Look, Listen & Live 7

Look, Listen & Live 7

План-конспект: From Luke and John. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.

Номер текста: 424

Язык: Obo Manobo

Тема: Sin and Satan (Judgement, Sin, disobedience); Christ (Resurrection of Jesus, Son of God, Saviour of Sinful Men, Birth of Christ, Death of Christ, Life of Christ, Authority); Eternal life (Salvation, Eternal / everlasting life); Character of God (Grace and Mercy, Nature, character of God, Word of God (the Bible), Power of God / Jesus); Living as a Christian (Worship, Second Birth, Peace with God, Forgiveness, Faith, trust, believe in Jesus, Spiritual Life, Christian values); Life event (Death); Bible timeline (Gospel, Good News); Problems (Sickness, Problems, troubles, worries)

Aудитория: General

Стиль: Monolog

Жанр: Bible Stories & Teac

Цель: Teaching

Библейская цитата: Extensive

статус: Approved

Сценарии - это основные инструкции по переводу и записи на другие языки. Их следует при необходимости адаптировать, чтобы сделать понятными и актуальными для каждой культуры и языка. Некоторые используемые термины и концепции могут нуждаться в дополнительном пояснении или даже полностью замещаться или опускаться.

Текст программы



Friends, is the One called Jesus really the Son of God
(the One sent from God) who can give us everlasting life?
The miracles He did will show you it is true. Listen to the cassette.
Look at the next picture in the Pink book when you hear this sound. (Signal)

Picture 1. The Birth of Jesus

Picture 1. The Birth of Jesus

John 1:1-14; Luke 2; Colossians 1:16

Jesus was born in a stable in the land of Israel many years ago
but He was no ordinary baby. (He was a very important baby.)
His mother was a virgin (had never slept with any man).
Her name was Mary. His Father was the one true God!
Jesus was alive before He was born as a human baby.
He was with God in the beginning. Jesus created the world.
He gave spiritual life from God to the very first man.
However, all people have lost that spiritual life because they chose
to follow the ways of Satan and death, instead of God’s ways.
Jesus came to earth as a baby to reveal God to us,
and to show us how we can become children of God again. (Signal)

Picture 2. Jesus Turns Water into Wine

Picture 2. Jesus Turns Water into Wine

John 2:1-11

Jesus grew up and became a man.
One day He was at a wedding feast with His mother and His friends.
Mary knew that Jesus was the Son of God,
so when the wine ran out, she told Him about it.
Then she said to the servants,
“Do whatever He tells you.”
There were six large water jars nearby.
Jesus said to the servants,
“Fill the jars with water.”
They did.
Then He said,
“Now draw some out and take it to the master of the feast.”
The water had turned into the very best wine!
The friends of Jesus began to see that He had great power from God,
and they believed in Him. (Signal)

Picture 3. Jesus Speaks to Nicodemus

Picture 3. Jesus Speaks to Nicodemus

John 3:1-36

Nicodemus was an important teacher.
He heard that Jesus could work miracles. He knew Jesus must be from God.
So he went to Jesus one night to ask Him about God.
Jesus said to him,
“I tell you the truth,
no one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is born again.”
Nicodemus asked,
“How can a man be born when he is old?”
This is what Jesus told him.
When a baby is born from its mother, it has physical life.
A man must be born from the Spirit of God to have spiritual life.
Everyone who believes and obeys Jesus will be born again,
and live forever in the spirit.
But everyone who will not believe in Jesus, will have everlasting death. (Signal)

Picture 4. A Ruler Kneels before Jesus

Picture 4. A Ruler Kneels before Jesus

John 4:46-54

What would you do if your son was very sick?
This man walked a long way to find Jesus.
He was a very important ruler, but he begged Jesus saying,
“Sir, come before my child dies.”
Jesus replied,
“You may go. Your child will live.”
The man believed Jesus and went home.
While he was still on the way his servants met him.
They told him that his son was better.
At the very same time when Jesus said,
“Your son will live”.
the child was healed.
That man and all his family believed that Jesus was from God. (Signal)

Picture 5. The Sick Man at the Pool

Picture 5. The Sick Man at the Pool

John 5:1-47

In the city of Jerusalem was a pool.
The people believed that the water in the pool could heal the sick
at certain times. One man had been sick for 38 years.
Jesus saw him beside the pool and said,
“Do you want to get well?”
But the man replied,
“I have no one to help me into the pool.”
Then Jesus said,
“Get up! Pick up your mat and walk!”
At once the man was healed.
Some people were angry with Jesus
because He healed the sick man on God’s special holy day.
This was a day when the Jews stopped all work to worship God.
Jesus tried to show them that He was the Son of God.
He had the right to heal on God’s day.
But they did not want to believe in Him. (Signal)

Picture 6. Jesus Feeds 5000 People

Picture 6. Jesus Feeds 5000 People

John 6:1-15, 25-58

Many people heard that Jesus could heal the sick,
so one day a great crowd followed Him to a remote place.
Late in the day, Jesus said to His friends,
“Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?”
One friend said,
“Here is a boy with five small loaves of bread and
two fish, but how many people will that feed?”
Jesus made all the people sit down. He took the loaves and the fish.
He gave thanks to God, then He fed all those people with that bread
and fish, as much as they wanted. But Jesus said to the people,
“Do not work for food that spoils,
but for food that endures for everlasting life.
I am the Bread of Life. He who comes to Me will never hunger.” (Signal)

Picture 7. Jesus Walks on the Water

Picture 7. Jesus Walks on the Water

John 6:15-21

After Jesus had fed the people He told His friends to go home.
Jesus went away by Himself to pray to God.
The friends got into a boat to cross a great lake.
It was dark and a terrible storm came up on the lake.
Then Jesus came to them, walking on the water.
The men were terrified. They thought that Jesus was a spirit.
Jesus said to them,
“It is I; don’t be afraid.”
He got into the boat with them and immediately the storm ceased.
The friends saw again that Jesus had the Power of God. (Signal)

Picture 8. Jesus Heals a Blind Man

Picture 8. Jesus Heals a Blind Man

John 9:1-41

Once there was a man who had been blind from birth.
Jesus’ friends thought that blindness was a punishment from God.
But Jesus told them that this man was born blind for a special purpose,
so that they could see God’s power to heal him.
Jesus spat on the ground and made mud.
He put the mud on the blind man’s eyes.
Then Jesus said to him,
“Go and wash!”
The man went and washed, and came back seeing!
Friends, this man was physically blind.
But each one of us is spiritually blind; we cannot see the ways of God.
But Jesus said,
“I am the Light of the World.
He who follows Me will not walk in darkness,
but will have the light of life.” (Signal)

Picture 9. Jesus Calls Lazarus from Death

Picture 9. Jesus Calls Lazarus from Death

John 11:1-46

Jesus loved Lazarus and his two sisters (Mary and Martha).
Lazarus became sick, but Jesus did not go to him at once.
After several days, Jesus said to His friends,
“Lazarus is dead.
I am glad that I was not there; it will help you to believe on Me.
But let us go to him now.”
When Jesus came, Lazarus had been in the tomb four days.
The sisters were grieved because Jesus had not come to heal him.
But Jesus said,
“Your brother will rise again.”
He told the people to open the tomb.
Then He called out,
“Lazarus, come out!”
Lazarus came out still wrapped in the grave clothes.
Anyone who believes in Jesus will live forever,
even though his body dies. Do you believe this? (Signal)

Picture 10. Jesus Dies on the Cross

Picture 10. Jesus Dies on the Cross

John 18:1 - 19:42

Jesus proved (by the miracles He did) that He was God’s Son,
but the Jewish leaders were jealous. They wanted to kill Him.
Jesus told His friends that He must die
and afterwards He could send them His Spirit.
That was the only way that He could bring men and women back to God.
Judas, one of Jesus’ own followers, betrayed Him.
He accepted money from the Jews for telling them where Jesus was.
They came and arrested Jesus. Peter and the other friends ran away in fear.
The leaders could find no fault in Jesus,
but the Jews cried out,
“Crucify Him! Crucify Him!”
So men killed the perfect Son of God.
Two criminals died with Him. They were punished for their own crimes,
but Jesus died for your sins and my sins.
Jesus was God’s perfect (sinless) sacrifice for our sins. (Signal)

Picture 11. Mary and Jesus at the Tomb

Picture 11. Mary and Jesus at the Tomb

John 19:42 - 20:18

The dead body of Jesus was laid in a tomb.
A great stone was rolled over the entrance.
On the third day, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb.
The stone was rolled away and the body of Jesus was gone.
Mary began to cry. She bent down and looked into the tomb.
Two angels sat where the body of Jesus had been.
Then Jesus appeared and said to Mary,
“Who is it you are looking for?”
Mary thought He was the gardener. She asked Him for the body of Jesus.
Then Jesus said to her,
Immediately she saw that Jesus was alive!
He said to her,
“Go to my friends and tell them I am alive.”
Death could not hold the Son of the Living God! (Signal)

Picture 12. Jesus Appears to His Friends

Picture 12. Jesus Appears to His Friends

John 20:30 - 21:19

Before Jesus returned to Heaven, He worked another miracle.
One night the friends went fishing, but they caught nothing.
Just as morning came, a Man appeared on the shore.
He told them where to throw their nets so that they would catch many fish.
Then the friends realized that the Man was Jesus.
They brought all the fish to the shore.
Jesus had prepared some food for them.
After they had eaten He talked with them.
Peter had run away when Jesus was arrested
but now Jesus said to him,
“Follow Me.”
He told Peter to care for His people and to teach them about Himself.
Jesus wants all people to hear about His miracles
so that they can believe He is God’s Son.
Then they can follow Him too and receive everlasting life. (Music)

Introduction 2

Introduction 2

Friends, truly Jesus is the great Saviour (One who saves us).
He saves us from sin and evil, and He saves us for Everlasting Life.
Listen to these stories. Look at the next picture when you hear this sound. (Signal)

Picture 13. Jesus Teaches Two Friends

Picture 13. Jesus Teaches Two Friends

Luke 24:13-35

Many Jews hoped that Jesus would save them from their cruel Roman rulers.
But the rulers killed Jesus on a cross and their hope was gone.
Afterwards, two of Jesus’ friends were walking to their home.
Suddenly Jesus Himself appeared to them.
They thought He was a stranger so they told Him what had happened.
Then Jesus taught them from the Scriptures (God’s word).
Moses and all the teachers had written about Jesus many years before.
They wrote that He would suffer and die.
They also said that He would rise from death to rule in God’s Kingdom.
Suddenly the friends knew that the Scriptures were true!
The Stranger was Jesus Himself! He was alive again!
Let us also hear what Jesus Himself taught people when He was on earth. (Signal)

Picture 14. The Son Among the Pigs

Picture 14. The Son Among the Pigs

Luke 15:11-19

Jesus told a story about a man who had two sons.
The younger son said to his father,
“Give me my share of
the family property.”
So the father divided his property between the sons.
The younger son went away to a far country.
He wasted all the money in reckless living.
Then a great famine came to that land. The boy had nothing,
so a man sent him out to care for his pigs, as you see here.
The boy was so hungry that he wanted to eat the pigs’ food.
Then he began to think. His father’s servants had plenty of food.
He said to himself,
“I will go back to my Father and say,
‘Father, I have sinned against you...I am no longer worthy
to be your son, make me like one of your servants.’” (Signal)

Picture 15. The Lost Son Comes Home

Picture 15. The Lost Son Comes Home

Luke 15:20-32

The boy was returning to his father
but while he was still a great way off, his father saw him.
The father ran to meet him. He hugged the boy and kissed him.
He called for his servants to bring clothes and the best food.
And he said,
“Let us celebrate. This my son was dead and
he is alive again. He was lost and is found.”
Friends, Jesus taught us that God is like that father.
We are like the son who sinned against Him and went away.
But God still loves us. He longs for our return.
He wants to forgive us. Jesus came to save us from sin and death.
He is the way back to God the Father. (Signal)

Picture 16. The Wealth of a Rich Man

Picture 16. The Wealth of a Rich Man

Luke 12:13-34

Jesus told people this story. A rich man had very good crops.
He built big barns to store it all and he said to himself,
“You have all you need for many years.
Take life easy; eat, drink and enjoy yourself!”
But God said,
“You fool! This very night you will have to die.
Who will get all these things you have kept for yourself?”
Jesus said,
“Don’t be concerned about what you will eat and wear.
Instead, be concerned about pleasing God.”
Friends, it pleases God when we share with the poor.
God will provide all we need now and He will give us riches in Heaven too. (Signal)

Picture 17. The Beggar and the Rich Man

Picture 17. The Beggar and the Rich Man

Luke 16:19-31

Jesus told about another rich Jew who had everything he wanted.
He did not care about the beggar outside his house.
The poor beggar died.
He went to a wonderful place in Heaven.
There Abraham, the great ancestor of all Jews, cared for him.
When the rich man died, he went to the place of terrible suffering.
He called to Abraham to send the beggar to help him.
But Abraham said,
“Between us and you a great chasm has been fixed.
Those who want to go to you (from Heaven) cannot,
nor can anyone cross over from there to us (in Heaven).”
Friends, we must follow God’s ways in this life
(whether we are rich or poor), if we want to enter Heaven after death.
So believe on the Lord Jesus now and you will be saved. (Signal)

Picture 18. The Friend at the Door

Picture 18. The Friend at the Door

Luke 11:5-13

Once a man went to his friend at midnight and said,
“Friend, let me borrow some bread.
A traveller has just arrived at my house and I have no food for him.”
The friend was in bed with his children. He did not want to get up.
But the man was not ashamed to keep asking,
so the friend got up and gave him what he wanted.
Jesus said that we do not have to beg from God. He is our good Father.
He wants to give us His Spirit and to supply all our needs.
All we have to do is to keep asking Him in prayer. (Signal)

Picture 19. Two Men in God’s House

Picture 19. Two Men in God’s House

Luke 18:9-14

Does God hear anyone who comes to Him in prayer?
One man in this picture is very religious. He is also very proud.
He told God that he was better than other people,
but do you think that God was pleased with this man?
The other man was a tax collector. He stole people’s money.
He knew that he had not pleased God.
He beat his breast and he bowed his head in shame.
He prayed to God and said,
“God have mercy on me, a sinner!”
Jesus said that God heard this prayer. He forgave his sin.
For God opposes the proud but helps the humble in spirit. (Signal)

Picture 20. A Man Sows His Seed

Picture 20. A Man Sows His Seed

Luke 8:4-8

Jesus taught many people, saying,
“A farmer went out to sow his seed.
Some (seed) fell along the path and the birds ate it up.
Some fell on rock and when it came up,
the plants withered because they had no moisture.
Other seed fell among thorns which grew up with it and choked the plants.
Still other seed fell on good soil.
It came up and yielded a crop a hundred times more than was sown.”
Jesus said to the people,
“He who has ears, let him hear (and understand).”
Many heard this story, but they did not understand it.
Do you understand it? (Signal)

Picture 21. The Seed Grows

Picture 21. The Seed Grows

Luke 8:9-15

Jesus’ friends asked Him the meaning of the story, so He said,
“The seed is the Word of God.
Those along the path are the ones who hear,
then the devil comes and takes away the Word,
so that they may not believe and be saved.
Those on the rock receive the Word.
They believe for a while, but in time of testing they fall away.
The seed among thorns are choked by life’s worries and riches.
The good soil receives the Word, and produces a good crop.”
Friends, how will you hear and receive the Word of God?
Will you disobey it and be lost?
Or will you believe it and live to please God? (Signal)

Picture 22. Help for an Injured Man

Picture 22. Help for an Injured Man

Luke 10:25-37

How can we be sure that we are saved for everlasting life?
The Scriptures teach us that we must love God and love people too.
But who are the people we should love?
Jesus told a story about a man who travelled down a lonely road.
Some bandits attacked him. They stole all he had and left him almost dead.
Two very religious men came along.
They saw the injured man but they did not want to help him.
Then a foreigner came down the road.
He was sorry for the man. He bandaged the man’s wounds.
He put him on his own donkey and took him to a town for help.
Jesus said that if we love God,
we should show love to anyone who is in need. (Signal)

Picture 23. The House Owner Comes Home

Picture 23. The House Owner Comes Home

Luke 12:35-48

Do you remember that Jesus came alive again after His death?
Many people saw Him before He went up to Heaven.
He told them that He would come back again. He said that
we should be like men who are waiting for their master to return.
We do not know when Jesus will come back.
We should work for Him and be ready to welcome Him as soon as He arrives.
Then He will prepare a feast for us all. It will be a time of great joy.
(Jesus also said that those in charge of His servants must be ready.
If they run His household well and care for His servants
they will receive a great reward.
But if they beat the servants and get drunk,
their punishment will be very severe.) (Signal)

Picture 24. The Man up a Tree

Picture 24. The Man up a Tree

Luke 19:1-10

Jesus can save anyone. Listen to this.
Zacchaeus was a rich tax collector. He stole money from others.
He wanted to see Jesus, but he was very short and there was a great crowd.
So Zacchaeus climbed up a tree so he could see Jesus.
As Jesus passed by, He looked up and said,
“Zacchaeus come down. I must stay at your house to-day.”
The people were surprised. Zacchaeus was not a good man.
But Zacchaeus came down and welcomed Jesus gladly.
He told Jesus he would turn from evil and change his ways.
And Jesus said,
“To-day salvation has come to this house.”
For Jesus came to seek and to save anyone who is lost from God. (Music)

Схожая информация

Free downloads - Here you can find all the main GRN message scripts in several languages, plus pictures and other related materials, available for download.

"Look, Listen and Live" audio-visual - A set of 8 programs of 24 pictures each for evangelism and Christian teaching. The series presents Old Testament characters, the life of Jesus, and the young church.

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