
لغات أو لهجات تخاطب فى بابانيوجينيا

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يوجد 1162 أسماء لغات

إظهار العناويين 701 إلى 800 من 1162

Mwakai [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [mgt]

Mwatebu & Dalubia-Sawetaetae [Milne Bay] - ISO Language [mwa]

Nabak [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [naf]

Nafik [Morobe] - ISO Language [srf]

Nagatiman [Sandaun] - ISO Language [nce]

Nagovisi [North Solomons] [nco]

Nahu [Madang] - ISO Language [nca]

Nai [Sandaun] - ISO Language [bio]

Nakame [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [nib]

Nakanai [West New Britain] - ISO Language [nak]

Nakanai: Maututu [West New Britain] [nak]

Nake [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [nbk]

Nakwi [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [nax]

Nala [Central] - ISO Language [nrz]

Nali [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [nss]

Nalik [New Ireland] - ISO Language [nal]

Nama [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [nmx]

Nama: Papua New Guinea [Western] [ncm]

Namat [Western] - ISO Language [nkm]

Nambieb [Sandaun] - ISO Language [mty]

Nambo [Western] - ISO Language [ncm]

Namia [Sandaun] - ISO Language [nnm]

Namiae [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [nvm]

Namo [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [mxw]

Nankina [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [nnk]

Nanubae [East Sepik] - ISO Language [afk]

Napa [Morobe] [naf]

Narak [Western Highlands] - ISO Language [nac]

Nasioi [North Solomons] - ISO Language [nas]

Nasioi: Kongara [North Solomons] [nas]

Nawaru [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [nwr]

Ndrukul: Liap [Manus] [ktm]

Nehan [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [nsn]

Neherneh [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [ncn]

Nek [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [nif]

Nekgini [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [nkg]

Neko [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [nej]

Nema [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [gsn]

Neme [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [nex]

Nen [Bimadeben Village] [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [nqn]

Nend [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [anh]

Nete [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [net]

Ngaing [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [nnf]

Ngala [Sandaun, East Sepik] - ISO Language [nud]

Nii [Western Highlands] - ISO Language [nii]

Niksek [Sandaun, East Sepik] - ISO Language [gbe]

Nimo [Sandaun, East Sepik] - ISO Language [niw]

Nimoa: Saisai [Milne Bay] [nmw]

Ningera [Sandaun] - ISO Language [nby]

Ningerum [Western] [nxr]

Ningil [Sandaun] - ISO Language [niz]

Ninikani [Central] [mek]

Niwer Mil [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [hrc]

Nobonob [Madang] - ISO Language [gaw]

Nomane [Chimbu] - ISO Language [nof]

Nomane: Kewo-Meba [Chimbu] [nof]

Nomu [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [noh]

North Wahgi: Banz-Nondugl [Chimbu] [whg]

Notsi [New Ireland] - ISO Language [ncf]

Notu [Northern] - ISO Language [nou]

Novah [North Solomons]

Nuk [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [noc]

Nukeria [North Solomons] - ISO Language [nur]

Nuku [Sandaun] - ISO Language [nux]

Nukumanu [North Solomons] - ISO Language [nuq]

Numanggang [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [nop]

Numbami [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [sij]

Nyindrou [Manus] - ISO Language [lid]

Oganibi [Western]

Ogea [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [eri]

Okim [Madang]

Oksapmin [Sandaun] - ISO Language [opm]

Olko [Sandaun] - ISO Language [elk]

Olo [Sandaun] - ISO Language [ong]

Olo: Nengian & Pultalul [Sandaun] [ong]

Omaa [Milne Bay]

Ömie [Northern] - ISO Language [aom]

Ömie: Ihuaje [Northern] [aom]

Ömie: Juvaje [Northern] [aom]

One [Sandaun] - ISO Language [aun]

One, Inebu [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [oin]

One, Kabore [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [onk]

One, Kwamtim [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [okk]

One, Northenr: Wolwale [Sandaun] [onr]

One, Northern: Goiniri [Sandaun] [onr]

One, Northern: Romei-Barera [Sandaun] [onr]

One, Southern [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [osu]

Onjob [Northern] - ISO Language [onj]

Ono [Morobe] - ISO Language [ons]

Onobasulu [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [onn]

Ontenu [Eastern Highlands] - ISO Language [ont]

Opao [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [opo]

Orokaiva [Northern] - ISO Language [okv]

Orokolo [Gulf] - ISO Language [oro]

Ota [Southern Highlands] [akh]

Ouma [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [oum]

Oune [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [oue]

Owenia [Eastern Highlands] - ISO Language [wsr]

Owiniga [Sandaun, East Sepik] - ISO Language [owi]

Oyaoya [Milne Bay] - ISO Language [oyy]

أخبار عن بابانيوجينيا

Global Recordings Network PNG - General information, articles, news and contact details about GRN Papua New Guinea.

40 Years Later - News from PNG - A mystery package arrives at our Sydney office

WiFi Bible Box in PNG - Christian Radio Missionary Fellowship uses WiFi to distribute audio Bibles and GRN recordings

Radio Partnership in Action - United Christian Broadcasters (Australia) and Radio Laif FM (PNG) broadcasting good news of salvation.

Languages of PNG - Alex Shaw (GRN AU) writes about the languages of PNG.

The Bariai of PNG, the Saber, and a Question - Read about the Bariai people of West New Britain Province in PNG and how GRN's Saber players are used in the field.

PNG: Using the Saber - Feedback from Papua New Guinea on the Saber player

Our Papua New Guinea Adventure - Kenny and Joan McKee talk about their thrilling two year assignment in the highlands of Papua New Guinea