [bmh]

Kenati [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [gat]

Kenedibi [Western] - ISO Language [knv]

Keoru-Ahia [Gulf] - ISO Language [xeu]

Kereaka [North Solomons] - ISO Language [kjx]

Kerewo [Gulf] - ISO Language [kxz]

Kerewo: Gibario [Gulf] [kxz]

Keveri [Milne Bay] [mgu]

Kewapi, East [Southern Highlands] - ISO Language [kjs]

Kewapi, West [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [kew]

Keyagana [Eastern Highlands] - ISO Language [kyg]

Keyagana Group [Eastern Highlands] [kyg]

Khehek [Manus] - ISO Language [tlx]

Kibiri [Gulf] - ISO Language [prm]

Kibiri: Porome [Gulf] [prm]

Kijakapi [Western Highlands]

Kilmeri [Sandaun] - ISO Language [kih]

Kinalakna [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [kco]

Kire [Madang] - ISO Language [geb]

Kiriwina Group [Milne Bay] - ISO Language [kij]

Kis [Sandaun, East Sepik] - ISO Language [kis]

Kiunum [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [wei]

Kiwai, Northeast [Madang] - ISO Language [kiw]

Kiwai, Northeast: Arigibi [Gulf] [kiw]

Kiwai, Northeast: Gibaio [Gulf] [kiw]

Kiwai, Northeast: Kope [Gulf] [kiw]

Kiwai, Northeast: Urama [Gulf] [kiw]

Kiwai, Southern [Western] - ISO Language [kjd]

Kiwai, Southern: Eastern Kiwai [Western] [kjd]

Kobon [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [kpw]

Kobuka [Madang] - ISO Language [urg]

Kodut, Middle [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [mpl]

Kodut, North [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [una]

Kodut, South [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [mcy]

Koiari [Central] - ISO Language [kpx]

Koiari, Grass [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [kbk]

Koitabu [Central] - ISO Language [kqi]

Koiwat [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [kxt]

Kol [Papua New Guinea] [East New Britain] - ISO Language [kol]

Koluwea & Sewa [Milne Bay] - ISO Language [sew]

Komba [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [kpf]

Kombio [Sandaun, East Sepik] - ISO Language [xbi]

Kombio: South [Papua New Guinea] [xbi]

Kombio: West-Central [Morobe] [xbi]

Kominimung [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [xoi]

Komutu [Morobe] - ISO Language [klt]

Konai [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [kxw]

Konomala [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [koa]

Kopar [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [xop]

Korafe: Northern [kpr]

Korafe-Yegha [Northern] - ISO Language [kpr]

Korafe-Yegha: Yegha [Northern] [kpr]

Korak [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [koz]

Koriki [Gulf] - ISO Language [iar]

Koromira [North Solomons] - ISO Language [kqj]

Koromira: Koianu [North Solomons] [kqj]

أخبار عن بابانيوجينيا

Global Recordings Network PNG - General information, articles, news and contact details about GRN Papua New Guinea.

40 Years Later - News from PNG - A mystery package arrives at our Sydney office

WiFi Bible Box in PNG - Christian Radio Missionary Fellowship uses WiFi to distribute audio Bibles and GRN recordings

Radio Partnership in Action - United Christian Broadcasters (Australia) and Radio Laif FM (PNG) broadcasting good news of salvation.

Languages of PNG - Alex Shaw (GRN AU) writes about the languages of PNG.

The Bariai of PNG, the Saber, and a Question - Read about the Bariai people of West New Britain Province in PNG and how GRN's Saber players are used in the field.

PNG: Using the Saber - Feedback from Papua New Guinea on the Saber player

Our Papua New Guinea Adventure - Kenny and Joan McKee talk about their thrilling two year assignment in the highlands of Papua New Guinea