Djesuwalnydja Yäkuy Ŋuli Djuḻkmaram [Liederen for Spiritual Warfare] - Djambarrpuyngu

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Verschillende Muziek en onderwijsprogramma's, zoals de materialen van de Scripture Gift Mission.

Programma nummer: 80719
Programma lengte: 42:53
Taalnaam: Djambarrpuyngu

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Yiḏaki ga Hosanna! Hosanna!


1. Yiḏaki ga Hosanna! Hosanna!

Djesu Yäku Manymak Mirithirr [Blessed be the Name of the Lord]


2. Djesu Yäku Manymak Mirithirr [Blessed be the Name of the Lord]

Djesuwal Yäkuy [Efeziërs 6:10-12 / In The Name of Jesus]


3. Djesuwal Yäkuy [Efeziërs 6:10-12 / In The Name of Jesus]

Ŋayi Ŋunhi Garray [Efeziërs 6:13-17 / He is Lord]


4. Ŋayi Ŋunhi Garray [Efeziërs 6:13-17 / He is Lord]

Djesu Christtja Garray [Jesus Christ is Lord]


5. Djesu Christtja Garray [Jesus Christ is Lord]

Openbaring 5:5 / Thou Art Worthy / And I Beheld and I Heard


6. Openbaring 5:5 / Thou Art Worthy / And I Beheld and I Heard

Djesuwal Ŋuli Gulaŋdhu [Oh The Blood of Jesus / Romeinen 16:20]


7. Djesuwal Ŋuli Gulaŋdhu [Oh The Blood of Jesus / Romeinen 16:20]

The Lord Reigns


8. The Lord Reigns

Nhunum Ŋuwakurru Wäyin [Rev 1:17-18 / He Rose Again/Glory to the Lamb]


9. Nhunum Ŋuwakurru Wäyin [Rev 1:17-18 / He Rose Again/Glory to the Lamb]

Limurr Yäku Djesuny Yindikuman [1 Djon 5:1-5 / Extol the Name]


10. Limurr Yäku Djesuny Yindikuman [1 Djon 5:1-5 / Extol the Name]

1 Corinthiërs 15:54 / The Name of the Lord


11. 1 Corinthiërs 15:54 / The Name of the Lord

2 Timotheüs 1:10 / Break Satan's Power


12. 2 Timotheüs 1:10 / Break Satan's Power

Lukas 1:37 / 1 Djon 3:8 /There is Power, Power


13. Lukas 1:37 / 1 Djon 3:8 /There is Power, Power

Thou Art Worthy / And I Beheld and I Heard


14. Thou Art Worthy / And I Beheld and I Heard (English: Aboriginal)

Informatie over de opname

Songs for Spiritual Warfare

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