The Way (M) - Swahili [Kenya]
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Bijbelpassages in audio van complete boeken van specifieke, erkende, vertaalde Schriftgedeelten met weinig of geen commentaar.
Programma nummer: 80876
Programma lengte: 56:42
Taalnaam: Swahili [Kenya]
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1. Introductie with Markus 1:15
2. Mary Engaged to Joseph, Mattheüs 1:18
3. The Angel and Mary, Lukas 1:30, 31
4. Mary Talked to the Angel, Lukas 1:34, 35
5. Mary Believed the Angel, Lukas 1:37, 38
6. Joseph Wondered about Marrying Mary, Mattheüs 1:19-25
7. They Went to Bethlehem; Jesus' Birth Lukas 2:1-20
8. Jesus in the Synagogue, from Lukas 4
9. from Lukas 8
10. from Lukas 9
11. Feeding of the Five Thousand
12. Lukas 4:31-37 Cast Out an Unclean Devil
13. from Mattheüs 5
14. from Sermon on the Mount
15. Love Your Enemies
16. Healing and Forgiveness of the Paralytic
17. Pharisee and the Publican
18. The Verloren Zoon, Lukas 15:11-28, 7
19. Repent, Lukas 5:31, 32
20. Please go to Part 2
21. Bible reference for Track 22; Instrumenteel music
22. Come Unto Me, Mattheüs 11:28
23. Johannes 6:37
24. Johannes 6:38
25. The Word and the Spirit of God
26. Johannes 1:1-3
27. Johannes 1:14
28. Johannes 1:18
29. Thoughts from Johannes 1
30. Johannes 1:4
31. Jesus the Light of the World
32. Johannes 8:12
33. Jesus the Good Shepherd
34. Jesus, Rejected
35. The Crucifixion
36. The Burial, Lukas 23:50-56
37. The Resurrection, Lukas 24:1-12
38. Road to Emmaus, and with Disciples Lukas 24:13-47
39. The Ascension, Lukas 24:50-51
40. Mattheüs 24:25
41. Mattheüs 24:27
42. Mattheüs 24:30, 31; 35-39
43. Mattheüs 24:44; 25:31-34
44. Conclusie Johannes 1:12, 14:6, Lukas 11:28
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