The Man Born Blind

The Man Born Blind

개요: Eloquent description of the healing of the blind man (John 9), his washing the clay from his eyes; the anger of the Pharisees; Jesus speaks to him. Belief and joy-- spiritual sight as well as physical.

스크립트 번호: 086

언어: English

주제: Sin and Satan (Light/Darkness); Christ (Son of God); Living as a Christian (Faith, trust, believe in Jesus)

청중: General

스타일: Monolog

장르: Bible Stories & Teac

목적: Evangelism

성경 인용: Extensive

지위: Approved

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스크립트 텍스트

Worshippers were still passing to and fro through the Temple gates. The morning was shining and warm; no wares were being sold in the streets, for today was the Sabbath.

In the lonely darkness that only the blind can know, a man, blind from his birth, was feeling his way toward the Temple. He stopped suddenly!! Someone nearby was saying, "Master, who sinned, that this man should be born blind?" Startled, he listened to the music in the voice that answered, "No one sinned, but he stands here that you might see the glory of God. I must work the works of Him that sent Me while it is day. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world."

The blind man felt gentle fingers touching his eyelids with soft clay. Astonished, he then heard the command, "Go to the pool of Siloam, and wash!" (Pause 5 sec. . .(Water sounds)

This was a new world!! The blind man had obeyed, and his eyes were open!! He could see the blue pool of Siloam, sky, clouds, trees -- and cobblestone streets he had felt before but had never seen, and at last the Temple, white and golden in the daylight - and the people! They were coming toward him, in every direction. Certain ones were asking, "Who are you? Who made you see?" Until, "Who? who?" was upon all lips. And the man heard a name, "Jesus." It was JESUS. Instantly, he sensed a conflict. Some hated Jesus. Others loved Him. But to those who questioned him, the man answered, "A man they called Jesus anointed my eyes and sent me to the pool of Siloam to wash, and now I see!"

Those who hated Jesus angrily pushed him outside the Temple, shouting, "Out with you! Away!!" (Pause 3 sec. -- crowds) The crowd dispersed instantly, and left the man standing alone not far from the temple. He stood in the light now, in abounding joy. His eyes could answer the daylight, as the strings of a harp answer the fingers of a musician. (Pause 3 sec. -- harp music)

A stranger passing by him stopped and asked, "Do you believe on the Son of God?" Startled, the man answered, "Who is He, sir, that I may?" Even as he asked, the once-blind man could see that this stranger was someone whom he knew. It was Jesus, Who answered, "You have both seen Him, and He it is that talks with you." Falling at the feet of Jesus, the man worshipped Him, saying, "Lord, I believe!!"

Then it was, that another kind of light flooded his soul - for his heart had answered "yes" to Jesus, just as his eyes had answered to the light of day!

"For God, Who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ."

Note: If too long, last paragraph may be omitted. John 9, II Cor. 4:6


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