: Arabic, North Levantine: Beiruti
: Arabic, Levantine [apc]
: Verified
: 6199
IETF Language Tag: apc-x-HIS06199
: 06199

Arabic Levantine North Beiruti - The Two Roads.mp3

Audio recordings available in Arabic, North Levantine: Beiruti

Recordings in related languages

Arabic, North Levantine: Beiruti

Jesus Film Project films - Arabic, Palestinian - (Jesus Film Project)
Lebanese Levant Shiite Film (film) (A man has a dream and tries to discover meaning) - (Create International)
Lebanese Levant Shiite Film (film) (Two women discuss Isa Al Masih) - (Create International)
Lebanese Levant Shiite Film (film) (Young woman seeks help from friend) - (Create International)
Renewal of All Things - Arabic - (WGS Ministries)
Study the Bible - (ThirdMill)
The Hope Video - Arabic ( العربية ) - (Mars Hill Productions)
Who is God? - Arabic - (Who Is God?)
طريق البِرّ - The Way of Righteousness - Arabic - (Rock International)
مَلِكُ المـَجْد - Arabic ( Lebanese ) - (Rock International)
مَلِكُ المـَجْد (King of Glory) - Lebanese Arabic - (Rock International)

Arabic: Beiruti
Arabic: N. Levantine Spoken
Lebanese-Syrian Arabic
Levantine Arabic
North Levantine Arabic
Sunni Beiruti Arabic
Syro-Lebanese Arabic


: Population by all countries, all dialects.

: 3,900,000

: 65