Ukusindiswa [Salvation] - Зулу
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Номер программы: 66277
Продолжительность программы: 1:08:21
Название языка: Зулу
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An Induna named Zukuzi took his late brothers wife called Gabisile as his wife as tradition requires. Gabisile has a criple son. Zukuzi drinks a lot and abuses his late-brother’s wife. He threatend to kill Gabisile’s boy, Vusumusi. Vusumusi escapes and find a place to sleep in a abanded bakkie belonging to a Pastor. When the Pastor collects his bakkie the next day, he and his wife discovers Vusumusi in the bakkie. They took Vusumusi in and educate him. Vusumusi learns to read and after reading a lot from the Bible, he becomes a believer. In the mean time Zukuzi becomes seriously ill. Vusumusi and the Pastor decide to visit Vusumusi’s village to spread God’s word. They find Zukuzi very sick and take him to the hospital. The villagers believe in their ancestors and not in God. Zukuzi miraciously recovers and becomes a believer. He returns to his village a changed man. He confronts the Sangoma and the Sangoma is killed by lightning. All the villagers become believers and Zukuzi repents and accepts responsibility to look after Gabisile and Vusumusi. This video is distributed by GRN with the permission by Igoli Films and Mema Media.
Возможно, качество аудиозаписи не полностью соответствует стандартам. Мы надеемся, что ценность послания для слушающих будет важнее, чем некоторые неполадки. Поэтому мы хотели бы узнать Ваше мнение о данном материале.
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Эти записи предназначены для евангелизма и базового Библейского обучения, с целью донести евангельское послание людям с низким уровнем образования или не имеющим письменного языка, в особенности группам людей, которым Евангелие не проповедовалось.
Copyright © 1990 Igoli Films. This material may be freely copied for personal or local ministry use on condition that it is not modified, and it is not sold or bundled with other products which are sold.
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