Financial Policy

Financial Policy

ఈ పేజీ ప్రస్తుతం తెలుగు లో అందుబాటులో లేదు.

It is the desire of GRN to glorify the Lord in all matters relating to finances, including how we obtain finances and how we administer funds. We truly believe that a trusting, prayerful heart is precious to the Lord. Equally important is integrity and accountability in handling funds.

GRN believes that God takes full financial responsibility for the work that He has given us to accomplish, and that He is the source for meeting all of our needs. Our responsibility is to seek His will and to pray in agreement with His will and then wait in joyful expectation that He will release all the finances needed for His will to be carried out.

GRN recognizes that God's people are the usual channels through which He supplies the needs of the work. Thus, we also have a responsibility to communicate with them through literature, meetings and personal contact in such a way that they will be adequately informed about the ministry, including a clear understanding of how they can participate.

We provide information without solicitation.

GRN materials are usually sold at subsidized prices, and grants are sometimes available. We do not want anyone restricted from receiving the gospel due to financial limitations.

సంబంధించిన సమాచారం

Donate to Global Recordings Network - Global Recordings Network is a non-profit missionary organisation, which operates primarily from the gifts of God's people.

How is GRN funded? - God is the source of all we need, and he uses various channels to supply our needs, especially the generous gifts of his people.