생명의 말씀 - Marwari
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구원을 설명하고 기본적인 기독교 가르침을 제공하는 짧은 오디오 성경 이야기와 복음주의 메시지. 각 프로그램은 맞춤화되고 문화적으로 적절한 스크립트 선택이며 노래와 음악이 포함될 수 있습니다.
프로그램 번호: 9600
프로그램 길이: 3:45:29
언어 이름: Marwari
다운로드 및 구매하기

1. Bow and Worship the Lord (Gujarati)

2. Connection 1

3. Creation

4. Creation and Redemption

5. Connection 2

6. The Fall

7. Connection 3

8. You Came as Our Beloved (Sindhi: Dukslinu)

9. Who is the Perfect Guru? (Hindi)

10. Connection 4

11. The Incarnation (Hindi)

12. Connection 5

13. The Birth of Christ

14. Christmas 노래

15. Connection 6

16. The Life of Christ (Hindi)

17. Connection 7

18. The Parable of the Sower (Marwari: Jaisalmeri)

19. I’ve Found a Guru (Hindi)

20. Connection 8

21. Behold Jesus (Marwari: Jaisalmeri)

22. Connection 9

23. The Woman at the Well (Hindi)

24. Connection 10

25. The Woman at the Well

26. The Woman at the Well

27. Call on the Name of Jesus (Hindi)

28. Connection 11

29. The 중보기도 of Peter (Hindi)

30. The 탕자

31. The 탕자

32. A New Nature

33. Blessed Jesus Saviour (Sindhi: Dukslinu)

34. True Love

35. The Good Samaritan (Sindhi: Dukslinu)

36. What is a Christian?

37. Listen & Recognize Jesus

38. My Eyes are upon Jesus (Sindhi: Dukslinu)

39. From the Good Earth

40. We Cannot Describe Your Glory (Hindi)

41. The Man Born Blind

42. Lord, Be My Saviour (Hindi)

43. Connection 12

44. Healed By Jesus (Hindi)

45. My Heart Has Been Captured by Jesus! (Hindustani)

46. Joy in the Church

47. I Was Lost & Jesus Found Me (Hindi)

48. Power Over Evil Spirits

49. Our Heart is Attached to Jesus

50. My Faith is upon Jesus (Gujarati)

51. Connection 13

52. Lord, Hear My 중보기도 (Sindhi: Dukslinu)

53. Connection 14

54. The Raising of Lazarus

55. Have Mercy on Me (Hindustani)

56. Connection 20

57. Praise the Name of Jesus!

58. Peace or Fear (Marwari: Jaisalmeri)

59. Victory Over Satan (Gujarati: Koli)

60. Jesus Gives Peace (Urdu)
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