Yuṯa Manikay Mala '97 [New Liederen of 1997] - Djambarrpuyngu

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Verzameling van christelijke muziek of liederen.

Programma nummer: 80681
Programma lengte: 57:52
Taalnaam: Djambarrpuyngu

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Dharrwarpuy Manikay


1. Dharrwarpuy Manikay

Djesu Wäwa Bittja/ Ŋarrany Ga Djulŋithirr


2. Djesu Wäwa Bittja/ Ŋarrany Ga Djulŋithirr

Djesuny Yäku Manymak Mirrithirr [Blessed Be the Name of the Lord]


3. Djesuny Yäku Manymak Mirrithirr [Blessed Be the Name of the Lord]

God Garray Milkuŋ Napurruŋ Dhukarr


4. God Garray Milkuŋ Napurruŋ Dhukarr

I Surrender All


5. I Surrender All

Gukukku Manikay


6. Gukukku Manikay

Psalm 103


7. Psalm 103

Bulwunu Garrwarthirr Marrtji


8. Bulwunu Garrwarthirr Marrtji

Gapu Walŋamirr


9. Gapu Walŋamirr

Nhärin Garray [Burn, Lord Burn]


10. Nhärin Garray [Burn, Lord Burn]

Jesus Jesus Lord To Me


11. Jesus Jesus Lord To Me

God Garray Dhuwal Napurr Nhunany Ga


12. God Garray Dhuwal Napurr Nhunany Ga

God Mälu


13. God Mälu

Godku Mori'wu Walŋamirr Birrimbirr [God Is Moving]


14. Godku Mori'wu Walŋamirr Birrimbirr [God Is Moving] (Warramiri)

Walum Djaŋu Ŋuwakurru Yan [Harvest Time]


15. Walum Djaŋu Ŋuwakurru Yan [Harvest Time] (Warramiri)

Gapu Milŋurr


16. Gapu Milŋurr (Liyagawumirr)

Gapu Nhäŋal


17. Gapu Nhäŋal (Golumala)

Go Ŋalma


18. Go Ŋalma (Golumala)

Informatie over de opname

Darwin Songwriter's Workshop 97

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